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Last Posted January 8, 2016 at 2:55 PM
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#44 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
SkittlesBTif for some reason you want a really shitty 360p video with god awful camerawork (blame my potato ass pc) of the viaduct demo here it is:


i think it speaks for itself regarding whether or not he's cheating

Lol, this nigga isn't even trying to hide it.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
rcrogueA few people have been coming to me about this and someone has recently asked me to make a post about it so why not? The suspect is Oxymoron.

Here is his profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/OnTheOxy
Here is his steam rep: https://steamrep.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fid%2FOnTheOxy

My experience with Oxymoron was kind of odd. Once we started the scrim, obviously the two VAC bans were suspicious, so I asked him about them because I thought it is only fair. He told me they were from cheating in CS:GO and Rust and now we are suspecting Team Fortress 2. Another thing, after my team was jokingly roasting him for it, one of his team members randomly added me. I've never seen the guy before and don't know him, but he informed me that Oxymoron got kicked off of a highlander team for cheating previously on TF2, although Oxymoron claims it was because he was not active on the team and he stood by that.

Here are the logs for the scrim we played: http://logs.tf/1178428?highlight=76561198052242537

The person that encouraged me to make this post also wanted me to note that his accuracy with the sniper rifle was 78% and his accuracy with the scatter gun was 92%. Most of the stats show him getting around 1100 dpm as well.

I was not planning on taking action, it doesn't effect me, but after a few people coming to me and one actually telling me to make this post, I thought it would be appropriate.

edit: im stupid and put thread in the title lol, this is just a single post, the other thread is still a thing

92% scattergun accuracy . . . . lol

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Moving across country - advice? in Off Topic
Getawhalespork_Thanks guys. To answer some of the questions:

1. I work in banking, and have always worked in banking. (I'm 32, so always isn't THAT long, but I'm established in this career field).

2. I have enough dough saved up to sustain myself for a pretty decent amount of time. I do like the idea of finding housing first, moving out there, and then starting the job hunt process.

3. I currently rent, and my lease is month-to-month, so leaving my current living situation is literally zero hassle, luckily.

Damn dude. That's sick. If I had the savings, I'd be out the door tomorrow.

Are there still obstacles that are actually in your way, or is it just mental? Getting in your own head about it? It's definitely a risk, but hey the best fruit is out on the limb right?

Finding work, missing my friends and family here, and just fear of the unknown, really.

I've always been a diligent money saver, always, like since I was 14 I've been putting money away and investing. I have nothing physically keeping me here (lease, mortgage, etc). I have no REAL reason not to book a flight and a moving truck and go tomorrow. Yeah, it's just mental at this point tbh. I love Boston, but I've vacationed in Breckenridge the last 4 years and I fucking LOVE the place.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Moving across country - advice? in Off Topic

Thanks guys. To answer some of the questions:

1. I work in banking, and have always worked in banking. (I'm 32, so always isn't THAT long, but I'm established in this career field).

2. I have enough dough saved up to sustain myself for a pretty decent amount of time. I do like the idea of finding housing first, moving out there, and then starting the job hunt process.

3. I currently rent, and my lease is month-to-month, so leaving my current living situation is literally zero hassle, luckily.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Moving across country - advice? in Off Topic

Alright so here's the deal. I currently live in Boston, MA and have decided I really want to live in or near Breckenridge, CO. Thing is, how the hell does one just pick up and move across the country? How does one get a job lined up when they live that far away, making an in person interview essentially impossible? Like, I've decided I want to do this, but the how is stopping me from just doing it.

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Managing tilt? in Q/A Help
mi mean u guys can mock him all u want but i can think of 20+ people off the top of my head who are absolutely insufferable to play v-games with unless theyre high

I just didn't realize this site was run by like, a D.A.R.E. officer or some shit. lol.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Managing tilt? in Q/A Help

Lol 5 downfrags for telling him to smoke some herb. Y'all niggas need to chill.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Managing tilt? in Q/A Help

Take a couple nice bong hits before you play. Keeps me relaxed.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 hw help in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#50 What PC game made you stay a PC gamer? in Off Topic

Doom. I'm old.

posted about 9 years ago