do you wanna know the biggest issue right now? There is so much of a difference between a competitive player and a mapper, in cs, almost every mapper plays comp (unless of course u can tell they dont care and are making a jailbreak or minigame map), but because of these two things coming together, cs usually has better maps put out more consistently.
Another thing is just how so many mappers are AGAINST taking feedback from a competitive standpoint, now I believe that if you want your map to get into the game, it has to first be competitively viable. Valve leans to picking up maps that are enjoyed by the competitive scene. My co-admin from new new map pugs and I go over any koth, gpit style A/D, or 5cp map that goes up on TF2Maps, we decide, "does this have potential to be good, where would be by beta?" If yes, we start theorycrafting and try our best to formulate good feedback and a mapper has ver batim said "No, Im not going to take feedback from a competitive player."
There seems to be a lot of distate for competitive players in the TF2Maps community and I get it. There are a lot more "bad eggs" that will give terrible and non-constructive feedback, but you have to have tough skin if you want to be successful with anything in life.
Csgo is much more open to trying new maps and maybe thats because its honestly easier to play (just play sites) r/globaloffensive holds community nights to playtest maps and have huge turnouts, and everyone is willing to give feedback, I would love for tf2 to just atleast try to work out the kinks for maps.