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Signed Up July 30, 2012
Last Posted May 5, 2023 at 3:41 PM
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#372 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion

well i woke up so i guess ill do the thing i did last season where i did all the rosterszz
i hope these one liners are ok with people i know some of us arent exactly homies just remember you can always remind me about how i got cut or are just in main or something

ricks team of mge allstars and people he thinks are good
scout aaaaaaaaant (fucking incredible wonderchild scoutman)
scout loronix (hes hot and hes cold)
roamer marmaduke (i mean hes good at spire)
demo rick (i mean hes ok at spire)
pocket darkstar (didnt he almost win open?)
medic miwo (good luck dude, strap in for a growing season)

theres a ton of raw talent and dm on this team but idk how long these rick-strats will keep working, some impressive scrim results recently though

grapes team of people who really wanted to play invite
scout ggglygy (he was good s7 right?)
scout steveC (hes not awful)
roamer mile (i think he can fly planes or something)
demo ranga (like 38 special but with pipes instead of stickies)
pocket grape (taking more heals than new orleans after katrina)
medic ninjanick (the fragile 2.0)

im not sure how this team gets led or is organized because the combo is pretty quiet but im sure the calls from the flank about how one scout took -8 and killed them both will fill up the dead time in mumble but hey theyve been roughtly competitive with the low/mid invite teams so the pieces are there just gotta figure out where they go

phraktures team of tryhards
scout jav (thrickster with marginally better dm)
scout nja (has sneakily been a huge part of every teams success that hes been on)
roamer sakura______ (comms a lot, dies more)
demo phrakture (killing-syndrome)
pocket ss (takes a ton of heals, does a ton of work dies a lot, calls a very slow deliberate game)
medic sparrow (sometimes is shade/fragile hard to kill other times has crespi-level dodging, good positioning)

i mean its 6 guys who play the game a lot and really want to play invite, i hate that this summary sounds like the last two teams but as far as scrim results theyve been competitive with pretty much every team outside of mixup/bp which is how every other team has been pretty much

6 cuties
scout bronze (hes going to have 185 hp every time you fight him and hes not going to miss so i hope you spent that time killing his team first)
scout snailboat (pretty good at scout better at sniper and spy)
roamer ricky (i hope hes gotten over that thing where he emos out and doesnt talk and costs his team matches)
demo pharoah (has done a lot demoing on a team where he gets a pretty weak slice of the heals)
pocket tonepot (can you please pick up ammo before you get ubered because i keep on watching you go into them with like 2 rockets)
medic sakura (not sure if youre gonna be able to micro everybody to the extent you need to this season, also gonna have to watch out for those two koth maps because i know you werent a fan)

another team thats got a lot of growing to do and varying amounts of dedication to do it with, pocket scouts are cool and all but youre gonna need soldiers who can carry their own weight to win more than 4/5 games in invite

knights of grillz
scout boogie (you were good at a long time ago but i know youve been grinding in mge so hopefully it pays off)
scout dennis (i think if you could win a scout 1v1 youd actually be towards the top of invite because your aim/sniper are really solid u jsut get a/d'd so hard when i watch you play)
roamer shootist (i mean hes amazing at spire, predictable as the mail everyhwere else)
demo ctrlfmuffin (i couldnt tell if your team was good s11 because of you or becuase you had 2 scouts who were better than everybody else and you got healsoaked by sandy but i really wanna see if you can do well in invite)
pocket sureshot (if youre back in old form thats a very good thing for this team, could be one of the top 3/4 pockets thsi season or better)
medic eldritch (same boat as miwo, gonna be a growing season)

im going to avoid using the term washed up because a lot of the older players on this team showed they still had it pretty good last season and ended up playing a lot better than i thought they would, but theyre going to have to up their hours if they want anything better than a 6-10 season due to class changes/new players

alfas team of invite ringers and pugstars
scout decimate (best pug scout in the game)
scout bdonski (2nd best pug scout in the game)
roamer maela (i mean hes good at spire, could be a top 2/3 roamer this season, could also emo out, quit and keep his team from getting to lan)
demo alfa (if the dude works on his mechanics and smooths out his kinks his demo dm is already insane and he could really have his breakout season and show people why he deserves to be on lan teams, idk if it will happen though)
pocket hero (og as fuck, good dm, needs to be microd)
medic smaka (gonna have a sore throat from how much talkin youre gonna have to do, uber management is getting better and dodging is good)

as far as lan-hopeful teams i think these guys are the favorites to clinch the 4th spot but its definitely not locked up, bdonski and decimate really need to use their mics and work on playing without baiting their team

watch this
scout clockwork (been doing it big for a while now, most dominant scout by far)
scout justin (please have a good season just this once)
roamer blaze (im not sure if the gf thing is still happening because youre a monster one scrim and you look like youve never played the map before the next, relic syndrome)
demo dummy (now that youre on a team with people that you can stand lets hope you have a good season too)
pocket milo (going to have a breakout season, just watch)
medic pure (if he gets back in to i46 shape this team will get very scary)

theres more than enough talent on this team to win lan, i just dont know how realistic of a goal that is with how hard some of these players have been slumping these past seasons. if egos are kept in check and scrim schedules are kept up these guys may be the ones dethroning banny

classic mixup
scout squiddder (did a ton of work last season, pretty heal heavy though)
scout enigma (has az been playing for you, carl? pick it up)
roamer tlr (the aim is still there but timing/jumping seems to be what hes struggling with)
demo seagull (the prodigal cannonball user, and i guess hes the best demo in the game right now? embarassing.)
pocket platinum (plat on pocket 2 seasons in a row is scary good)
medic harbleu (if he can keep himself from going on tilt and revert to s8/10 form is the big question)

i dont know what else to say about mixup, its a scary lineup full of experienced allstars whos only real competition is themselves and how much time they put in, theyve had teams capable of winning lan the past 2 seasons and work as well as a lack of scrimming/a lack of dedication by certain players/(roster changes???) have prevented that. everybody knows they can win, but should they?

team it
scout banny (maincalling heavy class demolisher heart of the team etc)
scout shrugger (still probably the most online player of all time)
roamer rr (likes to farm the damage, but definitely an improvement over tagg at least with how he played last season)
demo xalox (well grats, the best demo in na for the past 8 seasons thinks youre good enough to be his replacement, go huge)
pocket lansky (consitent dm and ubers, but what happens now that you dont have shade wizarding around behind you? so far the only thing thats gaining weight is his ego, eat something dude)
medic indust (rapidly approaching banny hours of tf2, lifer status)

they play the most, they pug the most, they mge the most, and for the last two seasons theyve been winning the most. banny on scout is interesting, but for how long and at what cost????? WILL THE THREEPEAT HAPPEN?

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Eagles LF Scout for Main in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#14 S15 Invite Poll Is Up in TF2 General Discussion

sakura what the fuck that picture is incredible

posted about 11 years ago
#27 TF2 Update 9/16/13 in TF2 General Discussion
mousiopewhy would u need more than 2 stickies on pubs ? its not needed

gotta go fast

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Deli Sandwiches in Off Topic

ok panzer so i wasnt sure if i was hungry before i entered this thread

thanks bud

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Looking!!! in Recruitment (looking for team)
aStarxxThanks Bubba lol, and "m" you started this whole talking down crap.

"also if im not mistaken being a duelmaster in shootmania is like being the best mge demo in tf2 in that it means absolutely nothing" -m

Now when you reach a top 10 rank in the world in any game that you play please come back and respond to my threads then.

bragging about being a top 10 rank in a game thats about as populated as north dakota isnt really impressive bud

but if you wanna go there im so giddy i get to finally brag about captaining the best l4d2 team in the game for half a year


shootmania isnt even listed while l4d2 still gets 10k players so im pretty sure if the game you claim to be amazing at makes l4d2 look like has the playerbase of dota 2 youre getting a bit delusional

i also played on a top 3 team in tf2 for a week or so in this game i think

please i implore you to prove me wrong and absolutely crush this game with your obviously savant-level aim and gamesense since which you displayed over your professional cs career (which you claim happened but cant be bothered to find any record of) or your success on the shootmania duel ladder (which i have tried to find any record of online for at least 4 minutes now and im pretty sure doesnt exist)

thanks for letting me bring up l4d2 though im really glad somebody finally gave me the chance


posted about 11 years ago
#48 $60 in TF2 General Discussion
MemphisVonflatlinei spent $5k building a huge pool in my backyard
Not to get off topic of bashing some random euro about $60, but what does a $5,000 pool look like?


more or less

posted about 11 years ago
#45 $60 in TF2 General Discussion

why do these ugc-steel lever euros feel the need to come and post on tftv as to why they think esea/america sucks

if only you guys had some forums that werent completely devoid of any activity of higher level players

oh well

for the record nearly every prem/div1/div2 player ive come in contact with has been pleasant and fun to talk to/play with

posted about 11 years ago
#25 TUNE IN NOW in TF2 General Discussion

50 reasons we shouldve played main

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Pop it or Drop it? Krits in TF2 General Discussion

unless im on a soldier and im confident in his ability to hit the guy on me with his next rocket its pretty much always better to just hold it and do 1080s with ur mouse

posted about 11 years ago
#67 ESEA S15 NA Main Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

so sometimes you hate playing against a guy so much you join his team just so you dont have to put up with his stupid flanks anymore

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Rap thread in Off Topic

new drake album is amazing jake

get it

posted about 11 years ago
#224 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

i remember my first beer

posted about 11 years ago
#63 How do you guys warm-up? in TF2 General Discussion

i do jumping jacks then i fight shadowbox my dogs while wearing my basketball jersey from my 8th grade church league teams and listening to enter the 36 chambers

it worked until the ag match so idk

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Looking!!! in Recruitment (looking for team)

damn only 3 posts to start talking down to people gl man youre gonna go far

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 ⋅⋅ 209