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Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 4:20 PM
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#86 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
oyeaban base jumper (doesnt belong in competitive)

shitty reason. besides, it got nerfed to the point where any decent player can predict the slow moving target; you can't spam it anymore, too.

ban GRU (arrows exist)


ban machina (no downgrade)
unban atomizer (very situational)

i can agree with these. machina is too strong and the atomizer is now fair to fight against now that its nature is predictable.

also why are people acting like the rescue ranger isnt broken still? you can still hide in spawn, repair your sentry from a far, get resup and do it all over again

why are people acting like it's that hard to counter this? either kill the engie or focus fire the sentry, use teamwork in team fortress 2. the rescue ranger can only heal so much, a demo and solly spamming that shit can still take it down in a heartbeat.

DarkNecrid-protobecause the dragons fury is fucking retarded
l don't know about you but I'd rather play against something that takes some semblance of aim than the current Flamethrowers where you can do full damage to multiple people while having a seizure with your mouse and have to deal with particles that get stuck to floors/walls and can burst you out of nowhere.

i really want to agree with this, but again, it feels worse to be fucked by this than a flame thrower atm. i know there's a bit more aim involved, but it's just too good and too random feeling (both by the user and the enemy). also, just look at this state:

TF2Deals +300% damage to burning players

that's fucking insane.

posted about 6 years ago
#84 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

i think everyone is overreacting; nobody is saying implement all broken weapons! there still needs to be a whitelist, but we should test nerfed items confirmed not to be game breaking (by b4nny standards at least) and see what can be implemented. everyone's acting like people wanna remove the whitelist entirely, just chill.

posted about 6 years ago
#78 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
syphB4nny fuck off with your accesibility bullshit. Gameplay shouldn't be sacrificed cause valve senpai might notice you. The goal isn't to have as many items as possible unbanned, it is to ban the objectively shit weapons for better gameplay.
I wish new players didn't have to be alienated from competitive tf2, but if pyro is broken, he should be banned. At least unban him mid-season if he gets fixed. But until then too bad valve is retarded.

i don't entirely agree with everything b4nny said, but the point isn't to get "noticed by valve," it's to try and start on the path towards competitive being a little bit more fluid with casual. i don't think we should unban broken weapons, and weapons that have been patched should be tested first (or just remain banned like the dragon's fury).

dunno how this purely "objective" post transitioned into banning a whole class; that sounds pretty subjective.

Doom1michael-ArguedOystermichael-no. no you can't. it's a stock weapon, a.k.a. the basis on what is and isn't overpowered.
If rockets did 300 damage, they would be overpowered. If it's significantly better than every other weapon in that category, it's overpowered. If the weapon elevates the class above every other, you can call it overpowered.
If Scattergun can't be overpowered, then Scout can't be overpowered.

but rockets don't do 300 damage? neither does the scattergun. the whole mechanic is risk/reward; if you aim your shots well, you do more damage (although not anywhere remotely close to 300). that's the point of a single shot mechanic. what is your point (especially with the 300 damage rockets "analogy")?

He is saying that scattergun is not the basis on which other scout weapons are decided to be overpowered or not. He is sayig the category in which a weapon is in decides that, which means that when you decide whether or not a weapon is overpowered you have to take into consideration all other weapons in it's category, not just the stock weapon. Which means a case that scattergun is overpowered could be made and argued for by some (they would argue other primary slot weapons and classes fall behind scout). He exaggurated 300 damage rockets and called them overpowered to illustrate a point that the weapon being stock doesn't make it balanced.

i get that to a degree; my main problem with that is the stock weapon is a stock weapon. the scattergun essentially represents what all other weapons are supposed to be a sidegrade to. i suppose i was wrong in saying this couldn't be argued though lol.

Raptor00XYou clearly stated that you don't think it's OP but it's different so it's supposed to be banned?

i think the main problem with it atm consists of two things: 1) the registration feels awful and inaccurate, and 2) that shit does tons of fucking damage. i feel like i'm getting obliterated constantly by it due to it's damage vs on fire enemies. not to mention, going back to the reg, it's not like landing direct pipes or something. it's way too easy and exploitable in it's current state.

don't get me wrong, though, i like pyro having a single shot option. it just needs tweaking.

posted about 6 years ago
#76 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
-protocyanics right, why are we bending over for valve when they’ve hardly even done the bare minimum for us such as fixing basic bugs, or supporting the competitive community in the slightest. they can barely even keep their game stable and functional, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to think they will change overnight because we’re allowing more weapons into play.

the upside to the whitelist is that it really doesn’t matter that much, the meta will always be mostly default weapons.

let's face it, though, the people working on this game are working on it solely because of their own passion. as far as i know, literally nobody could work on it due to valve's dumbass employee policies (i.e. choose where you want to work).

and of course it wouldn't change overnight, the game's over 10 years old. though, new players are always joining. jungle inferno almost cracked a peak of 100,000 players nearing the game's all time high. i'm just saying that being exclusive and off-putting by banning weapons that don't need banned is dumb.

though i agree, fuck the dragon's fury atm. i don't think broken weapons should be implemented, but there are some that deserve a shot post-patch. that's just my two cents in the matter.

posted about 6 years ago
#68 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
ArguedOystermichael-no. no you can't. it's a stock weapon, a.k.a. the basis on what is and isn't overpowered.
If rockets did 300 damage, they would be overpowered. If it's significantly better than every other weapon in that category, it's overpowered. If the weapon elevates the class above every other, you can call it overpowered.
If Scattergun can't be overpowered, then Scout can't be overpowered.

but rockets don't do 300 damage? neither does the scattergun. the whole mechanic is risk/reward; if you aim your shots well, you do more damage (although not anywhere remotely close to 300). that's the point of a single shot mechanic. what is your point (especially with the 300 damage rockets "analogy")?

posted about 6 years ago
#63 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
ArguedOysternopeb4nnythese items may simply be "overpowered" they have not proven to be game breaking and should not be banned:overpowered items should be banned that's literally the point of the whitelist
Crossbow is overpowered. Ubersaw is overpowered. You could even make the case that the Scattergun and Gunboats are overpowered.

no. no you can't. it's a stock weapon, a.k.a. the basis on what is and isn't overpowered.

posted about 6 years ago
#60 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
Cyanicaurahif the scene is to grow we have to find a middle ground with valve, this nostalgia doesn't help the scene in any way
i'm sorry but for how many years have we been "trying to find a middle ground with valve"? They've proven time and time again with every single update that they have no idea how the game should be balanced or what changes people actually want. We should be trying to grow our scene, but ruining it with ridiculous unlocks is not the way to do it.

this logic is pretty backwards imo.

the scene will ultimately grow with the attempted inclusion of more unlocks. in order to appeal to newcomers, you have to make the competitive format seem at least a little more native to the actual casual game. for example, look at cs:go; the competitive format itself is different from the casual game but there are no weapons banned. in no way am i saying the two games are comparable otherwise, but in order to achieve a wider appeal, moving towards a smaller, more inclusive whitelist is important. besides, valve has actually made a good amount of decent/well-crafted changes to a lot of the "op" and "broken" weapons out there.

i'm not sure what your "growth plan" for the scene is but moving forward in trying to find the "middle ground," as you say, seems like the best shot.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

anybody wanna buy a pro ks strange cow mangler

posted about 6 years ago
#1 happy birthday jimmy buffett in Off Topic

still can't believe they made a whole gift-giving holiday because of it!

happy 71st man

posted about 6 years ago
#34 new type of hacks? in TF2 General Discussion

this shit's ruining half my games at this point

been seeing a lot of max box bots lately; i guess the "el33t tee eff too haxx0r cumminity" is upset because a famous script kiddie decided to stop being a script kiddie.

either way, i don't see the fun in ruining peoples' good times. hope this shit gets resolved soon.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 ESEA Season 27 Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Veccwell guys, I didnt mean to start drama here but I saw boxcar at the store the other day and he literally just took a fucking bite out of a shelf. I tried to stop him but he fucking knocked my ass out dude, we have to do something about this guy

protip: don't fuck with a guy who can straight up take a bite out of a shelf

posted about 6 years ago
#44 What did you get for Christmas? in Off Topic

a hella nice multitool and comfy ass clothes, pretty much everything i wanted lol

posted about 6 years ago
#38 Who Is Your Favorite Minecraft Youtuber ? in Off Topic

Damn, somebody already said War. Guess I'll just go with my runner ups: Famine, Pestilence and Death.

posted about 6 years ago
#50 HL Pugs Open Beta in TF2 General Discussion
Exaflamer - Added more Kegaman Voice Lines


posted about 6 years ago
#15 Arekk's twitter? in TF2 General Discussion


pretty accurate reaction

posted about 6 years ago
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