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Signed Up August 8, 2012
Last Posted February 25, 2013 at 8:07 PM
Posts 67 (0 per day)
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#17 apex 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

who cares about smash it's mahvel, baby

posted about 11 years ago
#29 new team lf scout in Recruitment (looking for team)
defiancepetthis is a trollplease go run a noob mix fag this isn't a troll i don't think you would even know what a troll is

hey this isn't gotfrag you can't talk to me like that!!!!

posted about 11 years ago
#27 new team lf scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

what do i win

posted about 11 years ago
#25 new team lf scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

this is a troll

posted about 11 years ago
#4 MadMudMen Casting bp vs mixup in TF2 General Discussion

casting is an id...

you know the rest

posted about 11 years ago
#49 Remember when invite players streamed scrims? in TF2 General Discussion

there are better things to do with your time than watch invite teams scrim

i'm not sure what they are because i never leave my house, but i've heard rumors

posted about 11 years ago
#31 NOOB PUGS: a groundbreaking social experiment in TF2 General Discussion
leakyWhy would people prefer the smaller newbie mixes with more experienced people. Isn't the point of newbiemix to play with and teach new people? if your going to complain about the "newbies" why play newbiemixes at all?

the point of a group like this is to help new players get experience playing competitive tf2 and teach them how the game works. it's tough to do that with ten out of twelve players in the pug being new to the game. a lot of the time a team in a mix plays nothing like a functional team, so it doesn't really help new players get a feel for how the game flows or how to play as a team

i would think people would like to play in these pugs because they would get more individual attention. a coach in a newbie mix playing a combo class can't always give advice to the flank because they're often in different areas of the map. if you have experienced players with the combo and the flank, then everyone can get coached. these pugs might have smart players who wouldn't necessarily coach in newbie mix, and assuming i don't invite dumb idiots like trisk to play you'll probably be less likely to get a bad coach than you would in newbie mix. the pugs will probably start faster too since i only have to organize one pug rather than a thousand

it might sound like i'm being overly critical of newbie mix, but i actually think vick and whoever else runs it now does a pretty good job given how huge the group got. the way they run it is probably the only effective way to deal with that many players. my group is more along the lines of the original idea of newbie mix, which is to run pugs that have an even mix of new and experienced players. i'd rather offer something a little bit different that some people might benefit from and enjoy a little more. besides, i'm usually not around on the nights newbie mix happens anyways

posted about 11 years ago
#18 NOOB PUGS: a groundbreaking social experiment in TF2 General Discussion
DavyCcoaches will probably be otl pie and nukeydog lol

i hope not those guys are awful

posted about 11 years ago
#11 NOOB PUGS: a groundbreaking social experiment in TF2 General Discussion
hookyIt's not the idea, but having two groups.

i don't think it's that confusing. we've had two groups before, with newbie mix and frozun's pug group. also i think europe has had multiple groups, not sure though

brownymasterYour group might as well play in normal #tf2mix or something, as there's almost always an experienced player. Just as for helpful advice while playing.

new players seem to like this kind of format more than an irc bot. also i wouldn't necessarily trust the advice of any given player

ChiI don't understand why a new player would use this over newbiemixes. It also seems like it would drive new players away...

it's an alternative. if people like it more, they can play in it. some people, especially coaches, have said to me that they liked playing in newbie mix more when it was smaller and had more experienced players in it. i'm sure there are other people who prefer the way it is now. not a big deal. i'm not sure how you think it would draw new players away

posted about 11 years ago
#4 NOOB PUGS: a groundbreaking social experiment in TF2 General Discussion
hookyPretty sure this would just confuse new players.

what, exactly, is confusing?

posted about 11 years ago
#29 bl4nk aka guamboy671, AMA in TF2 General Discussion

he's lying dyonysus, he has a deeply seeded hatred of his former medics. hang in there

posted about 11 years ago
#1 NOOB PUGS: a groundbreaking social experiment in TF2 General Discussion

as a few people might remember i used to run the newbie mix group a long time ago. due to the size of the group at the time and a few differences in the way it operates, i felt that new players learned more from the pugs and that it was more fun both for them and the coaches to participate. some people may disagree with that, and that's ok with me. realistically though, this is unsustainable at a larger scale

now that i have more free time and i can moderately tolerate playing tf2, i've decided to create a new group for running pugs the way i used to. think of it as a small-scale alternative to newbie mix


- i will try to have at least two semi-experienced players on each team, preferably more if possible. hopefully this will mean that the pugs more closely resemble actual competitive team play

- the experienced players will be people i trust to give decent advice and not join just to crush noobs. the benefits of this are self-explanatory

- i will only run one pug at a time. this does mean that only a handful of new players will get to play, but anything more is too much for me to handle on my own

- i have absolute power. this means i can ban anyone if i don't like the look of them. if someone is disruptive, they will be whisked way into the night never to be seen again at a moment's notice. if someone fails to communicate at a reasonable level, i probably won't ask them to play again unless they express remorse. some people may not like this, but i'm not concerned with winning over the hearts and minds of everyone in the community

- i will avoid using group announcements or events. instead, i will try to message players in the group individually asking if they they want to play. this means if you decide to join the group, you won't ever suffer the pain of being spammed by repeated announcements.

- there is no schedule. if i feel like brushing my hair instead of running a pug, my hair will be brushed. if i can't get enough washed-up players ahead of time, no one in the group will be messaged. this means you won't be dragged into a mumble waiting an hour for coaches for a garbage pug where sigma singlehandedly crushes your team. and yes, sigma, you will participate or as your son i will disown you

so if this sounds like something you would be interested in, join the group. i can't see much downside, unless you're frightened of occasionally being messaged out of the blue by me. i might never even run a single pug, and in a few months you'll leave the group thinking, "well, that's another in the long line of failures that is pet's tf2 career"

posted about 11 years ago
#22 bl4nk aka guamboy671, AMA in TF2 General Discussion

who is the best player you have ever played with?

i already know the answer. it's boonoo

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Flank is an idea. A concept. in TF2 General Discussion
DNJcan we not badmouth pure and talk down to him until we know he said this? i mean, this is a random pastebin coming from someone who is not on the team. don't create drama when it's not there.

doggles is well-known for his fabrication of team pep talks. of course it's not real...

posted about 12 years ago
#40 Flank is an idea. A concept. in TF2 General Discussion

oh come on you guys, pure's not an bipolar egomaniac! that's ridiculous! the only reason any team he has ever been on has achieved success is because he is a tf2 strategy mastermind - his teammates being literally the best players at their respective classes had literally nothing to do with it. just reading this pastebin has given me a greater appreciation for his mastery of the tf2 metagame. leaving a player at last when you're pushing out? i mean, i always thought you could just cover all the entrances and have your whole team push out, but that's just silly! i was also stunned at the epiphany he had when ringing for tyrone's team - who knew that on a decent team, your demo doesn't even have to watch the flank! i'm so glad he is applying his diamond of a brain to the demoman class now. i can't wait to see what he has in store for us. i think he's already better than b4nny, and i think you'll all agree with me after this season

posted about 12 years ago
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