God, I feel like a Greek scholar trying to civilise some backwater Thracian tribe
Listen you drooling American moron (but I repeat myself)
If you are trying to play "the best" i.e. deal the most damage, dodge the most damage, get the most kills, and win the game, OBVIOUSLY flicking is better
This thread is not about how to play "the best". This thread is about frag videos
And in frag videos, the most entertaining type of aim to watch is, objectively, tracking aim
So there's a dichotomy between scouts who play to be good at the game, and scouts who play to be more entertaining.
The scout who will forsake damage logs, kill streaks, and championships to entertain his adoring masses on YouTube is rare. And therefore far more valuable for it.
He does not live for mere trophies. He aspires to something higher. He lives for the roar of the crowd. He becomes immortal.
And he is more free than you will ever be.