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Signed Up April 15, 2013
Last Posted September 14, 2018 at 10:46 PM
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#3 Swagyolo Tf2 vid. in Off Topic

people in your middle school still think trollface is funny, huh

posted about 11 years ago
#76 TFTV Merchandise in TF2 General Discussion

does it come with a complimentary puberty stache?

posted about 11 years ago
#72 TFTV Merchandise in TF2 General Discussion

I would wear a baseball cap with on it all the time (note that if it just said i'd have to sit there and explain to people what tftv is and what it stands for so i'd stop wearing it)

posted about 11 years ago
#33 your most productive/unproductive day in Off Topic
reillyI have a bit of a moral conundrum, because I'm not a huge supporter of the whole go to school and become a slave of the system. But now I'm at university, and working hard actually feels good sometimes, that I'm not sure how I feel about it anymore.

Fitting in with the system is the best way to achieve anything in the modern world. Just treat everyone in your life well and that's about as much good as you can be expected to do.

as for productive days? i dunno. i feel too bad about myself if i waste a whole day so that literally never happens. at the same time, i make it a rule to always make some time to fuck around every day so i never have extremely productive days either. I guess any day I don't play TF2 is my most productive.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic

I was too young for the event to hold any significance when it happened, but every year I look back and regret the loss of about 3,000 people who did nothing to anybody, people that were just living their lives. I just have this extreme empathy for the victims and their loved ones, knowing how easily it could have been any of us. I know the value of just one person, and it's enormous. Tragedy is a good word for it.

And I hear about the firefighters and other personnel that went into the burning, crashing building to get people out, and I respect them so much. The American and allied soldiers that went to war, believing they were saving the world from more attacks like this. Risking their lives in the hope of protecting ours. I respect them too.

I feel sorry for whoever's mind was so fucked up that they thought this was a good idea.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Please make a sticky/megathread for PC builds in Site Discussion

They're confined to one section of the forum so I think it should stay as it is.

posted about 11 years ago
#101 Fat shaming in Off Topic

I'm a straight male, I don't disrespect anyone for their LGBT status (I'd lose a lot of really good friends if I did), but I don't want to be romantically involved with anyone but ladies that were born ladies. Does this make me intolerant? Honest question.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 qf is just a scapegoat in TF2 General Discussion

I think it's an overreaction. It should've been banned for this season (because obviously people are not used to it) but allowed in the next. However, I have to acknowledge that whoever is making these decisions is much better at TF2 than I am.

posted about 11 years ago
#101 What did YOU do today? in Off Topic

clicked cookies, drank diet coke, thought about playing tf2 but decided against it. watched my dog take a nap. avoided eating because i'm tired of all the food we have.

...i'm not always this useless btw

posted about 11 years ago
#27 cookie clicker [addicting web game - stay away] in Off Topic
jesusI did a speedrun to the portal before the time machine update came in. took me 58 minutes. might try a run to the time machine

jesus please

edit: at least i didnt have anything productive to do today

posted about 11 years ago
#192 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion
squidboink went off to drink with his girlfriend after we got eliminated and he said some really bad stuff to sweater so we agreed as a team it wasnt appropriate to keep him around

best of luck to AG in replacing him if you think it's best. You guys were my favorite team this LAN and I have no idea why.

posted about 11 years ago
#60 Can heavy be banned yet? in TF2 General Discussion
KickSnareHatI might be missing something here, but it seems like at least on paper the heavy is one of the only classes that gets almost no benefits from a quick-fix med. It wont make the medic any more mobile and is one of the classes that really needs a full 150% buff to be as effective as possible. Likewise, it doesn't deal enough simultaneous damage to combat the QF uber.
But idk I'm just a peasant

I don't want to get involved in this too much because I don't really have ESEA experience and this is a touchy subject, but here's what I've seen since the QF buff. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong, but I believe my post is accurate on why stalemates happen and why they don't need to happen.

The appeal of a heavy is not about benefitting from the quick-fix as much as completely ignoring the QF drawbacks. Heavy is harder to kill with burst damage (the normal QF counter) because of his massive 300 (375) health pool, and the sustained healing per second requires you to be within the heavy's comfort zone (where he can do insane DPS) to actually damage him. Additionally, he doesn't really need full buffs because 375 is still extremely high, and less of the healing of the uber is wasted because of his large health "buffer". You can safely leave him out of the uber and "flash" him if he needs it.

The most effective counter would be a sniper (as a spy might get the pick if not expected, but having one is a much bigger DM disadvantage). But running a Sniper to counter their Heavy means that they're going to be very picky about pushing and will likely wait for a serious advantage/sniper pick to push because they're afraid of dropping their medic/heavy/anything else. Additionally, the Sniper class is not great for pushes because it lacks the speed and killing power of the scout or soldier you lost.

Lastly, the Heavy counters the QF pretty well. He requires a lot of damage to take down, which will use up valuable Uber time. He also can deal enough damage in close range to outdo or negate the QF uber, which allows teammates to pick them as if they weren't ubered at all. This makes him a good option to hold against a QF push, or to support one of your own. In short, in a world where both teams run the QF, running a Heavy looks like an attractive option almost all of the time. This in turn makes the Sniper a valuable class. Both of these classes, however, tend to slow the game down (at least in my experience) because of their slower, defensive nature.

I don't want the quick-fix banned. I like playing 6s with it, and I like that many medics have a bit more fun with the class now. While it can encourage a playstyle that slows the game down, the LAN matches (especially HRG vs. Mix^) have shown that the stalemate is not due to the medigun but due to how some teams choose to use it. Give it some time and I think people will adapt to pushes that can more effectively counter the QF. A 5-3 score on Process (which has seen its fair share of stalemates) indicates that there is definitely a way to push against the Quick-Fix.

To the heavy class? With the addition of the Quick-Fix, it has become a good class to use in 6v6 in many more situations. However, the fat man still has all of the drawbacks that he has always had. I think that we're going to need to be ready to see him more often. I wish there was something short of banning him that we could do, but that is too extreme for me to support.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 CEVO - HL in TF2 General Discussion
tomroadrunner"Hot damn we got to play with Tangerine for 15 minutes!"

dude i killed an invite player once

posted about 11 years ago
#33 An Explanation in TF2 General Discussion

As an HL player, I think Koobadoobs is being a shitlord and a dumbass for talking like he knows better than invite players without significant 6s experience. It's incredibly naive.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 CLOCKWORK! in Esports

everyone at lan is better than i'll ever be so i'll just nod and say good work

posted about 11 years ago
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