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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up August 4, 2012
Last Posted October 20, 2016 at 9:02 AM
Posts 417 (0.1 per day)
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#6 monohud in Customization

Is it just me or is the health slightly off center? Looks like it's just a few pixels lower than the center of the cross.

Really gorgeous hud though, great stuff.

posted about 8 years ago
#263 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumwait a minute

inb4 the 3 month gun mettle campaign is their solution to coming up with initial matchmaking ranks


Am I crazy or does this actually make some sense? I mean, matchmaking feels like it's probably not that close, but maybe after another campaign or two.

Gunbladeall of these skins look like someone dipped the guns in melting (3 flavors in 1 tub) icecream and let it dry. vomit.

Yeah, I think most people are in agreement with this. There are some really great looking ones (imo all of the RLs other than the gaudy camo ones look incredible) but basically anything with a bright, neon looking color scheme or splotches of paint looks pretty shitty.

posted about 8 years ago
#228 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
Mapleobe_I'm keeping mine in case they revert/tweak the nerf because the Black Box was perfect balanced as it was. I honestly have to wonder why they changed it to begin with.
Over the last month or so reddit became convinced that Black Box was one of the most overpowered weapons in the game, on the same tier as LnL and BFB. Their problem with the Box was that mainly centered around the fact that you could gain a decent amount of health if the enemy team is super clustered together. In a pub environment where people don't know how to aim (and so can't kill the solly before he has the chance to reload) and clump together like morons, apparently that's a huge issue.

Ah. I don't really visit tf2 related subreddits so thanks for explaining a potential "cause". Not all user feedback is good feedback unfortunately, so if that's really what convinced valve that the BB is a problem then that's a shame. Yeah though, if the "issue" they were attempting to address was that you could get like 45 hp from across the map by spamming the cart then I think it's safe to say they went a little overboard trying to fix it. Hopefully they revise the fix, but until then, at least they buffed the airstrike and LL so it could be fun to toy around with those in the meantime.

posted about 8 years ago
#220 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
16jacobjI'm fucking pissed about the black box, way to ruin a good if possibly slightly weak sidegrade. Honestly, what's wrong with rewarding splashing multiple players??

I don't think they'll keep this change. At least, I hope they don't.

That nerf coupled with the LL and Airstrike buffs (plus the stock rl getting those dank skins) just makes the thing completely worthless in comparison. Something like LL + Conch is gonna be significantly superior to something like BB + Gunboats or even BB + Conch. What is that, 5 rockets at 85 base and increased speed vs 3 rockets at 100 base and normal speed? No brainer. Thing is, I think the "health gain is relative to damage dealt" thing is acceptable, but capping it at 20 regardless of how many enemies you splash is the most ridiculous thing. It's like they're trying to nerf long range spam rewarding more health than is "fair" (who ever complained about it being unfair though?) but instead of picking either "cap health gain" or "make health gain relative to distance" they did both so now it's just shit.

They should remove the -25% clip size penalty and maybe add a slight damage penalty (something equivalent to the LL's damage penalty perhaps? 5 rockets at 85 base vs 4 rockets at 85 base which heal is reasonable). If they're gonna totally cripple what makes the Black Box good, then they might as well tone down the cons while they're at it and just make it middling as fuck. I'd really prefer they just increase the potential cap to 30 or something, or just revert this change entirely.

I'm keeping mine in case they revert/tweak the nerf because the Black Box was perfect balanced as it was. I honestly have to wonder why they changed it to begin with.

posted about 8 years ago
#79 tf2 memories in TF2 General Discussion



some of my favorites. i miss tyreezy.

honorable mention to b4nny singing

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Ratz Instagib on sale! in Other Games
Medusaobe_Xonotic doesn't seem to have a game mode like that from what I'm reading.Yes, yes it does. Furthermore, ~90% of the xonotic community does almost exclusively play instagib.

Ah, gotcha. Searched high and low and couldn't find a word about it. If so many people play it, why isn't it mentioned at all on the website?

Anyway, a good portion of the appeal could very well be something as simple as aesthetic appeal; Ratz is really nice to look and has a unique style at whereas Xonotic looks pretty run of the mill and dull. I'm sure you don't really care about that or take it into consideration but a lot of people do.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Ratz Instagib on sale! in Other Games
percyjackson44Can you guys justifiy getting this game over Warsow or Xonotic. Two free games that already have multiple developers and players. Warsow is greenlit and the devs are working hard to get the game to a 1.0 release for Steam. So what makes this game any better than those 2?

It's not really fair to compare them. Ratz Instagib is exactly what the title implies: instant death. It's just a simple rail shooter; no complicated movement, no weapon swapping, no memorizing item placement. Just point and click. It's more mindless and simple. If there are populated game mode in Warsow or Xonotic that are just instagib then I could understand why you're confused, but last time I played Warsow that wasn't an option and Xonotic doesn't seem to have a game mode like that from what I'm reading.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Ratz Instagib on sale! in Other Games

Reminder of summer sale etiquette: if the sale lasts until the 22nd, wait until the 21st. You may catch this on a flash/daily sale for even cheaper. Not extremely likely since this isn't a particularly big title, but it could happen.

Great game though, don't pass it up and take advantage of the 50% off if nothing better crops up.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 RIP Sir Christopher Lee. in Off Topic

i don't think he died, i think he just decided he was done living and peaced out. his life is seriously the textbook definition of living life to the fullest.

posted about 8 years ago
#107 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

seems like there are some balance issues and the quickplay matchmaking is basically garbage. my friend and i hopped into our first match together and were up against a team with 3 level 7s, a level 6, and a level 5. our team was just us at level 1, a level 3, and two level 4s. i voted to scramble and the opposite team called us shit and expressed how surprised they were that it was "day one and the babies are already here". one of the level 7s was that rhino guy i think, because i remember dying to a minigun over and over in less than a second.

can't see this game going anywhere unless they fix balance issues and the poor matchmaking because, bad community aside, it's the most discouraging thing about this game

posted about 9 years ago
#39 musicians? in Off Topic

i have rudimentary talent in a bunch of instruments (guitar, ukulele, piano, melodica, harmonica, ocarina, and trumpet are ones i practice the most) but i don't really excel in any of them. i have a short attention span. it works out okay though because none of my as-of-yet unreleased songs are all that complicated or difficult to perform so my rudimentary talents are always put to work. the only "instrument" i've bothered to seriously practice in is my voice, if that even counts

posted about 9 years ago
#18 A browser game that you cant beat in Off Topic

i'm reading all of these people saying it's easy and i'm so annoyed. this shit's impossible, you all shopped your pics, no fucking way

e: i did it nvm sorry for calling you guys liars

posted about 9 years ago
#63 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games
downpour[*] his "right click" is just a straight shooting orb, doesnt home just goes where your aiming
[*] he has a purple orb that either works on a cooldown or after a certain amount of regular orbs are firing that homes on targets near the cursor (might actually home on targets hit by the regular orb), looks to "Steal health"
[*] he has a yellow orb that heals allies, might heal based on how much health you have stolen using purple orbs
[*] and he has a charge up that collects 5 orbs and fires them in quick succession
[*] his ultimate causes him to take no damage and stops projectiles and enemies from passing by him within a certain AOE, although he still takes knockback

this isnt difficult guys
but his ultimate makes like no sense with the rest of his kit :DDD

ugh whatever listing is hard

Yeah, I don't understand what people are so confused about. A lot of his kit seemed awfully straight forward.

And anyway, why is everyone surprised that you aren't getting the entire picture right off of the bat? We're watching gameplay of a hero that we've never seen gameplay of (and I'm guessing this is the first time many people in this thread have seem raw gameplay of this game, period), so of course we don't know precisely what's happening at all times. What, did you start playing TF2 and immediately know every weapon of every class, how to use those weapons properly, how to rocket/sticky jump, etc. etc.? I'm sure if I invited a friend over who's never seen or played TF2 in his life, he'd be awfully confused and have a lot of questions.

I'm not even interested in this game at all but the gameplay was pretty easy to follow and I feel like some of you guys are just being overly reactionary just because everyone's been hyping this game up as the great TF2 killer for some reason. Like, some people literally -fragged a dude who says he thinks the gameplay looks cool. Chill the fuck out.

e: Also the hud sucks, the lack of an FOV slider is incredibly stupid, and the constant voice lines is excessive as shit.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 has anyone else been playing this browser game in Off Topic
KhanSimGot to rank 6 without knowing about being able to explode people.

Got exploded.

What? How do you explode people? You mean when they touch the spiky things?

if you press w you shoot off tiny bits of yourself. aim those into the spike balls and it'll make them split. aim it right and you can make the spike ball split and fly right into an enemy and they'll blow up into a tiny million pieces and it's a fuckin' feeding frenzy. it's pretty tough to do unless you're dealing with a really big cell who just doesn't know about this particular strategy

posted about 9 years ago
#13 has anyone else been playing this browser game in Off Topic

i played under "eb games" in the name of memes everywhere and was at #1 for like 45 minutes before getting bored and feeding a guy whose cell was a color i really like. i'm very happy that the best meme of all time had its legacy set in stone forever on agar.io.com

it's super fun until you're the biggest cell because it's really easy to keep that position if you know how to split to chase, and how to explode ppl

posted about 9 years ago
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