arcadiajanedoewhats ur cpu
are u overheating?
when i have the issue my cpu temp is between 95 and 98 degrees C
That's too hot for a laptop, and most computer components as far as I know -- every system I've used that's overheated, albeit few, shut off @ 95C to prevent damage. Granted your laptop is reaching such high temps, refrain from gaming for prolonged periods of time (2+ hours w/o a ~30 min break; sleep or off) if you can, it typically spells doom coming in the future if you do on a regular basis.
In addition to a cooling pad, as suggested above, look for vents on the bottom of your laptop that you can blow into w/ a can of compressed air, that the airflow will come out the sides of your laptop -- if you've had your laptop for awhile, blowing the dust out can help a lot as it might be blocking your vents which causes the heat to become trapped.
Just offering what helped me w/ my previous laptops. If you can run your laptop plugged-in w/o the battery, that's something I'd suggest personally, but I never got to try it to see if there was a substantial temp difference. I know my laptops heated up around the battery area pretty bad, which is why I had that idea floating around in mind. Hope some of this helps, and g'luck w/ keeping your temps stable.