Account Details
SteamID64 76561198113239036
SteamID3 [U:1:152973308]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:76486654
Country Lithuania
Signed Up February 19, 2016
Last Posted December 6, 2024 at 7:04 AM
Posts 184 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity random every day
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse np01s
Keyboard ducky one two blues
Mousepad padsmith glass
Headphones hd560s
Monitor alienware something
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#6 Desk recommedation in Hardware

karlby is the popular one and looks rly good, if u want a cheaper alternative try the saljan, i got that one and it's held up to all my desk smashing. if you want adjustable legs i got no recommendations but if you want a regular desk i'd recommend getting an alex drawer and 2-3 legs (depends on how long the table is, if its over 1.8m then get a middle leg)

posted 2 months ago
#11 How to delete tf2tv profile? in Site Discussion

dawg you making this post has brought more attention to your profile than anything else could

posted 2 months ago
#20 custom weapon name megathread in TF2 General Discussion




posted 5 months ago
#17 Considering a New Pug Site. in TF2 General Discussion

ah, another pug site, another one that shall join the grave of all that came before it.
seriously we don't need another pug site just spread around the current ones, the new ones will have high traffic for maybe a month then return to what all the other ones are now

personally don't dislike anything about the websites themselves, i think many people share my opinion that the main problem with many pug sites is the same 5-10 people that literally constantly play pugs that everyone dislikes. they're not deserving of a ban cuz that's just their personality but nobody wants to play with them because they're not likable and they're 24/7 on

in the same vein, stop being toxic to new/bad players and they'll stick around and keep playing, being toxic to eachother just makes everyone that would be playing quit to go play tf2c. or just wait for their scrims

posted 6 months ago
#36 What was the worst age uv been in Off Topic

16-17, teen depression can hit hard...

posted 6 months ago
#8 Nerf Sniper on Product in TF2 General Discussion

started a project with someone to do this, ended up doing more but a version with the specific changes ur asking for was made

https://imgur.com/a/product-rcm-2kvW2dP heres an imgurs with ALL the changes that were made (one of them has minor ones, not the extreme ones like the wooden fence on rock or the extended fence covering the point)
drive file has 3 versions, 1 is about what ur asking for in ur example with some other minor changes. it's not exactly what u want but it's something we thought of without making the changes too annoying (mainly cuz a lot of people would've complained about china being blocked off, the sign on china can't be shot through but can be jumped through) pretty much every change has been made with sniper in mind, other than the obvious bridge removal which we thought would make soldier more fun

keep in mind this was started like over half a year ago lol. i was planning on testing these and making changes where people would/wouldn't like stuff but my lifes become quite busy so i don't have time. i won't be making any changes so if ya'll like these/don't like something and want something changed please don't ask me to change anything cuz that won't happen (plus i'm not the one that actually MADE these changes, just the megamind behind the ideas) but you're free to use these in whatever way you like

also if i remember correctly most if not all of these should have some optimization to the rendering of the map so they SHOULD be more performance friendly, but i really can't remember which ones do/don't have those

posted 6 months ago
#10 Hero to save of bot farms in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

row row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.
row row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.
row row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.
row row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.
row row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.
row row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.
row row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.

posted 7 months ago
#7 how do i get started with comp in Q/A Help

To get into comp join TF2 Coaching Central they have a discord. Newbie Mixes helps alot as well.

my dawg using himself as a case study

posted 7 months ago
#4 cheating in premiership in 2024 in TF2 General Discussion

idk what else u want said about this topic

posted 7 months ago
#9 Wellt his is going nowere and more ppl will quit n in TF2 General Discussion


posted 7 months ago
#9688 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted 8 months ago
#80 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion


posted 8 months ago
#78 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion







posted 8 months ago
#9625 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted 10 months ago
#19 No girls ever in any tf2 games? in TF2 General Discussion

There are plenty, they don't play comp. Plus most girls are afraid to speak cuz you have so many incels instantly simping/harassing them. Also follow habibs advice

posted 10 months ago
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