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Last Posted May 26, 2024 at 3:39 PM
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#4 Possibly moving, seeking feedback in Off Topic

I recommended Atlanta to mana and I'll do it again. Housing is relatively cheap as long as you're willing to have a commute and jobs are decently plentiful if you have a degree. Do you mind saying what you're majoring in?

I grew up is Wisconsin and would move back in a minute if I could find a great job but my wife hates the winter and so it's probably gonna be just a dream. Milwaukee and Madison are be great places to live, IMHO.

NC is where my wife wants to live. It's unlikely I'll ever find work there given my field but what little time I've been there it's a beautiful place at least.

You don't say what's important to you besides jobs and maybe weather? If you mind winter at all I'd keep Wisco low. Atlanta is ok, no bitter cold, at least.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Newbie Mix Coaches in TF2 General Discussion

It's probably my fault, Saam. I didn't notice how long you were there until it was too late. I'm sorry about that.

We have Newbie PUGs 2.0 that fit the skill level - they don't run on Fridays (because of Newbie Mixes) but maybe they should. There are definitely some regulars from there that fit the profile smobo is talking about and it might be healthy to get them out and leave room for real Newbies.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Vaccinator vs.Critical Damage in TF2 General Discussion

If it's no class limits and no weapon bans, I wouldn't be surprised if crits are on as well.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Vaccinator vs.Critical Damage in TF2 General Discussion

It may be a bug - but is it because they're using the same damage reduction mechanic as the batallion's backup - which reduces damage and negates the extra damage from crits?
I can't tell if they were took a shortcut rather than write a new effect or it's an unintended bug.

One thing, with matchmaking coming and no weapon bans - if random crits stay on with MM - then getting details like this fixed or cleared up as an explicit part of the weapon would be nice.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Highlander LFT sub forum? in Site Discussion

The UGC forums are shit. It might be worth giving it a go and see.
We want to encourage folks, not drive every new person who comes by interested in comp TF2 to some other website.

Not to mention that a fair amount of people here play HL, why not make it easier for folks to try HL with people from this community?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Dad bods (Bodybuilding 2015) in Off Topic

My lifestyle coaching sessions start at $50/hr.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 A quick word on newbie mixes this Friday in TF2 General Discussion

It might be worth considering doing a bit more segmentation this time around so folks with some idea how things work are together and true newbies are in separate ones that can spend some time on basics like rollouts and location names if that's what those players need.
Normally we try to draft a mix of experience to balance them and get beginners alongside folks who have a couple ugc seasons. If this is going to be bigger maybe that's not so necessary. It definitely has a lot to do with why so many seem to take forever to start.

posted about 9 years ago
#30 Improving Tracking in Q/A Help

An old teammate of mine used to practice shotgun in MGE solly v. scout by having a little game of it where they'd start with rockets and as soon as they got any damage with one, they'd have to try and finish the scout off with the shotgun.
It made it a bit more challenging/worthwhile for the scout while guaranteeing they always had to use the shotgun for at least one hit to get a kill.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 A quick word on newbie mixes this Friday in TF2 General Discussion

I've been getting home later than usual Friday's lately, but I'll try to get on as close as I can to 9 this week to help. I can draft or coach. Not sure how many/if any folks from the team is free on Friday nights but I love the idea of the team sponsorships for coaching.
I really like the idea of having combo and flank coaches- as long as we have enough to keep them going!

posted about 9 years ago
#559 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

I really like the idea behind 559. It would need some fleshing out but it's actually the first semi-reasonable method for doing pick/ban in TF2 I've heard of.

562 I would like if valve could give us group limits instead of class limits. Say you could have up to 4 offense, 2 defense (or maybe 1!) and 2 support, for example. You could give flexibility but always require that teams decide to give up a valuable class option to run an engine or heavy.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Steam Community issue in Q/A Help

I think I'm having the same issue as well. If a fix is out there, I'd love to hear about it.

The window size is not the issue, the page that loads within the window is super tiny up in the corner and the rest of the window is empty.

posted about 9 years ago
#85 What game would you play comp other than tf2? in Other Games

At this point I'm not sure I'll ever have the time/inclination to start a new game in competitive again, but if I do, will probably be Reflex or Overwatch.

Heroes of the Storm has been kinda fun to putz around with, but I still can't get into MOBAs.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Freaks & Geeks LFP Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Great name.

posted about 9 years ago
#201 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic

He can only drive when the car isn't moving.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

This is exciting.

I'm sure there will be a million imperfections but, really it's probably best to get it started with simple, intuitive stats that are easily accessible now and get people started. As it goes on, little improvements will start to be obvious and maybe it can evolve.
I remember playing Fantasy Football when it was just points for touchdowns and yards. So many advanced statistics are widely available now because of the interest from fantasy led to the development of tools to satisfy more complicated fantasy leagues.

Maybe a fantasy league would generate enough interest that people would get interested in finding ways to do advanced logs/demo file parsing that could give us better information about how a game went - tracking events by advantages and situations, for example, would be awesome. Finding a way to quantify uber forces or wasted damage or something like that would be extremely cool.

posted about 9 years ago
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