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Signed Up June 18, 2012
Last Posted March 11, 2016 at 10:35 PM
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#31 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

2639 frames 23.746 seconds 111.14 fps ( 9.00 ms/f) 9.129 fps variability

CPU and overclock: i7 970 @ 4.1 GHz
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460 x2

Driver version: 320.00
dxlevel (default is 90): 90
Resolution: 1920x1200
Full-screen or windowed: Full
FPS configs enabled: Chris dx9frames
Shadows enabled/disabled: enabled

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Hello fellas, and yes i am a mac user:( in Hardware

if you're just looking to stream TF2, it shouldn't be too bad in price. get the i5 3570, not only read but understand overclocking and raise it up to a minimum of 3.8 ghz. no need for a SSD unless you're willing to put out a bit more money. RAM is relatively cheap, get 8gb. I don't know much about GPUs but I believe ATI is cheaper and plenty for TF2. Don't skimp out on a power supply. you don't need a crazy 1000w one, just make sure to read reviews.

also http://www.pcpartpicker.com check out some of the builds people have made and made public, but don't blindly follow them... they could be as clueless as you currently are, get opinions on what you find from knowledgeable people.

edit: i put 3750

posted about 11 years ago
#12 idea in Site Discussion

ye I have no idea myself. I figured it could be done via cookies somehow.

i'm completely oblivious about web design so i'm wrong i'm sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 idea in Site Discussion
atmoThis has already been suggested.

It involves quite a bit of work and additional database space, doubt it will happen any time soon.

oh, lame :(

posted about 11 years ago
#5 idea in Site Discussion
kacedo you see where it says
5 minutes ago
by turtsmcgurts

click that.
turtsmcgurtsautomatically scrolls you down to the first-new post you haven't seen.

apologies if i'm not a internet warrior that is capable of refreshing the page per post :(

edit: not to mention the last time I actually clicked on a thread that wasn't on the side-bar "Forum Activity" was long enough ago that I can't remember. I had to leave the home screen to find this "Site Suggestions" board, that was enough adventuring for me.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 idea in Site Discussion
OblivionageSounds pretty cool but I personally don't see the need for it. I guess if the thread is long enough and you want to go to the post you were at before it'll be kind of hard to find it. Would find it annoying if i didn't want to go to the post i was looking at before though :o

when you open a thread, how often do you want to reread it as opposed to going straight to the newest posts? personally I rarely want to reread a thead, and I find it annoying having to scroll down and skim through posts to jog my memory as to where I was at previously.

it's more of a hassle currently.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 idea in Site Discussion

didn't know what to make the title.

Would be cool if, when you open up a thread you've already read once before, it automatically scrolls you down to the first-new post you haven't seen.

example: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussions (you may need to register)

posted about 11 years ago
#130 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion
EmmaWatsonHm.. weird...
I only saw one person in my whole school participate (who was a homosexual)
But the thing is, we're really pro-LGBT.

not everybody cares to go to the extreme and do something so silly to make a point, I think.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Natural Selection 2 in Off Topic

the reg is fine.

the best NA pubs are the KKG's, add them as a bookmark. better players tend to play there.

skulk is awful. marines move faster jumping backwards than you do jumping forward. gorge is pretty fun if you can land your shots, untouchable if you have a good gorge partner. lerk is the bird that flys around. you gain speed by flapping your wings a couple times (space bar). against good players, never rush them to bite if they know you're there, you only bite when they aren't looking at you. use your spikes to harass. fade has the highest skill ceiling. ideally you want to get good at fade with just shadowstep (not blink), because a lot of the time in both pub/comp you don't get blink until later on. do not rush more than 1 shotgunner without carapace, even then it's risky if they're decent.

as commander, if someone asks for ammo/medpack/mist, press spacebar and it takes you to them.

combat mode isn't terrible; think of it as NS2's SOAP DM. you level up based on kills/assist and can purchase upgrades with your levels. don't take it as serious as the random gays in it that get mad if you lose; marines rarely win.

skulk: adrenaline(if you have leap, celerity otherwise) / silence / carapace
gorge: adrenaline(although celerity is pretty hilarious) / silence / carapace
lerk: celerity / silence / carapace or regen depending on playstyle
fade: adrenaline / silence / carapace
onos: either or / silence / carapace

posted about 11 years ago
#114 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion

boy I hope none of you cuties play APB, you might poo your pants.

I probably don't help the cause trolling with this fine piece of gayness of mine. (i'm the pink afro/dickmobile).


edit: and a close-up of my friend (he had the screenshot available). I wish I had a picture of my characters face.. I got this pretty gay dick tattoo on my forehead, that way when I have cars pinned to a corner, they're extra mad looking at my face through the windshield.


posted about 11 years ago
#47 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion

i probably wouldn't be very good friends with someone who got upset about my use of fag/gay/faggot when joking around. luckily I don't hang out with anyone like that.

i have no issue with gay people, it's not like I walk up to them and call them faggots. i feel like the people who get mad over things like that are also the ones who say African Americans in place of Black, but have no problem saying White over caucasian. a girl did that in my class last year and it really confused me.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 get lucky in Off Topic

disappointed that we're only getting the radio edit

posted about 11 years ago
#14 get lucky in Off Topic

http://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/1cm17k/daft_punks_single_get_lucky_will_be_released_in/ submitted 8 hours ago

guy's all into it, aha.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion
AllealThe first clip was dodgy as fuck, and he chose not to take an easy medic kill at least twice.

edit: misunderstanding. his post is edited for clarity, ignore mine.

not sure what first clip you're talking about because from what I can tell, there was never a easy med shot he refused to take. I assume the first scout kill as accidental as he tried to shoot the medic. the second time he peeked around the corner, his only easy shot on the medic happened but he missed (it happens). next time he peeked, he didn't have a clear shot up until right before the scout fell down, where he rightfully changed focus.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion
mghughlauriemost of these players he's facing have really terrible movement. the amount of point blank flicks on those scouts is a bit suspicious though.

when you kill scouts pointblank with a headshot, it's almost always a flick due to it being close quarters. they're also not terribly uncommon if you play enough.

if you want to claim he hacks, you need to watch him live or download several demos to see his consistency. this video could be months in the making, but if he's landing these kinds of shots all game every game, then it's pretty suspicious, but I doubt it.

posted about 11 years ago
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