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Signed Up February 23, 2015
Last Posted November 29, 2016 at 1:38 PM
Posts 81 (0 per day)
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#13 MGE? in TF2 General Discussion
hektikDon't play spire or older versions of badlands mid if getting frustrated is a problem for you, those maps clipping sucks. Listen to music whilst you train, on granary mid, for example, you don't need sound as much as on spire, and tr maps become less boring this way.

I get that you're going for the hard shots, but are you going "differently" every time that you miss? With that I mean, are you trying to shoot at a different height of the enemy's jump, from a different position, tracking instead of flicking or flicking instead of tracking, taking your time to aim or shooting as soon as possible? Or are you just always trying the same technique, hoping to get better at it? Sometimes said technique just doesn't work with you no matter how much you train it, and you must change the way your trying to hit. Try to identify what makes shots hard for you and go from there, avoid falling on the trap of mindlessly practicing hours on end, you should rationally analyze and structure your every action.

Or not, dunno, some people seem to just be naturals heh

I dont know exactly how I aim my airshots right now, but most of the time I just flick my airshots and just keep doing it from the same position, using the same technique and I usually take my time to aim, but sometimes I just shoot at the first best chance I get to hopefully hit an airshot. Lately I have started to hit way less airshots, could be because I just mindlessly try to flick aim most of the time? Maybe I should try to track him first then flick aim? Dont know really...

EDIT: I also have some issues on hitting directs in ammomod, dont know why but it's really hard for me to hit direct rockets on sollies , the rockets always miss by a bit or they're too short, as in the rockets hit short to his feet.

Also, what's the deal with some high level sollies spamming jump all the time? Is that a good thing? Should I aim to be like that, spam jump whenever I'm in a fight as a solly? or just jump whenever I wanna surf something etc. Never really got the hang of when to jump and when not to as a solly.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 MGE? in TF2 General Discussion
Starkiedont focus on winning, focus on hitting a lot of hard to hit shots
if you play in a way that limits the number of hard shots you have to hit (shotgun denying, shooting your opponents on the floor or prefiring rockets etc) you'll get less practice

Yeah that's how I try to play mge, it just doesn't seem to have any effect on me anymore in regards to improving my dm :s

ObiBy "knowing you'll miss", that's probably just a really hard to hit shot. It would probably benefit you to try hit it.

But it sounds like what's limiting you is your fear of getting destroyed by better players, so you might gimp your practice and play worse players. Just remind yourself it's a practice mod, and play the "good players" on a private server with no score limit. This shouldn't be a problem in DM, which I'd recommend over mge.

Yeah as I said, I do try to play really good players in mge but at some point I get tired of it sometimes and I just get really salty and frustrated at the game and I can't really help it, it's not fun getting destroyed all the time. Lately I've been starting to disabling the hud in mge servers though, that way I can't see the scores.

I do try ti play DM servers as well whenever I can, but most of the time they're always full and I just go play mge instead :/

ReliorObi This shouldn't be a problem in DM, which I'd recommend over mge.
I don't think that DM is better than MGE in the long run because people play retardedly agressive in DM since they know that they will get hp back whenever they get a kill. This will transfer into 6s and will stop making you think about taking 1v1's and stuff (there's more than enough proof in the current high tier in etf2l).

In terms of MGE: Try to find out what you are doing wrong, for example not hitting splash rockets or shotgun shots and try to fix that. I recommend tr_aim_training_b13 for practicing your sg aim and muscle memory and tr_newbots (which is basically like Ammomod in MGE) to practice juggling and splash rockets / directs.

I used to play those tr maps before, but I quickly got very bored at it and after like 5mins I can't stand playing them anymore, it just gets way too boring for me.

And yeah a problem I have is like missing easy rockets or splash hits, that really frustrates me sometimes. I shoot the rocket very closely at their feet but do no dmg at all or low dmg in some instances, like on spire, when I jump the spire and I shoot a rocket at the solly's feet and sometimes it just does like 60dmg even though it hit very closely to him. These kind of things really piss me off and then just makes it even harder for me to hit shots.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 MGE? in TF2 General Discussion

How should you play mge as a solly to improve your dm as much as possible in the least ammount of time?

Like is there any specific minset I should have? Any specific things I should do as in, trying to surf as much as possible? not use shotty, or use shotty a lot? not surf a lot? only use gunboats? counterjump surfers? just go for airshots all the time even though you know you'll miss the airshot?

I've been stuck on my current DM skill level for a very long time now as a solly and recently it has started to get very frustrating, and I'm also getting very salty when I perform bad or just get destroyed all the time because I feel like I should be so much better by now. It just feels like the hours I put into doing mge/dm servers are being wasted because I just dont improve (been like this for months now), it feels as if going to work but not getting paid if you understand what I mean.

I'd appreciate any tips you guys have for me in how to improve, play mge etc. And yes I do also play scrims, pugs, lobbies and such. TIA

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Frame drops in Q/A Help

lol all this time and the problem was his configs xD

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Hide player names in Q/A Help

I just prefer not knowning who I am mge'ing or playing agianst in DM servers, makes me less salty :P

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Hide player names in Q/A Help

Alright so there's no way of hiding player names without editing your hud? thx for the info guys

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Hide player names in Q/A Help

Is there any tf2 console command that hides the names of all players in the server?

posted about 9 years ago
#163 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion

lmao who is giving me neg frags xD

posted about 9 years ago
#161 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion
RubyVesperrezgarzCookieTo fix any hud in order to show contracts just open the folder of your hud and go to scripts>hudanimations.txt
Scroll down to the very bottom of the text file and paste this:
Does not work for me and I use the TF2HudPlus-master :/

I also run TF2HudPlus, and it did indeed not work. But then I went "YOLO", deleted the entire file, and it worked. *shrug*

Lol yeah it actually worked, but doesn't that fuck up something else with the hud?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Ever since I've started using this hud I haven't been able to make it's tournament ui work (and it should work) and I'd very much like to be able to make it work. The tournament ui just doesn't appear when I'm dead in a tournament mode game or spectating it. I also play on dx8 and use chris' max config, could those be affecting my tournament ui?

I use this hud and I dont really want to change to another one because I really like this one.

Help please D:

posted about 9 years ago
#159 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion
zCookieTo fix any hud in order to show contracts just open the folder of your hud and go to scripts>hudanimations.txt
Scroll down to the very bottom of the text file and paste this:

Does not work for me and I use the TF2HudPlus-master :/

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Good mouse mat under 20 usd in Hardware

I'd suggest getting a razor mouse mat if you prefer to have a bit of friction on your mouse mat like myself.

The qck+ is a great mouse mat too but in my opinion it's just too smooth for me, it has like no friction at all. When I first tried it out I was so uncomfortable with it, when I would do flick shots, my mouse would just go way too far.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Valve in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanMaybe the update has altered your search preferences? Make sure that valve servers aren't being filtered.
But the fact that you can't connect to them might indicate a port problem. Is it always the same servers you can/can't connect to? Have you tried faving a server you can connect to and try again the next day or after a reboot?

Dont know, never tried it and nor can I because even if I bookmark them, they dont show up in my bookmarked server list as I mentioned earlier :/

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Valve in TF2 General Discussion
messiahdid you ever try quickplay before? you can pick the specific map and gamemode of your liking.

Haven't tried quickplay in a very long time but sometimes valve servers pup up in my server browser but then I can't connect to most of them, but some I can connect too. It's very bizarre.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Valve in TF2 General Discussion
messiahwhen youre saying "server search function" are you referring to quickplay or server browser?

I'm referring to the server browser.

fuckmachineDo you have a anti-virus system running? I had the same problem but I just disabled my firewall and restarted my computer and everything fixed itself.

Yeah I do have a anti-virus running, but why would it only block valve servers?

posted about 9 years ago
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