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Signed Up August 22, 2013
Last Posted May 14, 2020 at 1:26 AM
Posts 394 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity .30
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Headphones Audiotechnica ATH M50
Monitor Asus VG248QE
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#2 Why no TF2 on TFTV? in Site Discussion

enigmadoes anyone actually use the tf2 tab?

might just axe that since it seems a bit redundant, especially now that streams playing tf2 have priority now on the main tab.
posted about 9 years ago
#36 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion

is anyone actually able to access the contracts? not sure if its broken from my hud or in general, because some people in a pub were saying they couldn't access the contracts either

posted about 9 years ago

hello to all my gorgeous gamers out there

posted about 9 years ago
#31 TSU's issues with the fall classic in TF2 General Discussion
ElepimpSheepylolYeah ash should feel ashamed tbh. Pretty sad that the only way for froyotech to win anything is to have their scout rate hacking,

i didn't see any rate hacking at i55 and esea playoffs. are you sure they need it to win?

its a joke dude

posted about 9 years ago
#34 RIP Mexico in Off Topic
PankeymanWhy can't countries I don't like get pwned by hurricanes? Mexicans are actually pretty cool. They don't deserve this.

You know exactly which countries I'm talking about boys.


posted about 9 years ago
#4 Mutagen [5CP] in Map Discussion

We played this map in new-new map pugs, if you're still interested in development i'll write something up on it as soon as i get the chance

posted about 9 years ago
#11 the cancer of this game in The Dumpster

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Why does aiming require so much warmup? in TF2 General Discussion

Thats definitely a good point, aiming is a lot more reaction/adjustment based as a skill whereas juggling is almost entirely memorized. Another thing that should be considered is the tolerance for error. Depending on your sensitivity, you might have a half-centimeter or less of tolerance to be roughly firing at your target, but when juggling you could be off center by as much as 4-5 centimeters and still be able to easily catch the ball.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Longer break inbetween rounds in TF2 General Discussion

I really like this idea for a number of reasons. first what you've described, letting the end of round act like a timeout for both teams to reflect on their strategy, and second for something that i've dreamed of for tf2 casts.

All sports have periods of time where they cut away from the game during a pause in the action to show highlights from the current game, and it seems to me that tf2 as a spectator sport could benefit tremendously from a feature like this. A longer pause between rounds could be just the window of downtime needed to throw some quick highlights up. Obviously a feature like this would take a considerable amount of development and would probably require a bigger casting team but its something to consider imo.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 How do I dodge rockets as a Scout? in TF2 General Discussion

save your second jump until after they fire the rocket, so that you can jump away from the direction they're shooting at

posted about 9 years ago
#11 tf2 invasion maps potential?? in Map Discussion

watergate, or player death as a gamemode in its current setup, doesn't work as a competitive gamemode because it is far too swingy. if one player dies and that player had all of the beers, then the momentum of the game does a complete 180 immediately. dont get me wrong, it's an awesome gamemode in a pub, but the mechanics of the game in a competitive format would lead to the team with the lead hiding in their base for fear of a swinging comeback

posted about 9 years ago
#101 rick and morty in Off Topic

yeah it's going to be miserable waiting for more episodes, i sort of hate them for leaving the season like this, at least the last season cliffhanger had a logical conclusion but this is completely up in the air

posted about 9 years ago
#5 - Pro Tip Series in TF2 General Discussion

yeah in line with what twiggy is saying, the mix on the mic is pretty weird, especially during the intro where there is a lot of noise in the background. production quality in general seems top notch though, definitely looking forward to more of these

posted about 9 years ago
#7 cp_drudgery - 5CP in Map Discussion

i havent had a chance to test this for balance but i've taken a good look around it from a general map design perspective and there are a few things i want to point out. it seems like you're fairly new to mapping just judging from the issues that i have with the map, so it would behoove you to poke around on tf2maps for a while, there are plenty of tutorials and guides aimed at a newer perspective, and a lot of stuff that you might have not considered yet

there are some pretty glaring issues with the map that it would be good to address before you get too far along into development. the first issue is that the map's features are really incredibly oversized, there are no small rooms, your doors are two or three times the size that they normally would be, the heights of your indoor areas are twice the size that normally should be. essentially every single opening on the map is the size of bigdoor on gully, which is really awful for creating chokepoints. the heights of a lot of your areas is too tall as well, you should really only have a height that you take fall damage from naturally in very rare specific situations. on this map though, if you jump off of the second point you'll take fall damage, if you walk off of the roof next to second you'll take fall damage, if you walk out of the window between second and last you'll take fall damage, if you walk off of the roof of mid you'll take fall damage, etc. again, this is a symptom of your maps features being so oversized and it's really bad for gameplay. just take a minute to consider how many points on each map you can think of where you could theoretically take fall damage without a jump, and the answer is almost always a very small number. If you need help with sizing your map correctly, this is the best place to check

my second issue from just a general design standpoint is that the map is incredibly simple, each area is essentially a box with 1 or 2 straight hallways connecting to each area. the mid is by far the most interesting point on the map, but even that is essentially just a rectangular box surrounded by another rectangular box. a tip for this is to just go to a normal map and outline the spaces of each point and consider how much strategy that offers, and try to incorporate those kinds of things into your own map

posted about 9 years ago
#12 How do I deal with anger and just pure "salt"? in Off Topic

it sounds like you have a legitimate anger management problem, more significant than just being mad at a video game because you lost

posted about 9 years ago
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