ProSkeezYou're really grasping here buddy. 6s has been organically grown for almost a decade now -- the competitive community has gone through every single variation of player counts and compositions and ended up at the 6v6 we know now. Not only has it been deemed the "most fun" of the tested game modes, it's also by far the best balance of player counts & being logistically possible for LANs and prize pools as OW has shown.
As Slin said, ARTIFICIALLY pushing another game mode will do absolutely nothing but fracture the already small community that has been ORGANICALLY grown.
"most fun" is very subjective. Most players who play the game casually, or for fun, play pubs.
OW has shown that having a pub gamemode in the same format as your competitive gamemode means that players are far more interested in it from the get go.
Artificial and Organic are just buzzwords at this point. You're either implying that having a prizepool to spark interest in a new gamemode is a bad thing, or that a game is better because its older.
I feel that this video will explain my points better than I will:
The tldw of the video is that quake will never take the spot for no1 shooter esport from csgo/overwatch because its not accessible, I feel that this conversation follows a lot of parallels.