WassermanhamahamThis is me, Wasserman. First, I'll tell you about a sniper rifle with a racist name. I bought it on the steam market with a pre-existing name. Because I didn't want to spend money on its name, I left it the same. I've never been a racist and I treat everyone the same.YeeHawhieven if he isn't cheating he sure is a racist with that sniper name of his so he deserves getting banned either way l0l
recently 'WassermanTF2' (steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/id/fuckingangelway/ ) a player with no ETF2L history and 5 logs from a few days ago ( http://logs.tf/profile/76561198846475207 ) added up to pugchamp eu and started playing pretty well.
unfortunately he's a cheater: https://youtu.be/iX-Qnlhfr8o?t=265
please ban him, he has already played 5 pugs and was added today. any server operators who are reading this, please ban him also (this was recorded on pandacommunity mge server #23) thanks
Now about the video. I watched this piece and I even remember this match. I don't see anything special here. in my opinion, you do not know how to identify good players from using otherworldly programs. it was a normal match for me. If you want proof, I can provide ALL my pub demos (about 100).
As for the history of my games on ETF2L, this is my smurf account. My main account (on it as well as on the secondary there is a ban on cs 1.6) https://steamcommunity.com/id/336485937 if that's not enough for you, I'm afraid I have nothing else to interest you in. Thank you for listening!
k if u ain cheating im still gonna ban u for the alt account :)