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Signed Up July 4, 2013
Last Posted August 10, 2015 at 10:53 PM
Posts 337 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.5
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Mouse Zowie EC2-A
Keyboard Qpad MK80 CherryMX Brown
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK+
Headphones Sennheiser PC350 SE
Monitor Samsung PX2370
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#37 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware
KissakalaA PSU would probably rather fry any other components if it was malfunctioning like that.
GPU also wouldn't have such a wide range of dying symptoms, as most of them would only cause the graphics to be more or less weird, or you wouldn't get visual input at all.
RAM, welp, I also don't think it could have such massive effects on everything you do, but it's a possibility.
I'm fairly sure the problem lies within the motherboard; either the blackout damaging the MoBo, or the SSD messing up the drivers bad (which would be rather weird), or both.

As for confirming the suspicions about a dead MoBo, I don't really know anything else than somehow getting your hands onto a MoBo that supports the CPU you're using, and trying with that.

unstable 12/5v rail doesn't mean it would fry something, it just means unstable, sometimes the psu supplies more stable current with a stable voltage, sometimes it doesn't but that doesn't always fry things, that just make things work bad, and this MIGHT be the case.

i agree on probably not being the video card.

the malfunction of a ram module could cause blue screens, freezes and pc not starting at all

mobo malfunction could cause it, but it could give every kind of problems, literally everything, it's probably the hardest thing to detect, unless you try another mobo ofc.

posted about 10 years ago
#35 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware
farnsworthLeft my computer untouched for over 20 hours to let it cool down, when I tried to boot it up, there was no signal from the monitor whatsoever. Usually I see a windows logo before losing signal. When I restarted, the desktop skipped right past the option to go to the BIOS and skipped the windows logo and brought me directly to where I can login just fine and get to the desktop, launch steam, etc. Each restart varies between either nothing happening or going straight to the login screen.

At this point I'm fairly certain the root of this problem lies with the blackout that occurred last week, and whether it shorted something in my psu or mobo. Any way to confirm these suspicions?

either psu, mobo or memories

posted about 10 years ago
#33 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware
farnsworthI'm running Windows 8.1.

If it is the PSU, is there any way to test if it's faulty without obtaining another one? I don't have power supplies lying around haha.

I'll explore around some more inside my desktop, looking around my cpu to see if anything became unlatched or broken.

you could test it but you'd need a lot of tools such an oscilloscope and other things, that'll take much time and money, so i'd skip that, and i'd go for the most simple, try another psu, even one of those grey sh**, just assure it can supply 400/450" at least, and try to use the pc with it. anyway such motherboard should tell you that u're hardware is overheated in the splash screen after the crash/freeze or whatever it is, anyway don't buy a psu just to try this, i'm not 100% sure, find some way to get one for free and try it

ye and explore everything and keep us posted.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 OG LAN (Onlinegamer) in LAN Discussion

Thanks!!! all i care is, overall required money, pc rental (60 or more hz monitor, i don't care), a good place to sleep at, and pretty much what you said "Its about having fun, meeting friends, getting drunk and playing games - in that order pretty much" i don't care if it's serious or about the prizes, or fast internet towards outside, i just hope the switches and the routers are set properly to have a good LAN experience. looking forward to hear more info

posted about 10 years ago
#28 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware

What OS are you using sry? it's pretty rare to see a pc crashing for overheating issue being under dos, even if you remove heatsinks and everything it's hard to make it crash, anyway it might be a PSU issue, but not wattage related, more likely something failing (maybe not really stable 12/5v rails, that could cause the instant shutdown and those weird colors), corsair is known for such issues, they have some really good PSUs but often some of the lower quality series have these problems.

if you can try another PSU that would tell us what problem really is, if it does confirm my theory it's bad coz a not stable power supplying to VGA, CPU, etc, but mainly VGA, could f**k up those components, causing a more expensive damage.

another theory could be RAMs run again that memtest, let's see what happens, if it crashes again try and detect the ram stick and remove it, and try that memtest again.

posted about 10 years ago
#27 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware


posted about 10 years ago
#14 Beta LAN in LAN Discussion
PermzillaAYOGURL will be there

good to know

posted about 10 years ago
#23 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware
TimestampYeah 600W = Small as heck
Edit: Though Harddrives usually don't take much wattage - try just 700W.
tehh4ck3ryour power supply might not have enough wattage to handle the SSD in addition to all the other parts

you 2 must be trolling

Hergan5Had same problem, better prepare for new Windows (or maybe Linux?) installation, that's the only solution I found. Or it's hardware problem, not sure.

Linux :facepalm:

MarleyIf your just getting random colours flashing then im guessing your GPU is fried or at least damaged in some way, luckly this is easy to test so just unplug it from your mobo and see if your pc boots without it to find out.

might be this, anyway be more specific, psu, motherboard brand and model

posted about 10 years ago
#7 OG LAN (Onlinegamer) in LAN Discussion

any info, prices and other stuff?

posted about 10 years ago
#52 ESEA Invite: eLevate TF2 vs. froyotech in Events
dummyeLevate Bdonski: best team in the world and we didnt have to go to europe

Gotta give credit to you dudes, grats boys! hows the film project coming along bdonski? :-)
posted about 10 years ago
#45 ESEA Invite: eLevate TF2 vs. froyotech in Events


posted about 10 years ago
#4 CommanderX's i52 Vlogs in LAN Discussion

is it possible to find somewhere the i52 fully charged episode, with admirable?

posted about 10 years ago
#11 FPS and 120hz question in Q/A Help
georgeWhat's wrong with using 0?

just put 0 (none) or refresh rate*5 (60*5=300) the thing of double+1 is horseshit and actually you can see the difference between that, and not limit

posted about 10 years ago
#49 i52 Photos and Video in TF2 General Discussion


you're the best :)

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Sideshow's i52 vlogathon in LAN Discussion

i'd love to see the entire 30hrs :E

posted about 10 years ago
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