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SteamID64 76561198068972567
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:54353419
Country Canada
Signed Up August 27, 2015
Last Posted October 13, 2022 at 11:46 PM
Posts 132 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.3
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse viper v2 pro
Keyboard keychron q1 v1
Mousepad artisan ninja FX
Headphones 599se
Monitor alienware 2521hf
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#153 Overwatch HUD in Customization

Hi all,

Necroing this thread, back to beat a dead horse once again. I've updated the HUD to look like OW2 and fixed a bunch of ugly things and visual glitches.

Full image album:

- Updated majority of HUD elements to Overwatch 2's styling
- OW2 Health + ammo button styles, fonts, colours, item effect meters, menus updated to OW2's styling
- Still working on other menus (find a game menu, revising loadout/backpack panel soon, etc)
- Fixed an issue with hudanimations causing the round end scoreboard not being displayed properly
- Fixed an issue with the Contracker being overlapped by the Resume Game button
- Fixed an issue with the Huntsman item effect meter (2 appearing)
- Fixed 2D player model not being aligned properly when disguised as Spy
- Fixed Razorback label item effect meter getting cut off
- Fixed payload/cp icons not being preloaded in the menu, resulting in them going back to default in sv_pure servers
- Vaccinator hud is still a little wonky but is a bit more aligned with the styling
- Rage/sapper meter fixed

Still not happy with the find a game menu and a few other things, which I'll update over time. Just thought I'd push this out so the people that still want something like this can use it.

posted about 2 years ago
#13 collyhud in Customization

holy shit this is amazing man, the rank and the avatar display is so sick on the main menu

posted about 6 years ago
#32 HUD Creation Competition in TF2 General Discussion

do u have to make sure the HUD works with all resolutions? or is it like something u'd take points off for if the creator didn't add more than 16:9 resolution support

posted about 6 years ago
#147 Overwatch HUD in Customization

I updated this hud to jungle inferno. There's a lot of shit valve fucked up and now half of the menus I worked on are useless.

I am planning to add the friends list and levels later, but this is just so the people that want to use this HUD can use it until I find a workaround for a lot of these menus or Valve makes it easier to edit. Way too late on this update, sorry guys

Download Link


- had to get rid of "play" button, stuck the find a game up in the corner like default because I had no other choice. Made the top bar slimmer at least at the cost of cutting up the party slots
- Added back the contracts button
- Added new animations for the survey and xp bar (long overdue sorry)

Also because of the way the matchmaking dashboard clashes with the item pickup panel I'm not 100% sure the item pickup panel works. I've tested it a couple times and it's worked sometimes and just shit the bed completely sometimes. Post here if it doesn't work.

posted about 7 years ago
#108 mkHUD in Customization
puoi1Contracker doesn't work but thanks for fix.

oh shit i completely forgot to import the scripts folder from my copy of mkhud to the one on github. just fixed that my bad. should be fixed if you redownload

posted about 7 years ago
#106 mkHUD in Customization

updated for jungle inferno
- had to delete like half the menus i had. there's still some stuff i'm not happy with and i'll probably edit it but it works and looks decent enough
- adjusted accent colour to a brighter yellow (not sure abt this might change it)
- there's probably other changes i made but forgot about
- fixed post #104's problem with the neutra font displaying the wrong symbol font



posted about 7 years ago
#137 Overwatch HUD in Customization
avaiihnoff topic but how do i get the soldier viewmodel like it is in the screenshots with no right hand?
Like that

I used this

It doesn't work in sv_pure 2

posted about 8 years ago
#135 Overwatch HUD in Customization

Alright here's an update for the HUD.

Changelog- Removed 4:3/5:4 support. Ridicule me all you want, but I see no reason why I should have to edit a file over 3 times every single time I make a change to the original file. 16:10 support is staying, but 4:3 isn't going to happen. Use the older version of the HUD if you really want to use it in 4:3 resolution.
- Changed dx8 overrides to just override the blurfact VTF so I don't have to update multiple files every time I edit the HUD
- Adjusted a bunch of menus and changed the background
- Added a training and create server button. I don't know why so many people want this, but here you guys go.
- Added new animations/buttons from Scream Fortress '16 (I'm quite behind, I know)
- Added the Find a Game menu
- Added "create server" and "training" buttons
- Added class numbers for the disguise menu
- Changed loadout tabs to reflect the ones in Overwatch currently
- Added a bronze level border around the player, made it actually overlap the bottom half of the player model
- Adjusted scoreboard a little bit, changed the opacity of VS
- Adjusted colour of the timer
- Changed colour of the / between the clip ammo and reserve
- Edit some matchmaking elements
- Figure out how to get the Find a game menu's background to extend fully, and not get cut off near the end
- Fix motd

If you want the updated screenshots here:

Have fun

posted about 8 years ago
#6 what hud is this? in Customization

It's zhud. Though the original creator hasn't updated it in a while, you can grab an updated version from hypnotize's thread here:

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion
yttrium- The Competitive maps list has been updated
  • Added pl_badwater and ctf_turbine

Honestly kill me

posted about 8 years ago
#109 first time u played tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Irl friends got me to play, I joined a Minecraft trade server they were on immediately and played only engineer and sniper for 2-3 weeks on that map. I thought that was all there was to the game for a while.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Damage Indicators in HUD won't change in Customization

what N1ght said - in the info.vdf file it should say this:

"ui_version" "1"
posted about 8 years ago
#11 does corsair make good mice in Hardware

The only Corsair mouse I've owned was the Vengeance M90, and the scroll wheel became extremely buggy within 3 months - the scroll wheel would go up and down when I try to scroll in one direction. It doesn't seem like its a very uncommon issue either, because googling "vengeance m90 scroll wheel broken" is a common search suggestion. It's right click became insanely hard to press after 5 months. I would not recommend their mice, you'd probably be better off looking into the Logitech G series.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 quick! in The Dumpster

Of course it exists already

posted about 8 years ago
#15 quick! in The Dumpster

I would like to see someone do the same but with the "yeah" Drake says before 70% of his songs.

edit: shit ninja'd was responding to #12

posted about 8 years ago
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