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Signed Up July 25, 2012
Last Posted August 26, 2014 at 7:01 PM
Posts 339 (0.1 per day)
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#209 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion
snowblindi cant be the only one who cringes when people fall for really obvious troll posts

why would our invite overlords lie to us???

posted about 11 years ago
#543 yahud in Customization

The team indicators in the corner had a white line on the edge which bothered me, so I fixed it by making the vtfs solid colors and using the alpha channel for the shape.

posted about 11 years ago
#541 yahud in Customization

Damn, FLV looks great.

Once you start playing and join a team do the menus change to your team colour? Kind of confused because I see there's a different red and blu version.

posted about 11 years ago
#198 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
KidIpztrogTechnobladeAlso from the grand finals matches being pretty fast I think we can narrow down the problem to gullywash. :`( But gully can be the fastest map

Through the mangled quote I see your tear, and I too shed one.

I like gully :'(

posted about 11 years ago
#191 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
Technobladeim seeing people going spy so they can switch to sapper and see enemy medigun several times during lan

QF changing the meta so hard we're incorporating highlander strats

Next we'll have renaming mediguns.

Also from the grand finals matches being pretty fast I think we can narrow down the problem to gullywash.

posted about 11 years ago
#187 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSneed to figure out a way to beat the QF+heavy with your own QF that doesn't involve running a heavy of your own, or the whole point of allowing the QF is kind of null and void.

Shouldn't running a heavy with the combo instead of a scout leave your flank really weak? I stopped watching after a bit but I didn't see anyone trying to abuse that really. With being able to jump your med around it seems like you could get away with using qf on the flank for picks, kiting their push since they have a heavy (either by backing up or maybe even jumping behind them so they can't push up?), and pushing back in before their respawns get back. And if they wait for respawns you'll basically have charge again.

idk, it doesn't always work out the way you theorycraft it, but it seems like it'd be worth a try.

posted about 11 years ago
#159 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion

megaheal thing heal rate is 100.8 hp/s minimum
rocket fires once every 0.8 seconds
medic heals 80.64 health in 0.8 seconds
max rocket damage is 112
medic overhealed hp is 185

so that works out to be 4 point blank directs in a row at max fire rate, putting the med into -21.08 health

good roamers shouldn't have a problem doing that!

posted about 11 years ago
#143 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion

Invite captains will vote on it for next season's ban list, it's too late to do anything for this season.

So yeah, you're making a ruckus for nothing.

posted about 11 years ago
#119 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion

A quick fix with normal heal rates, full uber on patient, and no uber on med would be a lot nicer. The patient being invuln means heavy isn't really a counter, med not getting the uber means there's still a way to fight it, and the crazy heal rate is just pretty dumb.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 heal beam in Q/A Help

You can get a similar effect by reducing viewmodel_fov (I use 30) and then setting r_drawviewmodel to 0.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Mapsmapsmapamspsmspamsp in Map Discussion
sherman_glucki like metalworks, but the sightline from the first forward spawn to choke needs to be covered up. i dont know if theres another map where this is even possible, (being able to spam the choke entrance from the forward spawn).


posted about 11 years ago
#16 HUD edit - server time limit timer in Customization

try deleting tf_english?

posted about 11 years ago
#15 i46 Bonus content in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#5 Completely wiping drive in Hardware

If you end up needing to you can mount the iso on a virtual drive and run it. Daemon tools lite is a program you can use, idk if there's better ones out there but that's what I've used.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 New Keyboard in Hardware

There's and Fn key on the board which has to be pressed at the same time to use those, so you'll be fine.

posted about 11 years ago
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