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Last Posted December 4, 2020 at 12:18 AM
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#118 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster
MarxistShittalk and conflict is absolutely great for creating a narrative that forces the viewer to become invested in one competitor over another.

If rando's binds upset you maybe it gave you a reason to care about froyo moreso than you otherwise would have? That's why I was so willing to comment on it throughout the cast. When both teams are more or less unknown quantities (due to not streaming or posting much - of course b4nny is a BIG exception here) it's sometimes difficult for passive observers to really find a reason to care about the different competitors they're watching. Rando played the heel well.

I went into making this thread with a completely different mindset about BM. After reading this thread and seeing the very polarized opinions, this is by far the one I agree with the most, and the one that changed my mind. I know how much more I wanted Froyo to win when Rando started bind spamming. It did make me genuinely more interested in the match.

Didn't expect this thread to get this much attention. But I'm glad we got an actual discussion out of it, and my opinion definately did change.


-SalBRK. Sad to see a vet tf2 pro be such a dick to the entire Froyo team.

Hahaha. That's actually awesome you posted that.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster
Lyreixthe problem isn't really rando going for jabs at something as low as e-relationships around an FPS community but players actually letting it get to them instead of just muting the player when the option to do so is right there imo

still pretty sad stuff but what can you do lmao

True. Still sad that Rando isn't even being funny anymore. He just spams the same bind over and over again. Its not even shit talk, just annoying BM

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster

Yeah but rando is ass blasting phorofor more than b4nny. I always knew b4nny had an ego. But whats wrong with the other current froyo teams

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster

Rando's BM is just making RONIN look bad.
Look bad as in morals. Obv they are looking real good as far as skill. Sad to see a vet tf2 pro be such a dick to the entire Froyo team.

Please tell me froyo did something to deserve it and its not just complete BM

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Memory Issues in Hardware

Thank you for all the help, Setsul. Your commitment to threads never cease to amaze me.

I will be sure to post an update when I get my new ram (I'll probably just get two sticks cause if corsair is as bad as it seems to be currently. ) Might be a few weeks cause I procrastinate, and I'm living that teenage lifestyle if living minwage part time job paycheck to paycheck due to poor financial choices by purchasing unneeded desires FeelsBadMan

posted about 8 years ago
#4610 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

Since my razer krackens make the sound incredibly loud, in order to edit I made the sound super low. Forgot to up it before rendering. Adjust your sound if you'd like. Its quiet throughout the entire video. My bad.

*I may add, the editing is really bad. This was my first frag video using lawena, sony vegas, vdub all that. It's pretty bad.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Mack Daddy Monastery LFP Scout, Demo OPEN in Recruitment (looking for players)

found a demo and scout

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Game Theory Tf2 vs OW Deadlock in Videos

OW Gets consistent, passionate dev support, and good communication. Thats all they have that we don't.
Either way. Comparing these two games is idiotic. It's like comparing World of Warcraft to runescape.. same genre, completely different game

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Memory Issues in Hardware

Corsair Veangeance 4gb x2
as for specifics. I believe its DDR3 (I am clueless when it comes to specs)
Took a pic of the back hoping this helps

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Memory Issues in Hardware
SetsulThere's only one thing left to do now: If you haven't tested both sticks in the same slot try the one that produced errors in the slot that you used for the one that passed without errors. That rules out the slot itself.

Yeah, I tested both of them in the same slot. So I know its not the slot.

SetsulBut at this point I'm pretty sure that one stick is just broken.
That's actually good news since now you know what's been causing the problems and it's even the cheapest to replace out of all things that could've been broken.

Perhaps this information doesn't matter. Earlier on in the year I went and bought the EXACT same brand new ram, and tested it. Same thing happened. Either stick in by itself, and everything was smooth. Two sticks in at once, and I would get windows memory diagnostics errors.

I understand that memtest is more accurate than windows mem diag tool is, but why would it give me 0 errors on the windwos diag for both sticks,same slot,one at a time, but errors when both were sticks were in at the same time..?

SetsulAnyway I'm assuming since you didn't do test 3 your CPU wasn't overclocked?

I could try that also, but I have never tampered with my CPU settings. So unless a program or something (don't even know if a program can do this) screwed around with my bios, my CPU is at stock settings already. I do believe it is overclocked, but came that way as stock settings

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Memory Issues in Hardware

Sorry for taking a few days to get back to you. Ran both tests over two days. I do really appreciate the help, Setsul

Anyways, here are the results from memtest from stick 1 and 2

SetsulWhy do you want to upgrade anyway? You know an i7 won't do anything for games.

Well, after doing more research, and trusting you. You are right. I've just seen/heard that tf2 and other source engine games were CPU intensive, so I figured a i7 would be better. Turns out it doesn't make near any impact.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Giving out Faceit beta codes in TF2 General Discussion

I believe the Faceit has re-opened invitations. So keep sending out invites!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Could TFTV Add a LFS sub forum? in TF2 General Discussion

Make a sub forume for the TFTV community to search for scrims? Since this is one of the most active TF2 websites, it'd be really useful.

EDIT: Nuke this thread if you want. Going to put it in site discussion sub forum, where it belongs

EDIT 2: People are saying the discord. Which I was unaware about. So thank you for pointing out there is one.
For those who may wants the link:

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Interested in getting back into comp.. in TF2 General Discussion

This is what I needed. You got me. Can't say no to the team now 8)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Interested in getting back into comp.. in TF2 General Discussion


So, after almost a year since playing ESEA-O for the greatness team, and playing on an Overwatch team, my desire to return to the competitive community has come back.I am no longer playing Overwatch and I'm interested in playing ESEA-O more than ever, especially with this season bringing so many new players to the scene (with help from the newbie mix team drive:

I have 2 or 3 friends who I want to start a team with, but I'll need to pickup some players I am not familiar with. Whats holding me back? Work. I love my job. I only work 2 days a week (I'm in high school still) and one of the two days I work is during the Tuesday ESEA matches, and Friday nights aswell. My parents are also divorced, and although they are not strict with a schedule and I can pretty much be wherever I want whenever I want, there are still some days which I want to spend time with family, rather than play an online video game.

I am fully aware that ESEA lets you reschedule your matches for other nights. And I'm fully aware that we don't need to scrim every night all night. But I don't want to start a team and then let it die, disappointing my teammates. I also don't want myself and teammates to pay for a season, and have to forfeit some Tuesday matches b/c I was at work and the other team wouldn't allow a reschedule.

I would like to play ESEA this fall, more than ever. But I just don't want to let people down. -Any words that can inspire me to commit, and start this team?

posted about 8 years ago
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