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SteamID64 76561197978022896
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Signed Up November 14, 2012
Last Posted May 5, 2016 at 12:37 AM
Posts 682 (0.2 per day)
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Mousepad Steelseries QcK
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 pro
Monitor LG 37LH40
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#49 stabby-stabby leaving TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know why this is being treated like a mystery. I've yet to see a thread where stabby is either brought up or posted that he's not mocked for being a spy main. Its kind of one of the points of the whole "toxic community" discussion going on in the other thread

posted about 10 years ago
#36 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

I decided to use a "check out playcomp.tf" bind, and on my first server, the first time I used it, the first reply was "No thanks, I don't want to be one of those asshole comp guys" and then a server full of people agreeing.

Really guys, it doesn't matter if you think its true if everyone else does.

EDIT: It doesn't matter if we're "not as bad" as other communities, it matters that the majority of the pub audience thinks we are. Remember, those aren't just potential players, but viewers for big events like the i series LANs and ESEA finals.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step in solving it.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
SchalalaaCan someone please explain to me what these people are thinking of when they call the community toxic?
I'm under the impression that our community is pretty welcoming and friendly to newer players, on top of that you have stuff like the HLO, newbie mixes and shittons of videos specifically geared towards newcomers.
Most of the people I've met in Tf2 have been chill as fuck.

So where is this coming from? Are these people just retarded and judge the community based on encounters with sniper mains in pubs or what? Is it because someone was mean on reddit?

Comp players are pretty well known for talking down to pubbers. 6s players talk down to HL players. Its a pretty common thing. Have someone come on here and dare suggest something that goes against the meta ("What if we allowed GRU heavies to mid?"), whether they're new or not, and watch them be completely destroyed. Its a passive, but constant part of the comp community, they/we think they're "better" then then the average player, and not just in skill, but in general. If you enjoy engie, you're a dumb ape who can't play the game, if you enjoy pyro, you're a skill less hack who only w+m1s, if you play sniper you're an MLG pro wanna be x420xnoscopex etc etc.

Its so engrained in a lot of people that people don't even notice it most of the time, its just "how it is". Its always been cancerous, and finally its part of why TF2 is looking terminal to some people. You don't have to like it, and you can even believe wholeheartedly that it isn't true....but if the *vast* majority of TF2 pub players do believe its true, the effects are the same regardless. That image needs to change, and calling them retarded isn't helping.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 stabby-stabby leaving TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

So apparently stabby is leaving TF2 for good, saying in response to a question that he believes comp TF2 is dying and doesn't have it in him any more to play. I know it'll get downfragged because "lul spymains" (because that attitude helps), but I thought it was at least noteworthy.


posted about 10 years ago
#148 Valve's Game in News

Looking over the first vod now (currently at the start of 2-3), and all I keep noticing is every time an "overpowered" class is played, ie powerjack/degreaser pyro or gunslinger engie, they are absolutely and utterly destroyed. I've yet to see one pyro and engie play because they're simply outclassed by soldiers and scouts. I've yet to see the short circuit in play, but honestly I feel like a SC engie would just get mulched by the two scouts near instantly, one of which likely using the BFB to outrun any mini that may be put down. He may stop a couple rockets but it would only stall his inevitable death.

Still watching, but this is a lot of fun.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 Capcom Cup in Other Games

5 0 0 K

The struggle is OVER


Noodle bowl hat promotional incoming. Godlike.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 cute pubbers in Off Topic


Another day in a Valve pub.

posted about 10 years ago
#57 MAJOR TF2 update for 12/8/14 (12/9/14 UTC, End of in TF2 General Discussion

I swear to christ if the matchmaking stuff is only about ducks

posted about 10 years ago
#113 ESEA S17 LAN - Day 1 in Events

Classic Washed^

posted about 10 years ago
#32 steam broadcasting in Off Topic

I can't seem to watch my friends at all, constant buffering and loading. Seems like if you don't have a really good connection you can't do shit. I'm running 60 meg and people still can't seem to watch mine, even when I have it down to low settings.

posted about 10 years ago
#851 It begins! in Off Topic


also challenge mode


(its an old SEGA advert for you youngins)

posted about 10 years ago
#92 Live from the streets in Off Topic
Marxist2 words. Gas pedal. The point is police resort to deadly force far more often than they should because they *know* it's unlikely that they'll be held accountable. This isn't an isolated incident. Furthermore, his back up arrived, according to the prosecutor, roughly 10 seconds after the last shot. So it was entirely avoidable.

You seem to forget the reason he shot him is because he was being charged at. When a 250-290 pound man is running at you, one who has already attempted to take your gun and has already assaulted you, you think the best course of action is to just stand there for half a minute in hopes he won't fucking kill you in the mean time?

posted about 10 years ago
#80 Live from the streets in Off Topic
MarxistUKM, when did robbery warrant the death penalty?

Not him, but it doesn't. Punching a cop in the face, trying to go for his gun, running, then charging at him however are good ways to find yourself in the ground.

posted about 10 years ago
#77 Live from the streets in Off Topic

Every time I hear about the "innocent kid" that was shot, all I can think of is what he was doing before he decided to punch a cop in the face.


Oh yeah. Robbing a store....plus he was built like a brick shit house, weighing in at around ~250 from what I understand. He was about as much a "kid" as he was "innocent".


EDIT: fuck ukm beat me to posting the pic.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Oldest Comp TF2 video? in TF2 General Discussion

Was looking through my old favorites and stumbled on this little piece of history. Really interesting/funny to see 6s humble beginnings, and all the failed rocket jumps give me a giggle. I'm sure this has been posted before, but I was wondering what your oldest comp TF2 video is? Lets look back in time.


posted about 10 years ago
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