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Signed Up April 6, 2013
Last Posted September 23, 2016 at 11:18 AM
Posts 88 (0 per day)
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#222 StatusSpec in Projects
mdvim using takya hud, how can i customise the uberbar to fit the hud just like evltv?

Here you go

posted about 8 years ago
#24 i55 Fundraiser: Ascent + Froyotech! in News

Surprised to see no item signing by players this time as a perk. Must be too time consuming.

Already donated, but I'd donate more if shrugger cut his ponytail with a samurai sword on stream.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 a humble request from AsiaFortress in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't see any announcements for any AsiaFortress casts. I'd love to see how the playstyles differ and just have more high level tf2 streams available in general -- I think awareness/slight promotion on tf.tv for events would go a long way, as I don't venture outside of the NA TF2 websites. With that said, I'll throw in a few bucks

posted about 9 years ago
#17 i got hacked in Off Topic

Change your passwords, use two step authentication on steam/gmail, reformat. If you still aren't SURE how your password was obtained, just assume your system has been compromised and start over new,

posted about 9 years ago
#7 twitch streams buffering? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm on FiOS in Southern California and Verizon throttles twitch, among other websites. On my laptop, it's particularly bad, even through VPNs to the point of needing to crank down quality options to Medium (large streams included).

Downloaded this today, loaded up a CS stream and it ran gloriously at Source quality even through my VPN. It's been years since I used Media Player Classic, but I've been looking for a reason to switch over. I'd definitely recommend giving it a try if you're having issues with getting throttled by your ISP.

Only downside is no chat. I like having chat side-by-side with the stream all in one window, taking up as much space as possible. Popping out chat and resizing the video/chat are solutions to this, but it gets frustrating when you're swapping between multiple windows.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 takyahud in Customization
snuffleupagusalso, anyone know how to make the overheal/low heath solid colors, not transparent?

If you haven't solved this problem with the advice of others, open hudplayerhealth.res, change the fillcolor of HealthBarBuff, HealthBarBuff2, HealthBarHurt, HealthBarHurt2's last value from 80 to 255. ie "0 185 255 80" to "0 185 255 255" for HealthBarBuff.

Alternatively, you'd remove the animation/pulsing of colors on your health, but you can use the alternative hudanimations_tf.txt in the scripts folder by renaming hudanimations_tf-NOPULSE.txt to hudanimations_tf.txt

poopy_Nice job bringing ya_hud back, have a few issues though: http://imgur.com/a/jeNB3

Can you add a second line for the inven pages so it doesn't overlap?

I don't have enough backpack pages to be sure it would work. It never occurred to me that this could be an issue, but I'll check it out.

yttriumI'm actually just gunna submit a pull request for all of the above stuff, I'm fixing it myself.

I haven't pushed any updates in months, as nothing major has been introduced, nor has anything been broken afaik that hasn't already been stated. I did revert the main menu and I pushed the minor fix for the main menu's infamous box in the top left.

I did, however, try to work through mvm a little more while I made it "playable," but I just couldn't figure out how things worked, particularly the scoreboard. If you are able to make the changes, I will be sure to push through the updates.

As for the engineer stuff, I'll look into it when I get some time if you haven't.

Thanks, boys.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 DeathAdder left click button issue in Hardware

Check your warranty status just in case you fall in the 2 year range. I just sent an email to razer regarding my 2013 Deathadder purchased March 2014 because my left click button double clicks sometimes like someone that posted earlier.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 good mge in TF2 General Discussion
wonderlandtopnotch mge is back as of last month, (you're west right?)

TN MGE has a whitelist and class restrictions. This alone is reason to use it. It's just got populating problems because it's not in the tftv list nor does anyone know it's back up if they're only going to servers on their favorites list. Lack of advertising/awareness, but it's a solid MGE server right now.

posted about 9 years ago
#87 So-Cal TF2 Meetup & LAN(?) in LAN Discussion

I just got home from work in Irvine after an hour in traffic. RJ had an emergency, so he can't go, which means I'd have to sit in traffic with no carpool again to pretty much go where I just came from. I'm gonna have to sit this one out, boys.

tl;dr RJ and takram aren't going to make it.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 So-Cal TF2 Meetup & LAN(?) in LAN Discussion
RJ-Anyone think they can pick me up? i live in Cerritos area haha. Theres a Gen in Cerritos too btw. Also Should make reservation for Gen because it can be up to 2 hours for the wait time.

I'll pick you up from Long Beach.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 takyahud in Customization

Here are some questions I received earlier via PM that may be useful to others in the future:

I was just wondering though, is there any way for us to change the colour of the Übercharge meter and charge percent number? Also, is there a way to remove the green square behind the charge percent number?
  • To change the uber % color, open resource/ui/hudmediccharge.res, find chargelabel and edit the fgcolor. This value can be any value defined in resource/clientscheme.res or any RGBA value (0 255 255 255, for example).
  • To change the charge meter color, open hudmediccharge.res and change the chargemeter bgcolor and fgcolor to values you'd like. I believe chargemeter1, 2, 3, 4 are tied to this also, though I'm not positive at the moment and they may be tied to the vaccinator (vacc is pretty borked on takyahud atm)
  • To remove the green background when ubercharge is ready, open hudmediccharge.res again and at the top is "medicbg." You can change the tall and wide values to 0 or move the xpos or ypos to a value like 9999.
Also, one last thing, is there any way to move the win panel up a bit so it's not touching the bottom of the screen? I assume I just have to edit the distance value, but I'm not very clever when it comes to customizing HUDs.
  • This involves a little more work. You can either open resource/ui/winpanel.res and remove everything after player3score (line 512) where all of the killstreak stuff begins, and this will remove all killstreak info from winpanel, giving you more clearance at the bottom, or you can start to manually adjust each element one by one by a few pixels by changing the ypos of each item in winpanel (very tedious).
  • One option I am not sure will work would be to open scripts/hudlayout.res, find winpanel, and change the ypos to -5 or so. Fairly certain this will not work, and if it does, you will run into trouble with this overlapping various charge meters in the hud, which is why I did not leave much room at the bottom.

Xieril what resolution are you running? Normally that Heavy ammo icon does not appear unless you are a medic healing someone and I'm puzzled as to why it's showing up for you. To remove that icon, open resource/ui/targetid.res, find ammoicon and change wide/tall values to 0.

For the inspectbox, try opening resource/ui/hudinspectpanel.res and under itempanel, change xpos. xpos r270 and ypos 300 are the values for the spectator inspect panel, but mine appear fine, so I'm thinking this also has to do with your resolution.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 giving away an awp asiimov battle scarred in Off Topic

I like stuff

posted about 9 years ago
#24 takyahud in Customization
3DHow do i remove the red box around my health when its low? Its kinda distracting.

resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res find HealthBG, HealthBarBuff, HealthBarBuff2, HealthBarHurt, HealthBarHurt2 and change the xpos of each to 9999. This will remove the box entirely.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 takyahud in Customization
DjodorIs it possible to remove the health/damage numbers/ammo shadows?

Go to FLV (BLU)/resource/ClientScheme.res and search for hudshadow. Change "0 0 0 255" to "0 0 0 0"

Explanation for those too scared to change things on their own:
Those 4 numbers are RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha), which generate colors. Alpha is the transparency layer. Values range from 0-255 for each of those numbers - 0 being nonexistent, 255 being full. "0 0 0 255" is black with 0 transparency, so by changing the last 255 to 0, you make it a fully transparent color (the first 3 numbers would be irrelevant). There are online tools and color wheels you can use to experiment with colors until you find things you like. Clientscheme.res is where you edit your colors as you see fit. You can edit colors in individual files without defining them in clientscheme, but you have the potential to make a big mess.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 takyahud in Customization


  • Mannpower support added
  • Removed triangle in bottom right (can reactivate by going into hudplayerhealth.res and changing "tri"'s visible entry from 0 to 1
  • Added shadows to health text while buffed/hurt
  • Added base jumper support
  • MVM was addressed in previous update. It won't be pretty and revives are the ugliest, but it will work just fine.
posted about 9 years ago
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