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Signed Up October 11, 2012
Last Posted November 4, 2016 at 7:48 PM
Posts 386 (0.1 per day)
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#69 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic

Peyton missed a lot of throws he would usually make. It sucks because you really want the guy to get another ring but he struggles quit often when it comes to the playoffs. I'm glad for Luck though. There's really nothing to not like about him. I hope he does well, he has an extremely bright future.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 UGC HL Preseason Showmatch in Events
mustardoverlordNurseyIbby is our scout now, the poster is a lil old. I don't know who the reformed ET got though
they just picked up fathom and phorofor

also every time we've played them it's been milo on solly and not blaze, I understand they wanna use blaze but it remains to be seen if he starts showing up

blaze has been out of town and has had to work weekends unexpectedly. he should be here for the showmatch, tho.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Need help for Belle and Sebastian Concert in The Dumpster

there are an infinite number of online resources such as youtube and google for questions like these (aka asking a girl out)

and you chose a competitive team fortress 2 video game forum?

posted about 10 years ago
#41 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic
xprest1geThat was a shit call, but Lions still fucked up major after that. They didn't go for it on 4th & 1, they muffed a punt, they let Dallas get away with a 4th & 6, and also gave up two holding calls in the redzone. Not to mention that Dallas missed a fairly easy field goal earlier... everything was handed to them (besides that call) and they still managed to lose. Overall Lions turned it over three times compared to Dallas one.

Either way you look at it, Cowboys played better football in the second half. That one play was a major turning point, but Lions fucked up like five times after that.

Yeah, the Lions did fuck up a couple times after that, but still. The penalty was on a significant passing play of probably 20 yards or so, plus having that first down helps. Of course there's no way of knowing if they eventually would have scored a td off that drive, but a call like that can do a lot in terms of demoralizing and shifting the momentum of a team. And a lot of things went south after that call.

Considering that player was barely (if at all) making a play on the ball, an explanation that didn't happen after the game had already ended would have been the very least the refs could have done. but yea the cowboys did play well in the 2nd half so props to them.

posted about 10 years ago
#38 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic

Lions got robbed so hard. What sort of fucking ref makes a call like that and then 3 min later removes the flag and doesn't even give an explanation? Such bs.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 RIP Stuart Scott in Off Topic

really sad. I'll never forget him being a staple of ESPN ever since I turned on the channel for the first time. Also his Jimmy V acceptance speech at the ESPY's was something else. RIP

posted about 10 years ago
#13 ufc in Off Topic

maybe another time dc

posted about 10 years ago
#10 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic

Broncos so Peyton can get another ring. Pls don't choke.

Oh and fuck the Cowboys

posted about 10 years ago
#14 FITES 250 LAN March 6 - 8, 2015 in LAN Discussion

Might try and go if classes aren't too hectic.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 messiah LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

messiah is such a goof ball. real funny kid to be around and has always been a rock solid demo. he has like 9 different accounts hes played on with different names so watch out tho you never know what the kid is hiding.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 skybox changing in Customization
crazybeaniegroovenphAZEI used the Source Recording tool one day and was screwing around with the different skybox options. I changed it, and stuck in game as I never bothered to revert it.

Here's the link:

Go to the skybox options, change the skybox and launch the tool. For me, once I closed the tool the skybox option stuck with the game forever. I don't know if it's because I didn't make some configs read only or something or what but it stuck.

so launch the game with the tool, then just quit the tool while the game is still launched? do I have to put the tool in a certain directory?

I think I just launched the tool with the different skybox, closed the game, and the next time I opened the game my skybox was changed permanently.

Perhaps this can help you:

posted about 10 years ago
#28 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic

you sound like you are echoing the journalistic bullshit that espn spit out about kobe a few months ago. People always tend to say, "oh kobe would not have won shit without shaq", and this is probably true, but do you think shaq would have won shit without kobe? They are arguably the greatest duo in NBA history and Kobe made up 50% of that, you can't forget that. You act like Kobe was just some random nobody who was along for the ride when the Lakers had their 3peat.

I mean you not saying he's a top 10 player of all time is your opinion, but you'd be pretty crazy to think he isn't. You act like Kobe was gifted literally everything to him on a silver platter and he had nothing to do with any of the 5 rings he's won. As for the Dwight v. Kobe thing, you think Michael would have put up with the same approach Dwight took to things? On one hand you have two of basketball's fiercest competitors and on the other you have this lackadaisical jokester, just based off the first few games of the season you could tell things weren't gonna work out. Didn't help that they had D'Antoni coaching them as well, someone who has a run and gun offensive mentality and places little to no emphasis on defense.

How do you know Kobe doesn't hang out with his teammates lol? Just because you didn't read about it in an autobiography doesn't mean it doesn't happen. yea kobe has had rifts with dwight, smush parker(lol), and shaq (for a brief time), other players have spoken volumes about what its like to play with someone like kobe (example). idk why you say Michael is an offensive genius but say Kobe is an overconfident idiot, both of them are basketball masterminds. kobe's work ethic was pretty much as good as it could get, even phil said kobe worked harder than michael.

at 36 yea he's a shit defender (you'd think so after 50,000+ min played and multiple knee surgeries etc.), but there's no denying in his prime he was one of the best perimeter defenders in the league. the guy didn't just make 12 all defensive teams for nothing.

i hate comparing kobe and michael, because we all obviously know who's better, but you just take away so much from kobe it's not fair.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic
i understand you are a lakers fun but u have to admit that by giving all that money to kobe really did limit their options this offseason,plus he is 37 yo and still plays hero ball,this is why you are 5-13kobe said to dwight that he will always come second as long as he is on the team and that he will "teach" him how to win championships,dwight didnt like that(+lifestyle and press??) and he left,btw everyone is calling howard a pussy but in he puts up always big numbers in playoffs...

I just literally explained to you that the Lakers giving Kobe that money didn't limit their free agency options at all. If it did, then they wouldn't have gone out and met with Carmelo and other high profile free agents if they didn't intend on trying to sign them. Kobe is the only reason they are 5-13, without him they'd be right at the canyon bottom of the league with the Sixers.

Dwight wanted to take a fun/easygoing approach to everything, something that obviously clashed with Kobe's view on winning. A few people in the league have been quoting saying Dwight will never win a championship because he always wants to have fun and doesn't have the pure desire to win that is necessary. And him being a pussy has nothing to do with his ability to put up numbers, everyone knows he can do that. He is and has been one of the softest players in the league.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic
twenty2020phAZEanabolicit's ok to honor kobe but giving him all that money is just retarded,that's what fucked them up this season
Kobe's contract did not have an effect on their ability to acquire any big name free agents this past offseason.

it was all kobes toxic personality rofl

If you mean his unparalleled desire to win then ok. Dwight was too much of a pussy to handle it but if you can man up and put in the work he'll show you what it takes to win a championship.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic
anabolicit's ok to honor kobe but giving him all that money is just retarded,that's what fucked them up this season

Kobe's contract did not have an effect on their ability to acquire any big name free agents this past offseason. The Lakers could have easily signed one or two big name free agents with medium to max contracts. They are the only team to have a $3 billion TV deal and they would have no problem paying the luxury tax for the additional contracts they would have acquired. Saying Kobe's contract fucked them is just simply not true at all.

posted about 10 years ago
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