MankyIf only thing you can say to someone that has severe mental problem is some shit you should honestly fucking die.
I've been friends with milky since 2015 and we've dealt with shit we had together. He helped me out so much when i was still in high school, but whenever I hear about issues he has because of his mental state it just freaks me out that somebody would attack him based on that. Ever since I've known him his mental health has been worsening because of the shit he receives for it. I wouldn't go to details about it for milky's privacy sake. Often he would tell me that I'm his only friend and that makes me really sad, he's such a nice guy. I remember him telling me about state of tf2 community about all negativity and circlejerking and I'm so glad people are finally starting to realize that.
Giving someone actual advice to help overcome social anxiety isn't "talking shit." Going out and getting out of your comfort zone actually does help, and having a job to give structure and routine to your day works wonders on having depression. Seems like the only person in this thread talking shit is Milky himself.