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Signed Up July 30, 2012
Last Posted May 5, 2023 at 3:41 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 ⋅⋅ 209
#7 Reverto Fragshow (feedback please) in TF2 General Discussion

thought the hud was pretty gross but i liked everything else about it

posted about 11 years ago
#321 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
ThePretenderMGE will not make you better except to develop good muscle memory initially. After a certain point it will cause you to have bad habits (ex.tunnel vision; too many direct/airshot attempts). I would say after you hit about 2000 elo in mge, you are just memorizing mge spawns, rocket spots, and ways to dance on the badlands crates which all are completely useless in a real game. It doesn't matter that you lost to a counter-jumping gay soldier; the point is to mge for no more than 30 minutes a day for warmup purposes only then go scrim. Don't get mad, any player whose opinion means anything would tell you that MGE literally doesn't matter at all and many invites don't mge.

do you just make shit up and hope that your writing is so bad that nobody finishes reading anyway?

theres a huge skill diffence between a 2000 and a 2200 soldier

invite players mge ( vs friends/other invite players) all the time, just not vs YOU

while mge doesnt matter, the skills you develop in it do and there are quite a few players who would literally still be in open save the dm they learned in mge

the whole point on mge is to work on shit like directs and hitting the hard shots

when you play basketball do you only go for layups?

sometimes you gotta hit that big 18 foot jumper dawggggggggggggg

please any new players considering playing mge disregard what this guy says, dont define your whole game by it but use what you learn in it to help out in scrims

posted about 11 years ago
#311 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

you should probably research the word moral before you use it

posted about 11 years ago
#299 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
yphthe amount of unwritten moral code in mge is laughable
would be a lot funner if people just didn't give a fuck and played to win, guess the middies must be hit though..

if only people played a training mod to be good at the training mod and not to actually work on skills that helped them in 6v6


also how is mge where the other guy prefires/spams/shotguns/hides the entire time fun

please explain

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Scout/Soldier LFT high Open/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

hes got monster dm on every class

if hes actually calmed down he's poised to tear it up with the right team

posted about 11 years ago
#24 What do you like in frag movies in TF2 General Discussion

ill just say shit i dont like

overused songs
smoothing/slowmoing everything
flares/dust/stupid shit on the lens
shaky camera just because you were too dumb to make anything else happening
oversyncing everything
"asdofuashdfouh productions"
third person pans of snipers/soldiers/demos before they headshot/airshot somebody
stv hitscan
no crosshair
clips against braindead players/pugs presented in a serious manner

honestly the only clip that i can think of that does any of these well is the one kingpin mad for lan ets


every other video thats 20 seconds of frags and 90 of filler/smooths/clouds/looking through whatever fence you can find on the map sucks

posted about 11 years ago
#22 demo tips with MightyMe in Mentoring

hey guys i came up with meatshot a week or so ago not sure if u knew

posted about 11 years ago
#13 LFT low-mid open, redman scout in Recruitment (looking for team)
cozenHe is a very wise, old man.

redman lft: dat ass
redman lft: wait
redman lft: fuck it
redman lft: yea
redman lft: dat ass
redman lft: haha
redman lft: shake dat ass
redman lft is now Offline.

posted about 11 years ago
#292 ESEA S15 NA Open Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

ur gettin dangerously close to crossing over to gotfrag blinky

turn back now

posted about 11 years ago
#10 IT'S COMING in TF2 General Discussion
ckaponvi hope your entire family dies in a car accident and i'm the one driving the carlast time i said something along those lines mana said he'd ban me if i did it again

probs bad idea

no you told a 13 year old to kill himself

theres a pretty big difference

posted about 11 years ago
#5 how to be the best sniper in TF2 General Discussion

i understand humor and sarcasm thoroughly and i have deemed this video to be an absolute piece of shit

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Lft Heavy/Medic/Soldier GOLD NA in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#7 is sc2 dying? in Esports

its definitely not getting any bigger, hots wasnt nearly as big of a hit as they wanted it to be

posted about 11 years ago
#27 ETF2L Metalworks One Night Cup in Events
KerchShould have put euroslayers in the highest bracket.


posted about 11 years ago
#17 Gauging Interest for an Idea in TF2 General Discussion
conductorI like the idea a lot, it would just be hard to get a decent number of teams to actually show up I imagine

with how many people i see pugging for 6 hours straight on fridays i think that we could at least get a 16 team bracket

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 ⋅⋅ 209