MR_SLINThey're more interested in rolling back competitive TF2 to it's early roots (6v6, no class limits, no weapon bans) and starting over from scratch than they are in quickly recreating the existing competitive game mode and dumping a ton of money into a potentially broken game. In order to do this they needed to create matchmaking, gather player data, and slowly rework the competitive ruleset. Rushing them through this process will not have a huge effect during this time (although Sigafoo will try to help push them along :D).
They're just going to keep slowly making changes and gauging community sentiment at each step of the way. The biggest, most crushing feedback that Valve got happened when they created matchmaking. The community was furious! Then they fixed a few things and people settled back down. I don't think you'll see people in an uproar that big again for a long time.
Then they're fucking idiots.
Listening to /r/tf2 won't get you a well balanced competitive mode, it will get you a broken mess of a game. Oh wait...