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Signed Up August 5, 2012
Last Posted July 21, 2019 at 1:23 AM
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#14 im dropping out of college in Off Topic

wait where does this "get pressured to go to med school to come from" and why wouldn't you be equally pressured to "go back to school" if you were drop out

i've always been a firm believer that there should be alternatives to going to college for many people (bc of seeing people cheat/struggle in school) but if you're doing fine + almost done + "pressure to continue to med school" is the primary obstacle for you (???) then i'm sort of struggling to see how you're deciding this

it's sad but 5k in loans, all said and done, is fairly small for a US student

posted about 8 years ago
#12 highfive vs ChampGG in Videos
bearodactylflufSame song was used in the ma3la v tsu clipare you serious that shit sounds more like a fucking iphone ringtone than a song for a frag clip

truktruk used a slightly later segment of the track (still 15 seconds of the intro though) where it gets a little better

to jog the memory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaUlYTq022o

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Kong: Skull Island in Music, Movies, TV

is this godzilla meets heart of darkness

posted about 8 years ago
#106 EVO 2016 in Esports

the most enjoyable set theyve ever had. loved the hbox battlefield counterpicks and loved that he approached armada instead of vice versa

also easily the best four sets in a row hes ever played

posted about 8 years ago
#45 EVO 2016 in Esports
ChinGooAnyone have sf4 brackets

you mean sf5? this is the closest thing i could find (top 32) https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/4t7qe9/an_actually_updated_bracket_for_sfv_winners/

edit: if youre willing to dig through evo's brackets you can trace some matches starting from here http://evo2016.s3.amazonaws.com/brackets/sfv_o101.html

(just click on the pool number next to one of the named to see where they came from)

posted about 8 years ago
#13 UPDATE FIX in TF2 General Discussion
emkayAs I said in the other thread: This file gets created with every launch, and must be deleted before reopening the game (at this current time). Keep it in mind when crashing or restarting!

actually i think it is created upon joining a server so if for some reason you open your game without joining a server (like i just did) the file will not be created

posted about 8 years ago
#6 New Avalanches Album in Music, Movies, TV

frankie sinatra sounds great

Show Content
doom and danny brown are on it
posted about 8 years ago
#8 Big N Salty - Toppu Five Rocketto in Videos

this video fucking owns

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Should I keep playing? in TF2 General Discussion
sourceguess you guys are right, I feel stupid making this post. Although what can I do in tf2 besides pubs and mge if I cant play comp

what are you playing for? why must you stop playing tf2 if you cant play comp? there are lots of players in tf2 that have never touched comp tf2 and continue to play this game.

if you like mge then nothings stopping you from continuing playing mge

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Second matchmaking stress test thoughts in TF2 General Discussion

the countdown to begin the game starts as soon as one person is able to ready up, and you're able to ready up before all 12 are in server

idea for a fix(?): dont let players ready up until 12 join, let there be some finite time interval allowing players to join (and end the game if there arent 12 in the server, akin to csgos system)

this was really fun and seeing players that are clearly new to the game be somewhat familiar with standard loadouts is encouraging

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Harper Lee dies in Off Topic
sourceI read TKAM but I never understood why it's that good, still sad she died

atticus finch was a baller

posted about 8 years ago
#49 the life of pablo in Music, Movies, TV

so i guess the rumors of a collab with james blake werent true?

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Medic Practice in TF2 General Discussion
DougIf you get enough experience as soldier, scout and demoman, it will be easier for you to understand how they behave and use it in your favor to get away from difficult situations or to avoid those situations.

This is true but a perhaps even more important consequence of playing all the other classes is learning what fights certain classes can win -- it will give you a better idea of context (e.g. health, positioning) in a fight and should strongly influence your heal target and general decision making.

The reason that this is such a nontrivial skill is that you can't heal all your teammates at once; you heal targets one at a time. In a team fight, how you distribute heals influences the outcome. If you have no idea who is in the best position to deal damage or get frags, then your healing could be useless.

posted about 8 years ago
#56 PugChamp in Projects
DreamerSometimes the games sucked, but I felt like it was better than not playing at all.

not sure how popular this opinion is (i don't share it) so maybe this isn't a great proposal

posted about 8 years ago
#59 Genesis 3 in Other Games

mango is playing out of his mind

the reads are unreal

posted about 8 years ago
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