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Last Posted February 29, 2024 at 8:18 PM
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#15 Good Headphones + DAC & AMP in Hardware
SetsulWhich headphones did you try and which did you like best? I might be able to find something similar.

Tbh I don't even remember the brands but I definetly recall testing a headset with a more 'heavy bass' signature and thinking that it was too much, unpleasant and tiring. I'll post my impressions once I start doing some real testing ;)

Setsul Nope, can.

Oh I see you, but DAC & Amps aren't really meant to change the signature that much, aren't them ? From my understanding, they might color the sound a bit if anything but correct me if I'm wrong here.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Good Headphones + DAC & AMP in Hardware
SetsulI mean you're looking at 150$ and 600$ headphones and compare them as if the money didn't even matter.

It's not really that I tread money as if it doesn't matter, but I'd say that, being that new to more 'professional audio', I'm just at the stage where I'm trying to figure it out by just gathering informations and valuable experiences.
Besides, who said that I had already made up my mind and insta-ordered some random pair that people recommended ? Point is I'm trying to understand what money can get you, how big are the differences and how much of it just comes down to personal tastes.

EDIT: Also the fact that I went as far as checking all the different pricing options that I had showcases that I consider price to be such a major factor, hence the willing to get something that suits me well.

SetsulOf course I'm ignoring tube amps because you don't want to go down that rabbit hole.

Yeah, I was definetly going to avoid those, especially since that'd be my first amp.

SetsulIf you're investing this kind of money you should try a few headphones and figure out what you actually like instead of just guessing [...] do some listening tests.

That was already planned and you're 100% right. Tho the sound signature that I indicated (an mb for not making this clearer in the first place) is based on a few experiences that I've had with decent headphones in the past. Obvisously going to decide after doing some tests in a proper store.

SetsulBut really if you can test at least the headphones before you decide that's not good enough.

* can't ?

Also, I highly appreciate that you took the time to warn me against common mistakes that beginners do. And the technical and modmic explanations were very clear too,
Ty !

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Good Headphones + DAC & AMP in Hardware
emo ...

Wow thanks a lot, this is incredibly helpful man.

Btw I would use them in a quiet environnement so I'm gonna go with open cans to benefit from a wider sound stage.

So regarding the Beyer DT 1990 Pro, I was actually doing some research yesterday on the cheapest way to get them shiped to where I live and it seems like I can get them for 445€ through some amazon shennanigans.
Hence a few questions:

- For that price, would you consider it a no-brainer?

- Based on your experience with them (I know you said it's not much but real experience is always more helpful), how was the comfort ?, the sound when listening to music, when playing games ?

- Would a Fulla 2 be enough to take full advantage of those cans? and if not, would the Shiit Stack/ Mayflower ARC make a noticeable difference to the point that its worth to invest double the price ?

- Is there anything more that you could say about this pair ?

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Good Headphones + DAC & AMP in Hardware

Thanks for all the useful tips so far.

ShiftaI use akg k7xx and topping d30/a30 and I don't think you can do much better for the price (or any price tbh).

Iirc, these Akg were only a massdrop limited edition thing. Is there a place where I can still find them tho ?


Actually yes. I'd greatly appreciate if you took the time to give me higher priced recommandations, just to know what investing that extra money can get you and if I consider worth it for my current needs.

alba FiiO e10k and beyerdynamics dt990 250ohm

As said in the OP, I don't really know what would please me the most but I'd say that I'm looking for a rather neutral/balanced profile if that makes any sense, since I listen to a large spectrum of music genras but also want it to sound good for games and movies. I might go with a similar signature as yours since too much base could spoilt it and be tiring in the long run.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Good Headphones + DAC & AMP in Hardware

Hello TFTV,

This has to be of those threads that pop up every once in a while but with christmas coming in less than a month, I wanted to get myself a reworked, more immersive audio setup.

So after spending years with terrible 'gaming headsets', I've come to realize what I was missing out on and I'm now looking for an open back headset + DAC & Amp (or DAC/Amp combo).

Basically, I don't really know what to look for because this would be my first 'real' headphones; so I'm a bit lost concerning the sound signature that I would like.
I mostly do games, watch movies'n stuff and listen to (quite a lot of) music (huge variety of genras). I obvisously want the headphones to be comfy af too.
Based on what I've found when doing some basic research, Schiit and Mayflower are 2 solid brands in terms of build quality and performance. There is the so-called Shiit Stack (Modi 2 + Magni 2) and the Mayflower ARC but there might be some better alternatives that I haven't heard of.

Haven't finalized a budget yet but honnestly I'm just gonna go with what feels like it has the best value. Is there a certain price above which diminishing returns can be perceived the most ? And also, what is a good starting point ?
So just to be clear, not thinking on going into some ultra HC 1000€ + stuff for now and I'm 100% certain that you don't need to spend that much, at least for my current needs.

In terms of brands I've been looking at AT, Beyer, Sony, Sennheiser, Munitio, Grado, Shure, HIFI Man but the first 3 mentionned caught my attention the most.

Also thinking of getting a modmic to go with it. Is the v5 that much of an improvement over the v4 ? Does the mic port on the ARC really makes that much of a difference when I can just plug the modmic into the mobo (MSI Z270 Krait)?

Lemme know what you guys think; and if you have some recommandations, those would be greatly appreciated !


posted about 7 years ago
#5 how do i stop executing people's configs in Q/A Help

in the cfg folder, make the config.cfg file read only; should fix it for all demos

posted about 7 years ago
#3 question about low lod / blocky textures. in Q/A Help

Just follow these steps. You need to create a nip file and modify it in order to go under 3

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Mouse input issues / other pc issues. in Hardware

After you've tryed basic troubleshooting, such as making sure that mouse accel is disabled in both windows and TF2, checking mouse input commands etc., I'd say that the next step is to reinstall windows as dumb as that could sound. Lots of problems have been magically resolved just by doing a fresh install of the OS. Especially w10, which can be buggy af sometimes.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 combat text batching, yes or no??? in TF2 General Discussion

I personnally use

hud_combattext_batching 1
hud_combattext_batching_window 0.5

but it really comes down to personnal preference tbh. I have it so that damage from weapons like RL or scattergun don't have their damage added up automaticaly but it does it for minigun, pyro's flamethrower and every weapon that has a fast firing speed.

Also the command in your post doesnt exist ;)

posted about 7 years ago
#188 m0re hud in Customization
emive had this problem since scream fortress was removed, thursday i think. if im not currently in the dev console its 90% behind the flying pyro image https://imgur.com/a/6ICgc

EDIT: maybe a better showing of whats happening. almost as if the picture is in front of everything https://imgur.com/a/H6pwl

Same issue here. How to remove that random default background image so it doesnt obstruct the main menu and the dev's console ?

posted about 7 years ago
#711 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Heyy, Just wanted to know if those :

lzma_persistent_buffer 1 // Keep the LZMA compression system in memory to prevent reloads of it
cl_always_flush_models 0 // Keep models loaded in between map loads
//cl_always_flush_models 1 // Remove models from memory every map load
mat_levelflush 0 // Do not clear temp mem at the beginning of a level load
//mat_levelflush 1 // Clear temporary memory

had known side effects such as longer loading times or even errors due to mismatching files being kept for too long.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization

Anyone got a DL for this ? The RAR file points to empty folders.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 What is this crosshair and where do i get it? in Customization
VulcanI tried making this crosshair myself here's the result https://www.dropbox.com/s/k1ss8dxgi60avpl/GreenDot.zip?dl=0 it looks the same at crosshair scale 18

Wow! Thanks a lot for sharing it here then man, I'll make sure to give it a try :)

e: Found Joshuawn's thread on this ( http://www.teamfortress.tv/30866/guide-weapon-specific-custom-crosshairs ). FYI he uses the GreenDotBlackOutline one.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 SweLAN Stats and Analysis in LAN Discussion

Thks a lot for doing this !

posted about 7 years ago
#8 What is this crosshair and where do i get it? in Customization
Vulcanosvaldowhat about this one https://youtu.be/tDb_5fHF-gg?t=3559 ? :>That’s a vtf crosshair, search up vtf crosshairs on tf.tv

Actually, to me it looks like that green vtf crosshair + something else so not sure if its hud-related or somethin

posted about 7 years ago
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