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Last Posted June 13, 2018 at 2:54 AM
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#29 What do you use to change weapons? in TF2 General Discussion

r - primary
2- secondary
q- melee

posted about 6 years ago
#4 OZF 19 W7: Jasmine Tea vs. no safeword in Events

no irony intended, i'm sure

posted about 6 years ago
#21 I need's professional opinion in TF2 General Discussion

that's the loudest "silent aimbot" i've ever seen lol

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Upgrading processor in Hardware

never change, setsul

posted about 6 years ago
#12 "Balance changes" opinions, June 2017 Survey in TF2 General Discussion

i cant answer the last question on the first page properly because the issue with the specialists is that they're too strong situationally and garbage the rest of the time

posted about 6 years ago
#38 Share some reddit gems from balance post in TF2 General Discussion
FUNKeIt may have been beneficial for valve to clarify that when they refer to "goals" and "problems" that they are within the context of competitive play, specifically 6s. I've made that mistake myself, on a video discussing the learning curve of TF2 i neglected to really articulate that it was in reference to competitive and a lot of people took that information as if it was universal. Though I'd be willing to guess it was their intention to talk about weapons in a more universal sense than I am (especially since they refer to players of all skill ranges)

they did clarify when the problems were specific to competitive play

most of the ones they listed are universal though, do you really think the dds hasn't always been cancerous in pubs as well? is critacola fun and balanced in pubs too? lol

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Limiting weapons rather than classes in TF2 General Discussion

demoknight is a garbage concept to begin with so reworking how our whitelists etc work just so you can play it is a massive waste of time

posted about 6 years ago
#180 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion

Mentioning equip rates and introducing more rng to the game both trigger me but on the whole these changes have a bunch of potential. I like how valve are basically officially telling us that the eviction notice is the baby gru -- while it's a bit lame to have two unlocks that do basically the same thing just to a different extent, this game has so many weapons that it doesn't really matter at this point. Some of these new mechanics are really cool ideas as well.

That said, the gru changes as I understand them will do nothing for their main issue, which is running heavy to mid. As long as you're aware of how long it takes for your health to regenerate and ensure you don't die before that time you can still use them to bring cancer to otherwise arguably the most fun fight of every round. The crit-a-cola changes are also potentially not a harsh enough nerf but it's still better than any of the previous iterations I can recall.

If these balance changes get released with hopefully a few tweaks along with proper matchmaking fixes this game might actually not be dead quite yet.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 Share some reddit gems from balance post in TF2 General Discussion

K so I know a lot of ppl arent going to see this but I just wanted to day that since I play spy and engine the most, this balance changes suck. First of all, I run YER(your eternal reward) with the dead ringer. Might seem like a wierd combo but it works for me, a lot. Disguising with the yer is nice more since you get to skip the pain of getting the first backstabbing but the cloak reduction is ridiculous. The dead ringer already has a reduction plus this is going to mean ur a dead man with no cloak. Like wtf is 2 seconds of cloak gonna do for u. The ltranger is the only primary that might save this load out but I have a strange prof kl diamond back dude. So yea. The nerf for dead ringer sucks even more. Now when my cloak gets TR triggered I'm gonna be running to a metal source only to realise that that's not how it works anymore out of habit and then to a wm1 pyro. Shit.

posted about 6 years ago
#27 i61 5-a-side Sesh in Off Topic

going by the thread title I thought this was another sigafoo-esque cancer idea... thank goodness

posted about 6 years ago
#17 RGL is actually a thing... in TF2 General Discussion
DarkNecridknsumeAs dumb as it is that we have "transitional" formats this was in fact the entire purpose of highlander in its original conception..
highlander was tried as a format before 6s was even decided as the main competitive format for tf2. like it existed as the same time that people were trying 5s/6s/7s/8s back in 2007. in no way was the "entire purpose of Highlander in its original conception" to be a transitional format. it's just a decent avenue at that and became one once the ETF2L Highlander Challenge happened and UGC exploded in popularity in Season 6. there's been plenty of people in ESEA for awhile now that got their start in Highlander so it's done a pretty okay job at it.

hl's ability to transition people in the past was damaged by dudes that tried to make people who play hl feel bad for it as if that's gonna sway them over to 6s. surprise that just makes people want to not play 6s. (this is u right now)

this is why initiatives like newbie mixes are very important to support because they are the correct more positive way to ensure that transition happens more often. it turns out if you're kind and inviting to people to try the way you have fun, they're more likely to actually try it.

if hl/4s/prolander/whatever all actually died out those players still aren't going to transition for the most part without some impetus to do so, and that's stuff like people being friendly and doing things like newbie mixes. most players who play 6s (incl. myself) get into it through chill community events or making friends and doing it together which gives them that impetus.

the only thing that creates and ensures a divide is posts like yours tbh

yeah yeah it's 6s players fault for telling people their garbage gamemode with garbage classes is garbage and not the idiots who go around spouting shit about how good engineer is for the game

posted about 6 years ago
#6 LF Overwatch buddies in Other Games

no one goes to to find people to queue with and if they do it's gm+ players

posted about 6 years ago
#19 IGN top 10 FPS games ever in Off Topic
SpaceCadetnope but tf2 was original
How was/is TF2 original?

Team Fortress came out in the 90's, the same exact classes are used in TF2 today. No classes have been added or deleted since that time.

The only thing TF2 made is fucking hats for everyone.

i hope you're fucking kidding
the team fortress series is incredibly original -- there were no other games even slightly like it until last year

posted about 7 years ago
#14 IGN top 10 FPS games ever in Off Topic
SpaceCadetIn what universe is TF2 ahead of Quake? TF2 has no legacy even close to Quake.
Instantly disqualified as an accurate ranking list.

don't forget that the biggest selling fps of 2016 is a direct descendant of tf2; sure quake's older and has inspired more stuff but tf2 was original, amazingly good for 10 years plus and has the potential to end up with an even greater legacy than quake

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Help test new FACEIT beta in TF2 General Discussion
VulcanCan you prevent people with more than 120 ping from joining American faceits?

this is always a terrible idea but even more so when multiple regions still don't have servers

posted about 7 years ago
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