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SteamID64 76561198055170290
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Signed Up February 16, 2021
Last Posted June 29, 2024 at 8:38 PM
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#31 RGL S15 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

picture gone - what was this

posted 6 months ago
#19 RGL S15 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

anybody know why puscrim died?

posted 7 months ago
#47 most poverty comp tf2 setups thread in TF2 General Discussion

scrimming on this next week


posted 8 months ago
#15 best pregame scrim theory in TF2 General Discussion

Seconding brody & SpaceCadet. I think that the best pregames are the ones where your team is slightly better than the opposing team. The benefit I often see by getting the "slightly better than them" type of pregames is that they give some of the clearest insights on what adjustments your team needs to make while also boosting everyone’s spirits a bit.

If your team gets vaporized by a way better team in the pregame, chances are that the opposing team exploited many different weaknesses simultaneously. Since there's not a lot of time to digest wtf happened, there's no way your team is going to fix all of it between the pregame and the official. This can lead to your team overcorrecting in the following game, e.g. playing too passively or too aggressively, abandoning legit strategies, etc. On the other end of the spectrum, if your team vaporizes a way worse team in the pregame, this can solidify bad habits and may not lead to any insights at all.

In short, pregames where your team goes, say, 5-3 are the Goldilocks. You get your warmup in, you get the nice confidence boost and you probably catch a couple of things that you could be doing better, too.

posted 10 months ago
#4 Chell lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

chell is a dedicated and strong player and I know very few people who commit as much time and effort to watching demos/getting advice as him

posted about 3 years ago
#32 Pokémon™ BDSP rahthread in Other Games
GrapeJuiceIII-affection is the dumbest mechanic of all time
+elite four has items and EVs/IVs n stuff thats pretty swag

These are the two factors that stuck out to me the most. Affection seems interesting in theory, but in execution it's basically an added luck factor that, on one hand, can make the game significantly easier, and on the other, can be irritating -- statuses can get randomly healed off of your Facade user, the Pokemon you're trying to sac ends up living an extra turn, etc.

Assuming you're not abusing healing items and are not super over-leveled, there are battles in this game that are actually pretty challenging. As a byproduct, the game has a very noticeable difficulty jump, since I don't think the random trainers got very many changes (if any at all), meaning I was one-shotting pretty much everyone until I ended up going against competitive sets with relevant held items.

I still like the game a lot. Pokemon has always been baby-level easy, and this is the first one that I can think of that provides a challenge that isn't locked away behind a Battle Tower/equivalent.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 TF2 LAN at Localhost Fullerton (Feb 12-13, 2022) in LAN Discussion

Assuming they stick to the ballpark numbers here, the cost to attend is really modest, especially considering the prize pool and setups on offer. Exciting stuff

posted about 3 years ago
#3 LFT jaekee adv in Recruitment (looking for team)

Jakey is a great player and very nice person. He's the kind of guy who will take criticism with a smile and actually apply whatever that critique was the next time you play with him. I would be trying to play with Jakey again next season if we didn't both want to play the same class.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 MogulSoap lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Very quick to improve & a good personality to be around. Strong gamesense and an earnest interest in learning more about the game. He is definitely main-ready on soldier and demo. Highly recommend.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 nk lft main medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump for season 8!

posted about 3 years ago
#6 Maxx LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Maxx is the soldier you want in clutch situations. I've known him for a few seasons now and he's always a fun person to play with. A good pickup for any playoff-level Main team.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 illya lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Good player who has a great mental. He's smart and has the DM to back it up; his rate of improvement is really impressive. I've been on a couple of teams with him and he's a great teammate.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 nk lft main medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

EDIT: Now lft season 8 as med! Want to win Main or play Adv.

Feel free to message me on Discord @nk#5388. I have availability weekday nights at regular scrim/match times.

RGL profile: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198055170290

posted about 3 years ago
#29 Monthly RGL Is Bad Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I'm a bit biased when it comes to this thread (Jacohi is a friend and teammate), but I think it's fair to point out that admins can look tough towards disallowed actions and be consistent while still being considerate to the circumstances of the situation. If we want to extend the analogy of sports, most fouls in most sports don't see the player get banned from the league; there exists penalties that reward the other team or give the player a warning, with repeated actions causing ejection or serious repercussions on the league side. The exception to this is if the player does something flagrant, which, as the POV and testimony demonstrates, there exists reasonable doubt towards.

In other words, I think a match overturn is reasonable. RGL has a system of warnings and a probation role that they can (and do) give to people, which puts them under close watch and gives them extended punishment for any rules broken. Nuking Jacohi before even looking at the POV/collecting evidence is not fair.

GrapeJuiceIIIwe seem to give RGL a lot of flack for "lack of consistency" when it comes to their punishments. but punishing someone sitting in spectate for wayyy too long is the only way to build that consistency. to not punish this incident would be an invitation to people to push the limits of how long they can sit in spectate (e.g. "hmmmm this guy sat in spec for 20 seconds and got away with it... surely i can sit in spec for 10 and get away with it too...")

If the match remains overturned, people would still be disincentivized to ghost from spec if that's the expected minimum response.

posted about 3 years ago
#36 if you could do anything comp-related to tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

give 6s a good, broad appeal documentary that causes a larger grassroots following

posted about 3 years ago
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