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Signed Up August 8, 2017
Last Posted February 20, 2025 at 10:10 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 ⋅⋅ 104
#139 what's the inspiration behind your alias? in TF2 General Discussion

warning: nerd

i thought i was some leet hax0r so i wanted to call myself webmaster.

however, webmaster is an actual website job title so most sites don't allow it as a username for impersonation reasons.

so, i tried to think of alternative names. i decided to name myself master of all the .coms, because that's essentially all of the internet. i felt it would be fitting to shorten it to mastercoms for my username.

unfortunately, i was not aware of .tv so i'm afraid i'm powerless here

posted about 7 years ago
#34 Happy 10th Birthday TF2! in TF2 General Discussion

I've played TF2 since it went F2P and I loved every moment of playing it back then (and still do), so much so that I became a PC gamer after using an Xbox for so long and only because of how much I loved this game.

But I owe so much more than just my PC gaming habits to Team Fortress 2. TF2 was a masterpiece of game design and inspired me to learn more about how to create and code my own experiences for people to enjoy as much as I had enjoyed TF2. I don't think I'll be able to achieve something as great and with such a legacy, but I do appreciate the resources Valve has given to not only enjoy the games they make, but learn how they work in-depth and help make your own games and other software.

I know we're all waiting for a great update on the 10th anniversary and we're worried if Valve can deliver. However, I believe our very worry is a testament to how great and capable of a company Valve is. If Valve were a bad games studio, we wouldn't be here discussing it among ourselves, nor would we even be expecting another great free update from them after a decade.

It's amazing how far we have come, with Valve and through our own community alone. Here's to another 10 years. We have both the game and community to take us there, and I'm excited for the journey we have ahead of us.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 team fortress 2 turns 10 tomorrow guys in TF2 General Discussion

Blog post comes out. Some stuff about the anniversary. Then, at the end of the post, they say they don't have a date for the Pyro Update yet but they are working on it and it should come out soon. Valve then releases the Pyro Update an hour later.

Then they can say they were early with the update.

posted about 7 years ago
#495 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
zfnWith those performance optimizations you mentioned that dx9 has over dx8 - would any of those affect rocket jumping in any way?

Because I have tested your config on both DX8 and DX9, and dx9 feels a lot smoother and easier to jump with. It could be placebo, but I tried the same jump map on both dx levels, and I had an easier time completing the map on dx9. I do prefer the looks of dx8 though.

That's entirely possible.

posted about 7 years ago
#493 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
hyphenim confused as to what dxlevel override is, is it as simple as just just putting mat_dxlevel 95 in your config but with -dxlevel 81/running dxlevel 81 in your launch options or is it something else, also what does dxlevel override do performance-wise

You shouldn't have conflicting dxlevels for -dxlevel and mat_dxlevel, and I don't recommend using DX8 for performance reasons on anything except old cards. DX9 is a much more efficient renderer that takes advantage of hardware better and has a bunch of performance optimizations Valve has not ported to DX8. Though, I totally understand if you're using it because you like the look and feel of it.

The dxlevel overrides reduce particles more aggressively. They will be applied on dxlevel 80, 81, 90 and 95.

posted about 7 years ago
#491 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Tholei love you mastercoms

thank you so much for all your great work <3

i really don't know what to say, but this makes me so happy!!!!! thank youuuuuu soooo much <3 love you too

posted about 7 years ago
#489 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
zfnAlso will you be documenting every cvar in the game, even if they are not used in your config?

Sorry, I missed this question. I've been thinking about having in-depth explanations about CVars, commands and engine mechanics in TF2 on the mastercomfig wiki. However, I'm going to wait until after the next major update before I consider actually doing it.

BrimstoneThanks again,

If it turns out to be too much of a time sink to figure out, I can live without the shadows, at this point I'm just glad the game works.

classic tf2 tbh

Hm, maybe it is some memory allocation issue. Try r_flashlightdepthtexture 1 in addition to the commands listed before. Not sure if it will allow for bleeding shadows, though.

I've also released 4.4.7, quite possibly the most boring release of all time.

I'm anticipating the Pyro Update to come soon and for it to change things in terms of cvars and optimization, as every major update usually does, so I'm trying to refrain from doing bigger changes to my config until then.

The Pyro Update will probably result in a bigger update for my config and thus the release of 4.5.0, or if we get a new engine (volvo pls つ ._. ༽つ giff source 2), 5.0.0.

posted about 7 years ago
#487 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Thanks for the detailed report. I'll look into this, but it would help if you could share your dxdiag info (search for dxdiag, run it, then click the save all information button at the bottom.

amazoc(Q :: What would happen in cl_pred_optimize 0 ,Would it fail to obtain network data in these "client-server offline moments " and missaccurately represent the game status in each of these events causing jittery jerky gameplay ,how prediction would be delayed or affected?).
I guess it would be less resource intensive and could release some frames.

cl_pred_optimize doesn't affect if you predict or not, it controls how much prediction data you reuse if there's no new information from the server, even if the server sends you an update. If you have it at 0, it will repredict everything all over again, even if it has no new information from the server to change the prediction result. 1 will prevent repredictions when you don't get new server information, and 2, in addition to enabling 1, will also prevent repredictions on information that confirms your prediction had no errors. And no, setting this to 1 will not resynchronize with the server, because it only does that if you have errors, regardless of prediction optimizations. So in the cases where 2 would occur, it would not resynchronize if you had 2 off.

Also, I think you misunderstand prediction, and my bad for not fully explaining it earlier. It isn't used for when you lose connection to the server or anything, it is used so your player and weapons react instantly to your keyboard and mouse, and the resultant actions are smooth (like moving forward, your player will move forward smoothly instead of the increments you receive data from the server), because ping and server update rate will delay when you get new updates. And I should emphasize, this only affects your player, no one else.

amazocthe optimizations that takes place when frames are higher than updaterate(66) are way more accurate representations of current game than the optimizations that occur when client is not getting network packets from server and reusing recent packets as per pred_optimize 1 bcoz packets from frames in the 1st situation contain more legitimate positional info.

It isn't about accuracy, it is about repredicting with the same information again, which isn't very useful. So, the optimizations skip repredicting based on unchanged information.

amazocWhat I understand is that "no-errors" in cl_pred_optimize 2 means that the reused old packet with cl_pred_optimize 1 is considered to be in the range to be closely accurate to new data and accepted, skipping prediction and itself prediction resulting to be true as pointed , although still considered a bit innaccurate representation based on the reddit conversation. So what would happen if the last info is considered not-error free?I think in other words ,How repredicting works ? So following reddit post ,forcing to repredict even though its still fps expensive in order to get more "perfect-close position wise-" information might be acquired with cl_pred_optimized 1 ,but based on your cl_pred_optimized 2 statement it does what .._optimize 1 does and when server does send packets,I though cl_pred_optimized 2 was based as added condition where only situation the server does not send packets . Kinda confused.

Prediction optimization 1 and 2 are two different cases that don't happen together. 1 happens when the server doesn't give you new information about your player's position/state. 2 happens when it does give you new information about your player's position/state but it doesn't tell your client that its prediction was wrong. What I meant by 2 doing 1 is that when you have pred_optimize 2, it also enables pred_optimize 1.

What Mao-C said is wrong. Synchronization is not done with new data if there were no errors anyway. So, with cl_pred_optimize 1, you would be repredicting with the same data, if you had no errors.

If there are errors, prediction optimization does not apply and does not affect it.

posted about 7 years ago
#484 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
zfnThis command isn't in your config, but can you please explain what this does:
The default value is 2, but felix set it to 1 on his config, claiming better hit reg.

No, prediction doesn't really affect hitreg, it just increases the smoothness and responsiveness of what info you send to the server (like weapon firing and movement).

cl_pred_optimize 1 reuses prediction info from the last time your client predicted if the server didn't update you yet about what's going on.

cl_pred_optimize 2 does 1 and also something similar to 1 if the server gives you an update and the prediction turns out to be true.

Most of the time, these optimizations will happen most often when your frames are higher than your updaterate but can also happen when the server legitimately doesn't have anything to tell you about where you are or that you were wrong on a prediction.

my game crashes when i change these three settings and try to load certain maps like cp_coldfront

edit: actually something in the config now consistently crashes my game on map load
i deleted my custom folder, stuck the config in the way i had it before and the game continued to crash
edit2: i tried rolling back to other versions of this config, even tried a comanglia one, but to no avail. the game simply crashes to desktop with no error

Could you set con_logfile console.log and then share tf/console.log (after you crash)

and I assume you've tried the default config?

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Pixel 2 in Hardware
Firei dont see any reason to buy phones that cost this much, i dont use it for anything that would require this much performance.
idk what people use their phones for that theyd need it, maybe someone can tell me.

checking tftv

posted about 7 years ago
#481 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
amazocnvm and sorry for the mistaken question.

No problem and no need to feel bad about it. I appreciate your curiosity.

posted about 7 years ago
#479 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
amazocThere is a great number of variables targetted to debugging that can be altered w/o svcheats , soo.. they definetely none of them have negative side effects on frames in real time game execution on their enabled default values ?

Not sure what you're referring to. Could you give me an example?

posted about 7 years ago
#477 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
amazocIs not reasonable to lower these ? Actually they arent present in your "comfig"

No, because all 3 are useless and just used for debugging/testing. Rhapsody's comments are completely wrong.


Used for the envmap command to get a sample cubemap screenshot, except the value is ignored and set to 512.


Image size of the cubemap snapshot taken using the envmap command.


Size of the debugging texture for water, when using the debugging CVars mat_showwatertextures or mat_showcamerarendertarget.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 High quality textures on just weapons?? in Customization
driftanot sure about texture but you can get high quality weapon models with r_lod 0 and r_rootlod 0

just r_rootlod 0. r_lod should be -1. but lod also control the quality of other models like characters, rocks, buildings, etc

as for OP, there isn't a way to do that without modding probably

posted about 7 years ago
#475 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Included_MiddleBrimstoneWhat are the shadow settings necessary to see shadows through certain walls?
cl_blobbyshadows 0
and then obvious ones like r_shadows 1 and r_shadowmaxrendered not 0 etc.

edit: obviously fair warning cl_blobbyshadows 0 will let shadows bleed through walls but it also reduces fps fairly heavily.

Also, you should use r_shadowrendertotexture 1

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 ⋅⋅ 104