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Signed Up December 10, 2012
Last Posted November 19, 2015 at 4:37 PM
Posts 18 (0 per day)
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#67 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
-fish-Are you guys really this disconnected from highlander you think it has no effect on how good you are? If you have the dm and gamesense good enough for multiple seasons of platinum HL you should not be in low silver for 6s. I don't care if you're "just offclassing and goofing off" the gamesense and dm carries over just the same.

I also think a lot of people are skimming over the fact that the main reason these guys are even in silver in the first place is because they have connections with a questionable UGC admin.

LOL! Never assume that they are good at all classes. Its like saying I'm plat spy, which I honestly have no idea how to play that class.

As mentioned above the UGC admin are aware of the situation. Like I mentioned before I was on that team and got removed. Even if I was roster riding, the admins couldn't take that chance. So it shows they are aware of the situation.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster

This team's roster has a combined total of 35 platinum seasons and they're playing in silver 6s. I played them today and they pretty much rolled us and very obviously threw 2 rounds to make it look at little close probably? I asked the admins beforehand how this was even allowed and come to find out they're buddy with an admin, surprise right?


This is really dumb I don't think any player with platinum experience should be allowed in silver let alone every single player on the roster. What do you guys think? I just need to get good fast and get on an open team.

First lets get some facts straight. Me and my friend Hildreth was on the team before, but we were roster riding. We had to get removed because the admins would have placed them in gold, which obviously they don't belong in gold. Some of them are off classing and are learning how to play that class. You have to check on history to see if they were even active on a previous team. A few of them are just getting back into TF2 competitive from being inactive. Its a fun team, they want to learn something new. It isn't right to place someone in a higher division, because you think they know how to play that class. Do log check first, and see the scrims before hand. The admins were aware of the situation, if not Hildreth and I would still be on the roster.

posted about 9 years ago
#3161 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 9 years ago
#5 pc building in Hardware

awesome thanks, will continue searching before finalizing

posted about 9 years ago
#1 pc building in Hardware

My friend needs help, first time building a gaming computer with a 900 budget. How does this look http://pcpartpicker.com/p/gwQBpg let me know thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#2554 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 10 years ago
#1 Lazytown summer event (prizes) July 18th- July27th in Off Topic

Trying to help spread some word, my friend is hosting a event on lazytown. Its to reintroduce the map lazytown back to its former days which is a fantastic community to play on. I was a regular there as well as Hildreth and many others who were on uBs. Some of the prizes are

First (Rank #1): Max's Severed Head (Level 53)
Second (Ranks #2-#3): Strange Kritzkrieg
Third (Ranks #4-#6): Strange Machina
Fourth (Ranks #7-#10): Strange Frying Pan

rank is by GameMe, so have fun and boost some stats!

For more info go to here

posted about 10 years ago
#4 The Classic - Demo in TF2 General Discussion

I just wanted to point out that in TFC no black circle margin, while TF2 still has the black circle margin.

Zoomed out http://imgur.com/EforiNa


Zoomed in http://imgur.com/Ckinqq5

posted about 10 years ago
#179 Post a link to your youtube channel in Off Topic


I post some tf2 stuff, mixed with car audio, home audio and car stuff.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 buying a car, help! in Off Topic

For your price range of 25000 and with manual opens up more doors to sport cars as well. As what others said above, GTI, FR-S, Mazda Speed3 and Ford Focus ST are all good choices. Also alternatives is the Jetta GLI, Fiesta ST. Or maybe an everyday not into performance as mentioned above Toyota Corolla. Most 4 cylinder cars should have good gas millage. Go to the car dealer and look around. Autoshows helps as well if you have one in your area. Also check out Motor Trend on youtube for videos.

posted about 10 years ago
#50 Best sub $100 headset? in Hardware
kuzaThere's a few rules in life that are good to follow.

1. Don't buy a car from a company that specializes in microwaves.
3. Don't buy sound equipment from gaming companies.

Live and learn.

Think this logic ain't 100% right. For cars your forgetting Mitsubishi cars, which has the Lancer Evo. Which performs very well on track.

Sound equipment, more into detail about Logitech. For example Logitech speakers, Z-2200, Z-2300, Z-560, Z-680, and Z-5500 aren't made by Logitech. Their speakers and subs come from this audio company called Tang Band. Link posted below


As for the OP, you need to have a budget on what you want to buy. Anyone can recommend headsets, and whats their best in their own opinion. You yourself I recommend is to test it out at a store or something. For example apple store in a mall, they have a bunch of headphones made for music. Test them out and listen whats best for you. If you want to go that route though, then you need to buy a separate mic. Gaming headsets though is a cheaper route. In the end though, listen for yourself. And test it out. Also have a budget on what you want to get. You can narrow down those options.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Medic LFT ESEA-O 6s in Recruitment (looking for team)

Olive is a friendly person to play with. Learns fast and willing to improve. Pick up Olive!

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Idea for Showmatch in TF2 General Discussion

East Coast to Hawaii is around 140-150.

Chicago to Hawaii is around 120-130

Texas to Hawaii is around 100-110

Seattle to Hawaii is around 90-100

LA to Hawaii is around 70-80.

This is all based on what I average on. Estimate keep this mind. Their are no Hawaii servers at the moment. Most you can do is ask someone with a beast computer that lives on Hawaii and host it.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Idea for Showmatch in TF2 General Discussion
erkstonhawaiian server!

Hawaii, I agree :D

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Cannot Play Demos in Q/A Help

Every time I try to open up a demo (Playdemo _____ in console) - it doesn't play, and it gives me this nonsense:



So, what do?

posted about 11 years ago
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