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Signed Up May 16, 2015
Last Posted May 31, 2022 at 8:19 AM
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#31 What is the Best Flag of a Country? in Off Topic

I present to you the flag of the Most Serene Republic of Venice

which was one of the longest lasting citystates, lasting 1100 years as an city-state up to Napoleon's conquest of Italy versus the Austrians.

Alternatively: the banner of the duke of Flanders and current flag of our province looks pretty rad:

posted about 9 years ago
#87 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster
unfsheepy_dogs_handand the guy calling me racist.
pretty sure every post you made in the trump thread? regarding a certain religion came off as you being a huge racist/ bigot
sheepy's first postI thought he was cool when he was blowing the stupid SJWs out of the water but this is just really lame. He is reminding me of hitler with him blaming Americas problem on Muslims. There are Muslims who want to fuck shit up but targeting all the people just because they follow their silly religion is wrong. People are born into Muslims families like what about the Muslim children they didn't choose to be born into a Muslim family. Why not ban guns first America you idiots then instead of just not letting any Muslims in do some background checks and control your immigration.

A (badlyworded) post on his dislike of trump's election proposal to stop muslim immigration by defending the majority, blaming gun laws and even invoking Godwin's law. Tbh, doesn't seem that racist/bigoted to me, although i'm biased obv, but that seems pretty "liberal" to me (in the American definition of the word).

followed by a stream of people who only posts in the thread are to insult him.

He might have "earned" it from your perspective, but if you geniunely have some humanity, and read where he admitted to have autism, the humanistic thing to do, is just ignore, or constructively break down his post with an apt counter of his points. Else, you're just being a dreadful person to one of the weaker in society, which is kind off appalling. I'm especially surprised to see Droso, of all people, acting like an jackass in group on the twitch cast making fun of his lisp, becuase, since sheepy condemnded himself as the pinata of the community with his posts, that suddenly all is allowed? I remember the first time i heard Sheepy speak, and i thought he just had one of those lip piercings that are trendy, but when he told me he had a speech indemnent it made me kind of speechless, becuase i felt bad about the remark. It's way more dignified as a people's person to ignore people you dislike, even if they make an error in public, who knows, tomorrow might be your turn to be the black sheepy.

posted about 9 years ago
#72 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster
flufnBoth sides should stop but it's easier to make one person stop than a crowd of people

Just like it's easier to stop a whistleblower like Snowden and condemn his actions, than the NSA wiping it's ass with the constitution and federal laws every day, right ;)

That comparison is silly obviously, but doing things the "easy way" is a tad ambigious. I like reading different, or even dumb opinions, but i wouldn't want anyone to be banned for it. But maybe that's just me.

posted about 9 years ago
#70 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster


sheepy_dogs_handok it's not a joke but it's bait. People will stop if you stop first. You know your beliefs and that's what matters so...

You're telling him to stop what exactly. Are you saying he is not allowed to say anything, becuase people will take the opportunity to spew some vitriol as soon as they spot his name? That's self-censorship under pressure of mob-mentality you're advocating for, very dangerous path to take, my friend.

posted about 9 years ago
#65 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster

Who remembers the gotfrag thread that Enigma made, about Vhalin asking for "ratehacks" and his attempts to loiter with it, to have as much of a "technical advantage" as possible? one cali lan later, and he was part of an invite winning team. Or the person banned from ESEA client for hacking, and the next week still playing invite pugs? Sheepy has a point to make, which is pretty controversial, but it still is; so guess people will just refer to something completely different, effectively proving what he was saying about "mob mentality", good thread, keep it rolling.

But at the same time Torrit is still an idiot who just raised the bar on "how not to end your tf2 "career".

Edit: lmao at the posts in the meantime, you'd really ban him for his post in his thread? what is this; reddit-lite hugbox 2.0 or a site trying to emulate gotfrag.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 pizza tier list in Off Topic

go to local pizza restaurant in Krakau, Poland, each one of our group of 15 orders a pizza, we had 45 mins time normally, turns out the restaurants make their pizzas fresh from scratch, eventually spend 2.5 hours there enjoying a massive pizza for like 4-5 euros freshly made, best pizza.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 I've been had - Need help/ideas in Off Topic

don't lend any sum to people you haven't known for years and who wouldn't loan towards you.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion

Man I love reading on people committing the most perfidious things to obtain some glowy pixels.

posted about 9 years ago
#366 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

the whole phlog whining is amazing though, I was palying an NA lobby earlier, and watched a phlog pyro get an 8--9 streak including on myself, and i hit him with the one pill i could fire in the time window, and i died as 8th, and i hit him for a 100 so i guess he still takes normal damage during his crit, but no, apparantly the seven others before me, couldn't do 75 as their biggest concern was to complain how OP the phlog is, while trying to run away by backpedalling, not even firing, throwing their hands collectively in the air and saying how incompetent Valve is.

As a guy who has been playing bb pyro for funs in 6s and HL for years now, I've been having a blast with the collective uproar over the patch, which is probably the best balance patch in a while, and gun mettle was pretty good too, although i personally expected a slight nerf on the scorch shot or something, becuase putting 2-3 poeple on fire in a choke by shooting the ground across the map is pretty fucking strong. the health on airblast is so good as well, i think that will the biggest issue to deal with for my playstyle, when encountering other pyros with one functioning brain cell. I just hope valve won't backtrack on this, i should write a sternly worded letter expressing my deep concern to Robin Walker, you can't expect me to post on reddit, I don't even have an account there, so have fun people like sideshow, hope one of you guys gets called out for being a retarded pubbie, by some lobbylord brony...the dumpster thread on r/tf2 was pretty funny.

posted about 9 years ago
#259 Donald Trump in World Events

Meanwhile, the Dem voterbase isn't even given the illusion of choice: also stressed that the breach was the fault of the vendor NGP VAN — not the DNC. Still, the DNC is ultimately considered responsible for the security of the NGP VAN.

The Sanders campaign also laid the blame at the feet of NGP VAN. "Sadly, the vendor who runs the DNC's voter file program continues to make serious errors," Michael Briggs, Sanders's top communications aide, told BuzzFeed News.

"On more than one occasion, the vendor has dropped the firewall between the data of different Democratic campaigns. Our campaign months ago alerted the DNC to the fact that campaign data was being made available to other campaigns," said Briggs. "At that time our campaign did not run to the media, relying instead on assurances from the vendor."

The Sanders aide who accessed the Clinton campaign data has been fired, Briggs said.

The incident could pose a devastating setback for Sanders so close to the start of the Democratic primary: Until access is restored to the NGP VAN, the candidate’s organizers will have to perform the basic functions of the field program — phone banks, voter contact, visibility — without an electronic system centralizing their efforts.

"After discussion with the DNC it became clear that one of our staffers accessed some modeling data from another campaign," he said. "That behavior is unacceptable and that staffer was immediately fired."

Miranda said that the party has directed the NGP VAN to “conduct a thorough analysis to identify any users who accessed the data, what actions they took in the system, and to report on the findings to the Party and any affected campaign.”

The organization will also begin a review process with every Democratic campaign and NGP VAN user, said Miranda, to “ensure they understand and abide by the rules governing the use of the system.”

I feel bad for Bernie sanders now, his voter-base found and reported a software bug so the campaign can't run for six weeks, it's like Ron Paul in 2012 all over again.

Posted this in the trump thread, becuase it sounds like a good title for the US election primaries discussion.

posted about 9 years ago
#244 Donald Trump in World Events

Who gives a shit, if you get -fragged, just see it as a badge of honour that x amount of people can't stand your opinion or person, but are too lazy/dumb to reply properly.

posted about 9 years ago
#229 Donald Trump in World Events

you forgot to highlight the part in the second post in where he says,
(though sometimes i personally find the comparison accurate)

that's why i called it out for being a subtle insult and asked him to point out where, he meant that.

posted about 9 years ago
#226 Donald Trump in World Events
AvastYou know who else puts time to articulate their arguments very thoughtfully, the people that think the earth being round is a conspiracy by sun-worshiping free masons and NASA.

Just because someone puts in the time to make something and explain themselves does not mean it makes sense.

Also I'm not comparing whoever this slayer guy is to them(though sometimes i personally find the comparison accurate), just saying that argument does not make sense and the point of frags is to show agreement or disagreement.

Is this some bizarro world, or the first stage of idiocracy? It's naturally a tenfold better that in any argument both sides explain why they agree or disagree on this or that, and try to use facts, rather than an one liner or paragraph random ad hominems or random nonsense in which the message is : I don't agree with you, you are x.

since you compared him to a flat earth conspiracist on some point you might say where, so you would actually point out where you think something is flawed, rather than a subtle insult to denigrate your opponent.

modern day discussions:

posted about 9 years ago
#210 Donald Trump in World Events
owlI wish I could euthanize you too

Don't worry, that's legal over here. Don't think you have legal euthanesia implemented federally over there, becuase your clinics are making sure you are hooked up as long as possible while being a demented vegetable on the machines, as long as you have the money.

posted about 9 years ago
#207 Donald Trump in World Events

man, seems like every president you have is worse than Hitler..
True, Obama, Carter, and Bush are directly responsible for the death of 6 million+ Americans. *protip* use common sense before posting

You should get a sarcasm detector because I was making a jest to the poeple in this forum saying that people that would support Trump deserve to be "euthanised", after all, those are just undereducated redneck scum, right? It's pretty hard to beat the deathtoll of a dictator like that, unless you're communist. So it's utterly silly to compare Hitler and Trump; I mean before Hitler got elected, he already tried to do a putsch, and had mobs of SA troops beat up other extremists. And when Trump calls for an policy like that, it's easy to look back in history and see several other incidents where this happened. But rest assured, Bush+Obama foreign policies have and are still working on it at reaching that magical number, how many alone in Iraq?

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60