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Signed Up July 30, 2012
Last Posted May 5, 2023 at 3:41 PM
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#11 Looking!!! in Recruitment (looking for team)

also if im not mistaken being a duelmaster in shootmania is like being the best mge demo in tf2 in that it means absolutely nothing

if youre gonna boast about 1v1ing kids play quake or hots

posted about 11 years ago
#207 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

also if somebody is just mashing spacebar in ammomod you wait one more second than normal and you shoot them right when they land for ~100 and a perfect juggle

you can also just counter surf?!

idk surfing comes in handy a ton on roamer when i do the thing where i miss all my rockets and have to find a way out

posted about 11 years ago
#137 1v1 MGE Tourn. W/ Prizes! in TF2 General Discussion

plat grape and maela in the same bracket

r o f l

posted about 11 years ago
#142 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
crespiSaberi feel really shitty whenever i get taunted in mge, i mean, like, it's not like i'm there to get BETTER or anything, right? so thanks for making fun of my concerted effort to improve
I used to feel just like you. Honestly I did.

But at some point I my concerted effort nothing more than caring as little as possible when people do things like that. I knew thatif I didn't, I would eventually come to (or continue to) another angry mge asshole. I knew that I would just hate playing and would generally not have a good time when playing mge.

Too many times did someone on an alt play as gay as possible and taunt at the end when they beat me. I just decided to stop caring. Since then I've been much happier while playing, and to me, it's made a difference.

p sure i watched you flame somebody a few days ago on reddit mge who turned out to be an admin and he muted/gagged you for it

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Looking!!! in Recruitment (looking for team)



posted about 11 years ago
#133 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

baha i knew omar would know

posted about 11 years ago
#130 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
Hellbentmdamn nobody mentioned ww's alt

thats cool i guess

try again

posted about 11 years ago
#124 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

damn nobody mentioned ww's alt

thats cool i guess

posted about 11 years ago
#24 ESEA-O league fee????? in TF2 General Discussion
nerkulThey're still the same people who pulled the bitcoin crap, so there's no reason for ESEA scams to stop happening. Rapists don't stop raping, scammers don't stop scamming.

dont forget your tinfoil hat before you leave the house dude

posted about 11 years ago
#88 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

i think its happened 4/5 times now where somebody has shittalked on an alt in mge while aliased as somebody whos in the same mumble channel as me

i think that you should have to get premium tf2 to use ingame chat

or just disable saytext_time on mge servers

thatd actually probably be nice

posted about 11 years ago
#51 intrusive/fucked up thoughts in Off Topic
svfreyok I wasn't planning on posting in this thread again but I feel strangely compelled to defend my blind driving

1) I never do the driving thing if there's a car within 100 feet in front of me in my lane. "Moderate" was probably not the right descriptor there and "light" is the correct one. What I get for posting as I'm falling asleep I guess

2) I am a really *really* good driver. 100% pristine record and I live up in the northeast so year s of driving in snow has given me extremely good awareness and control. Theres no way I would even dream of driving with my eyes closed for more than a blink if I didn't have full confidence in myself to not drift over short periods of time.


posted about 11 years ago
#30 ESEA S15 NA IM Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

im playing games iwth 5 weabos i think

posted about 11 years ago
#60 ESEA S15 Unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
AllealPowerofTowerwhat was the reason for bonk being banned in 6s. Not saying it should be unbanned, just curious of the reason.
It's annoying. That's the only reason. Scouts do not gain any significant advantages for using it, it just deprives the enemy team of the occasional kill. It's one of those weapons that probably shouldn't be banned. Especially since we played multiple seasons with it and it was fine.

bahaha what the fuck are you tlaking about

its a free pass to get in chokes/ get out of a bad flank/ block other players/ check stickies

oh my god please go back and watch how many times scouts are able to do something amazing s8

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Am I Being Dumb? in TF2 General Discussion


this is kinda hard to back up because roamer is the most disposable class and you can get away with a lot of dumb shit becuase of how rjing with gunboats works + bombing people who arent looking at you is pretty easy

that being said roamers with really good rocket aim + a really good idea of when to fight are rare and i kinda feel like its been a few seasons since we saw a roamer really abuse how broken the class is

its still hard to argue because you dont get punished for deaths/mistakes on roamers nearly as badly as you do on other classes, so you kinda have to be a lot more on spot with positioning and dm on scout/combo

posted about 11 years ago
#77 1v1 MGE Tourn. W/ Prizes! in TF2 General Discussion

ill play

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 ⋅⋅ 209