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Last Posted April 19, 2014 at 9:55 PM
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#179 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

The HUD's main website has also been down for some days.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Do you use viewmodels? in TF2 General Discussion

I've been trying out a weird system with binds where slot1 - slot3 (which I use to switch weapons) turns the viewmodels on so I can see what weapon I am pulling out, but mouse1 turns them off so the viewmodels go away when I need to start shooting stuff. I've been meaning to tweak it so viewmodels always stay on for melee, but I hardly use melee and have been too lazy to bother.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Mumble and you. in TF2 General Discussion

#27: the pedal I use is just some random electronic keyboard sustain pedal with a 1/4" audio jack, probably not more than $20 from a local music store. I've had it for years plugged into an electronic keyboard, so it is a solid pedal, but recently I acquired a weird mouse that happens to have a 1/8" jack in it, so I got an appropriate adapter and plugged the pedal into said weird mouse. When I press the pedal, it registers as MOUSE4. If you have such a pedal but no weird mouse like I do, you could try a 3.5mm (1/8") audio to USB converter, but I don't know if that will work, or what button it will show up as. I have seen fairly cheap USB foot pedals around online, but have never used one. If the quality on those are unreliable, both Fragpedal and Stealth Switch are more reputable but rather expensive options, probably overkill unless you are serious about including your feet into your everyday computer use.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Mumble and you. in TF2 General Discussion

I use a foot pedal for push to talk. I used to have to interrupt myself whenever I needed to do a rocket jump, but a foot pedal makes that problem go away.

posted about 11 years ago
#169 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

Fixed the sniper emblem.

Replacement HudasIscariote.otf:

Modified ClassSelection.res (to get the icons to line up a bit better):

posted about 11 years ago
#167 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

EDIT: did some tweaking myself

Edited font file:

If you have any tips on getting the icons to align better, I'd appreciate it.

It looks like I used the wrong sniper emblem, but I'll upload a corrected version later tonight.

posted about 11 years ago
#165 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

For the class selection menu, if you are going to use stylized icons I'd prefer the official icons like the ones on the class tokens. In order for icons to be iconic (i.e. to work), they have to be consistent. If everyone used their own different logos or icons for the same thing in the name of creativity people would just get confused. It's not a big deal because everyone not new to the game knows what the 9 classes are, but just a very minor request. Basically these icons:

Love the HUD and especially the captions. I think I'm going to make this my new HUD. Thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#557 yahud in Customization

Does the magenta/blue HP color scheme ever get confusing with the red-blue team colors or do you get used to it after a while?

posted about 11 years ago
#21 5 cp causes stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyThen why are the majority of CP maps played not entirely prone to stalemates? Teams not wanting to risk losing a player/players and gain nothing from it also has nothing to do with map symmetry.

Game mode is one of many factors that contribute to game flow. I never said it was the only one.

What? A KoTH-esque timer has no place in 5CP. PL's timer is the same as 5CP's timer.

I don't know what you mean by a koth-esque timer, let alone did I suggest one. The idea behind a timer is that the round will end after some reasonable amount of time with a victor. No more 30-minute 0-0 ties.

This is implying that teams don't want to push as they don't have a reason to when playing 5CP. If a team has mid point and the other team are down 2, for example, that's reason to push second. If a team doesn't have mid but get a pick and have uber advantage, again for example, that's a clear reason to take mid. A timer isn't needed to force teams to push in order to not lose.

I think you missed the point a little. Of course teams want to win. Of course teams will push when they have an obvious advantage. Stalemates don't happen when one team has an obvious advantage. What I am talking about is the stalemates, which happen when you have two teams with even position (uber, player count) on opposite sides of a choke. Pushing through chokes is risky, and if you do it wrong you stand to lose a lot of ground.

What do you even mean by "raise the stakes"? Teams want to win, whether it be a pug, scrim or match. People play to have fun, but also to win. If teams have a clear as day reason to push, they're going to. What you're saying is regardless of player advantage, uber advantage and what give you, nobody wants to push and therefore stalemates are born. No, you're wrong. Why? Because you're wrong.

You are wrong here. In a pug or scrim, the difference between winning and losing is perhaps a bit of personal pride. When the difference between winning and losing a match is large sums of money, most people will certainly behave differently. That much should be obvious. This change in behavior is typically slowing the game down, taking fewer, smaller risks, all things that tend to reduce the entertainment value of these matches.

Let me make this clear. It's not that teams don't want to win. It's that they don't want to lose. If a failed push can result in losing a ton of ground, teams will wait for decisive advantages before pushing. In order to create these decisive advantages, they make small risk plays like off-classing or suiciding a player, while the rest of the team pokes and prods the other through the chokes waiting for those plays to happen. If the play didn't work the player respawns and tries again. These are low risk plays with a low chance of succeeding, resulting in long stalemates waiting for those advantages to be created.

JonesyMcFlyExcept teams DO have incentive to push. Playing to not lose means you won't win unless you already have a lead on the enemy, which you won't get without pushing. This means both teams have incentive to push because they have to get points on the board. Once a team wins a round, the team behind has incentive to push because they're behind, and no amount of stalling will fix that. The team in the lead has incentive to push because when you're defending last it only takes one misstep on your part to give up the round, and the longer you're defending the more likely such missteps are. When the score evens out, the process repeats; teams have to push because they have to make an advantage or they can't win.

Like I said just above, it's not so much that teams don't want to push, it's that they don't want to lose even more. A timer with a forced win condition at the end is my attempt at reducing the amount of time teams can afford to spend on these low-risk plays and go for something bigger and more daring.

RikachuOkay so I was wrong about why he made the post.
But how did he go from "Gullywash was always a terrible map" to blaming the whole game mode?

You could just ask me ... I don't bite.
Basically it was brought to my attention that Gullywash is not the only stalematey 5cp map.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 5 cp causes stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

The 5 cp game mode is fundamentally prone to stalemates because it is too symmetrical and has no timer. In payload and koth, at least one team has a clear incentive to push or lose the round. Even if a stalemate occurs, one team will win when the round timer expires. This is not the case with 5cp, where the win condition is to take last and there is no round timer, only a 30 minute half timer. There is no push or lose incentive for either team in 5cp. It's only natural that when you raise the stakes, teams will play to not lose, and the way to not lose on 5cp is to simply hold on to your own last point, something both teams can do simultaneously. 5cp is thus prone to stalemates.

We can try to prevent 5cp stalemates by fiddling with unlocks, or attempting to edit / fix / rebalance maps. I think there is a much simpler approach. Change the 5cp rules so that there is a shorter (15 min?) round timer with a win condition when the timer ends. Do something, anything, so that the round is guaranteed to end with a definite victor after some reasonable amount of time before viewers get bored.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Vanilla, Competitive, TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm curious as to what exactly is different about goldrush that makes it better than dustbowl. Besides the format change (CP vs PL), the map layout is nearly identical, and that map layout is a 3-stage linear spamfest.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Vanilla, Competitive, TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Why goldrush but no dustbowl? Basically the same map. What I'm really saying is get rid of goldrush.

posted about 11 years ago
#484 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

This hypothetical 6v6 highlander format doesn't actually exist at the moment. If it did, perhaps Valve would have considered it but I don't think Valve wants to invent a new competitive format for their lobby system and thus pass up on the experience the community has regarding existing formats. It is an interesting idea, if it had been done years ago - it's a bit too late to start reinventing / modifying 6v6 for this particular Valve initiative though.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Pub Competitions?! How to grow sixes in TF2 General Discussion

Second most played, after Dota:

Cool idea though.

posted about 11 years ago
#100 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

Keep in mind that typical TF2 rounds last maybe 10-15 minutes. A public lobby / matchmaking system is not likely to have the same people stick around for a full match of 3-5 rounds. If we have 2-3 rounds of pick/bans with each person having a mere 20 seconds to deliberate, that is 6 full minutes per round, or 12 minutes for 2 rounds of simple pick-banning. That's why I suggested a faster automated system in my post.

posted about 11 years ago
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