just quit already
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197976326050 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:16060322] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:8030161 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 8, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 25, 2013 at 8:07 PM |
Posts | 67 (0 per day) |
this team is actually ok
usually when i watch open teams play a part of me dies, but when i "casted" their match last night i only lost a finger from witnessing their play
stevec has joined the cast
if only there was another channel for pugs
but that'll never happen
rangaone of the best teams in IM from the move ups
that's not saying much, though
when i ran it i used mp_winlimit 3 or 4
im also a leopard
deathanchor is actually rk's eight year old son
it's the only logical explanation
c4shI'm glad someone knows something that's actually true about the teams in open.
i also know something that's actually true about the teams in open:
they are all bad
MR_SLINlet me know next time i would have co casted with you!
i'm sure he'd rather cast with someone who knows how to play the game instead
Kalkinaimis it optionalYes, but why wouldn't you want to have exclusive mumble time with Team KK.
i can think of a few reasons
Name: pet
Map: cp_badlands
Class: Pocket Soldier
Division: UGC Platinum
ive really been struggling to adapt to playing pocket and id appreciate some feedback from the great christopher sterling
you know tf2's dead when the biggest sponsor is a random asian boy named steve
cut mustard and i'll med
just kidding, i wouldn't, but you should really cut mustard anyways