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Signed Up January 11, 2013
Last Posted December 14, 2016 at 10:35 PM
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#44 need name for rocket launcher in Off Topic

Uncle Noid's Nine Iron Nigger Knocker.

posted about 8 years ago
#32 invite scout push to talks in TF2 General Discussion

I had this crazy idea one day of using a driving wheel's accelerator pedal to talk. Since I'm poor and don't own one, I plugged in an old ps2 controller adapter and used joy2key to make the analog sticks configurable in mumble. So I press my foot down on the stick basically (that's on the floor!) and it toggles my ptt in mumble. Another, albeit crazy, option for you :D

posted about 8 years ago
#11 LF Mapper (new mge maps+other projects) in Map Discussion

I have a server with "new" mge maps. It's basically old ammomod maps I added mge spawns to. Pretty refreshing - there's a rtv in there too to rotate maps around. Oasis is actually pretty fun with mge because there's this small bit of water at the bottom you can use to super rocketjump to the moon.

If you wanna check it out, here ya go:

posted about 8 years ago
#6 LF Mapper (new mge maps+other projects) in Map Discussion
Fubarmaker of koth_product reporting in, I'll gladly collaborate towards a new mge map version, hit me up.

Make love to me.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 LF Mapper (new mge maps+other projects) in Map Discussion
dollarlayerAdd sunshine and metalworks mids. Throw out the old viaduct and put in the newer version.

also wtb spire2ez mge arena. holy heck that is pure funsies.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 LF Mapper (new mge maps+other projects) in Map Discussion

Tired of beta4b? I know I am.
Are there any mappers willing to start a brand new mge map with current competitive map arenas? I also have some other ideas for possible mge arenas/modes in addition to updating them.

holla atcha noid

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Doctor Assisted Vol. 2 in Videos

amazing. please make more!

also, holy shit @ this surf/dodge

posted about 8 years ago
#4710 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Based off Flame's mini scoreboard and Mannterface style - added a fresh respawn indicator/timer. Basically keeps track of anyone that has just spawned 9 seconds ago.

posted about 8 years ago
#236 in Projects

I can't connect to mumble. Pretty sure I hosed up my certificates because I thought that long string it gives you was an access token, so I put that in and now I'm getting the wrong certificate or password error. I did all the common resolutions to fix this and it's the only mumble I can't connect to. Is there an admin that can remove my access token from the server itself? Should be "thenoid".

posted about 8 years ago
#114 Changes for MatchMaking in TF2 General Discussion

My other quickfix had some serious problems. It had too many affixes. How about this trimmed down, simple version with the same ethics in mind:

Quick Fix
+150% heal rate when target is full hp
+Mirror speed/Mirror blast jumps
+Passive 8 hp/s regen to nearby teammates (this is less than dispensers, maybe a soft regen sound as you're near the med, heal radius is 2 player units from medic)
-no ubercharge

My idea behind this still is to teach new players how to play the ubercharge meta. e.g. It's the gun you're going to use when they have more than 40-50% uber advantage. The gun itself is going to teach new players what you should be doing when you have a huge disadvantage: staying alive, staying healthy, gaining positioning, and ultimately sending someone out for a force play.

My logic behind this weapon change is that we have 2 staples in our inventory to use in very specific situations: Medigun most of the time or Kritzkrieg if you have a sizeable advantage or same medic spawns. My Quick Fix fills the 3rd scenario: when you have a sizeable DISadvantage. I think most new players will probably either lose the round completely or just feed their entire team if they had sizeable disadvantage. Using this gun will not only give them a last chance but teach them what they should be doing in this scenario.

My vision is predicated on removing the stored ubercharge on dropped mediguns altogether. The way this is going to work is when your medic dies early, giving the other team a huge advantage in uber, you'll switch to quick fix to sort of rally your team. You'll use the crossbow to get your teammates up to 100% hp and the quickfix's semi crit heal overheals (150% is the equivalent of 60 hp/s, a full crit heal is 72 hp/s) to send your roamer or a scout to make a quick force/play on their medic or to just get picks for retaining a numbers advantage. When your team is able to rally and kill their med, you'll pick up his medigun and reset (you'll be at 0% when you pick it up like I said). I also decided to keep the mirror speed/blast jumps mechanic in because it'll be a more engaging way of using it to escape or go all in for the huge play.

posted about 9 years ago
#99 Changes for MatchMaking in TF2 General Discussion

This is the list of changes I emailed to Valve. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't. The recent crossbow hitsound change was in an email I sent a while back, so maybe there's hope.
Make TF2 great again.

My main goal in these few changes and updates is to essentially make sure the game is made more straight forward in competitive so it's not really necessary to sit there and grind youtube tutorials all day before you feel like you know what you're doing is right.

New "Quick"-Fix
(same heal rate/buff rate as regular medigun applies)
+25% ubercharge rate
+Passive 12 hp/s regen for nearby teammates (area is soldier banner radius)
-35% ubercharge duration
Quickfix uber will grant nearby teammates an additive 20% maximum HP bonus and boost passive nearby teammate regen to 24 hp/s (equivalent to single target hp/s) and grant +20% increased movespeed for a 6 second duration
e.g. soldiers will have total 360HP at full buff, scouts will have 222HP, etc.

Notes: This change will make the quickfix less of a cheesey annoyance and more of a utility choice in matchmaking simply by contributing to the natural flow of the 6s format: e.g. when the other team has uber advantage and your medic just respawned, your team generally wants to stay together, stay healthy, and take positioning or escape. This new quickfix will encourage that gameplay mechanic more naturally in the same way the pyro is rewarded +HP for extinguishing his teammates.

Competitive HUD Changes:

Your medic's uber (assuming there is going to be a classlimit of 1 at some point) should be displayed on the screen at all times. This contributes to the natural flow of the 6s format by having everyone on your team be on the same page, regardless of skill level, with the most important advantage your team can have: ubercharge.

Players alive/dead on both teams on main hud. The main difference between watching a TF2 pro vs a CSGO pro is the TF2 player is constantly toggling his scoreboard just to see the one thing every other game already has on the main hud: alive/dead players. Having it centralized on the main hud like csgo will make the 6s format a lot easier to adopt for newer players and make the game itself a lot more intuitive and faster paced.

The medigun healrate should be visually represented in the hud other than the combat text. The medic needs to know which patient has the higher healrate before clicking. Simplest implementation is using the pre-existing medic caller balloons and adding healrate animations for them. So pressing E isn't just calling for medic, it's actually giving your medic useful information. Along those lines, having the x-ray teammates on indefinitely while playing medic could be a helpful mechanic for making the 6s format easier to learn as a lot of newer medics will struggle to group up with their teammates who are just as unfamiliar with the 6s format as they are. Another alternative to that is incorporating it all into the E key - so when you press E, you're telling your medic a) what your heal rate is and b) where exactly you are on the map (assuming having xray on indefinitely proves to be problematic) This mechanic will make learning the healrate, a staple of any competitive TF2 medic main, a visual event in the game itself so even if you've never played medic before, you'll see a scout calling for medic with a big flashing teal or whatever color balloon and you'll instantly know to give him a quick buff or crit heal. Without this mechanic, a newer medic player simply won't see this as it's not information that is visually presented to the player.

Location labels on the main hud like csgo. This is another hud change that will make learning competitive TF2 a lot more intuitive. If the game has built in location callouts, you learn how to communicate with your team simply by playing the game and not watching hours of youtube tutorials or reading and hunting down TF2 competitive guides online.

One thing I've always wanted to see in TF2 that never made much sense how it was initially implemented was the z x c voiceover callouts - they don't really make much sense, even in a public server format. I mean do you ever actually tell an engineer "PUT A SENTRY HERE". It's all basically memes now because of how stupid and silly it is. It'd be AMAZING to have a full overhaul of the voiceovers for actual competitive callouts you would actually use in the 6s format. e.g. Push flank!, Medic down!, We have advantage!, Retreat!, Group up!, Push choke!, Back cap!, etc. Even if just to add the location callouts alongside your current voiceovers would be a step in the right direction in making them actually useful like in csgo. (aka pressing z 3, "Go Go Go!", shows your team your location in chat)

Warmup/Deathmatch mode - it would be pretty fun to have a true free-for-all deathmatch in TF2 much like CSGO has. The way friendly fire mechanics work currently in TF2 make this a big hastle so our current mods only allow team vs team deathmatch. If we could have a neutral color or simply a fully functioning friendly fire, it would make TF2 deathmatch a pretty big deal for warming up and practicing your aim/movement. You could combine this game mode with the arguably not so successful one, Mannpower, remove the grappling hooks and you're left with a Free For All Deathmatch with powerups.
posted about 9 years ago
#14 Solemn Vow Balance Proposal in TF2 General Discussion
BilbertnoidayBilbertnoidayOnd_kajaI agree, it's OP as fuck, let's buff it!That's why I'm making a post because I don't necessarily feel like it's balanced. But I think the addition of this reworked Solemn Vow could lead to better and more fast paced games for all levels of skill. How do you think it should be balanced then?Is it really OP as it is now? Seeing enemy player health isn't that big a bonus if you have good team comms.
Well I think at least in my iteration, it has more of a direct purpose. Instead of seeing all their targetid's, you just know the medic's uber. It would be like training wheels for lower skilled players and increase the pacing of the game itself for higher skilled players.
I think it's probably less op and more of that it alienates the skill cap. It's a pretty hefty change if implemented in this way, which is why I wanted to get all the feedback.
Hm. New players would benefit from it. But only if matchmaking is similar to current 6v6, which revolves around stalemates and Übers. The lack of whitelists and no classlimits may change the importance of advantages and disadvantages. Your new Solemn Vow would also lower the skill ceiling for Medics, as good Über tracking wouldn't be required anymore. Being able to see Übers would also completely destroy the Kritzkrieg as a surprise.

Ah, I didn't think about that - the kritz surprise. I guess it needs a bigger downside then. How bout the downside is if they run kritz, it makes your uber charge SLIGHTLY slower OR the solemn vow simply doesn't track a kritz unless one has been deployed previously. So you still keep the tactics in tact (tm) and retain all of the usefulness of tracking them.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Solemn Vow Balance Proposal in TF2 General Discussion
BilbertnoidayOnd_kajaI agree, it's OP as fuck, let's buff it!That's why I'm making a post because I don't necessarily feel like it's balanced. But I think the addition of this reworked Solemn Vow could lead to better and more fast paced games for all levels of skill. How do you think it should be balanced then?Is it really OP as it is now? Seeing enemy player health isn't that big a bonus if you have good team comms.

Well I think at least in my iteration, it has more of a direct purpose. Instead of seeing all their targetid's, you just know the medic's uber. It would be like training wheels for lower skilled players and increase the pacing of the game itself for higher skilled players.
I think it's probably less op and more of that it alienates the skill cap. It's a pretty hefty change if implemented in this way, which is why I wanted to get all the feedback.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Solemn Vow Balance Proposal in TF2 General Discussion
Ond_kajaI agree, it's OP as fuck, let's buff it!

That's why I'm making a post because I don't necessarily feel like it's balanced. But I think the addition of this reworked Solemn Vow could lead to better and more fast paced games for all levels of skill. How do you think it should be balanced then?

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Solemn Vow Balance Proposal in TF2 General Discussion
deetrAs awesome as this would be Valve balances for pubs where there isn't necessarily always 1 medic on each team


posted about 9 years ago
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