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Last Posted February 22, 2017 at 5:18 PM
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#28 Friendly Fire? in TF2 General Discussion
saamwhy code the plugin when you can just bind a key mp_restartgame or whatever it is

thats probably what you would do if you organized a mid-only scrim, but i think the biggest issue with just restarting the round and sending players to spawn is that the server would be pretty unplayable before someone falls on their sword and plays medic and enables everyone else to do their rollout

if the server is only playable at 12/12 its never gonna be 12/12

posted about 7 years ago
#24 Friendly Fire? in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetI would love for DM mod to focus more on team fighting instead of the individual.
I have no clue if this idea is possible to implement but my vision for DM servers would be:

4v4 (just like it currently is setup)
each team of 4 spawns on their side of mid
round starts
both teams fight until one side is completely dead
Both teams respawn at the same time
another round begins
rinse and repeat, until time limit hit

Don't get me wrong, I love DM the way it is setup right now.
I just think that making DM a little structured would be an improved way to practice and a lot of fun.

i dont know if i agree that this is an "improved" way to practice dm. just on a frag per minute basis this would be WAY lower than a trad dm server. dm is about building that ingrained instant reaction to enemy gamers thru sheer repetition, and you shouldnt replace it with something that doesn't offer the same service

THAT SAID, i think theres something to the idea of more structured mid fights. mid fights are the best part of tf2 comp BY FAR in my opinion and also the most important part (at least with evenly matched teams). i know seagull talked about setting up practices with teams where they would just run mids 10x instead of bothering with the full game. i see no reason why you would cap it at 8 players tho, instead of 12

im sort of thinking about this in the same vein as counterstrike retake servers; players spawn closer to mid (but still staggered in a way that they show up at the mid in the correct order) with appropriate health/buffs and the round ends when mid is capped (cause someone is running to last) or all enemy gamers are dead. teams are scrambled after 3 consecutive wins or some such to prevent stomping. i dont know how you handle class preferences either first come or random when too many people want to spawn as a certain class.

i think it would be a terrifically fun game mode, it would definitely not be trivial to code the plugin however and who knows if there would be enough people to populate it

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Most U.S. Religious Groups Support Gay Marriage in World Events
Nub_Danishit's almost as if segregation was enforced by the state and created by the state
In a truly free society discrimination based on sexual orientation or race or sex do not matter to people who are trying to make a profit. The only way that business who do can exist is if they have a product so good people will look past it (chick fil) and they're isn't a alternative (if kfc wasn't so shit chick fil would be getting fucked right now).
If a NBA team said hey no black guys they probably wouldn't do very well, it's the same principal here if they're a really good hardworking smart young black man who will work for less money and I hire this lazy white dude because I hate blacks the company who hired the black guy is going to out compete and force me out of business.

Really? the whole "the issue with segregation/poverty/sexism isn't too little regulation, its too much!"?

no lunch counter was forced to be segregated. business owners CHOSE to be segregated. Reading your post your stance seems to be that you're fine with the laws passed barring segregation in the classroom (public classroom that is), public transit, judicial system, military, all public institutions basically, but disagree with laws prohibiting discrimination in any private enterprise.

you provide your opinion on how untenable bigoted businesses are except in outlier cases with chick fil a as a shining example of such an outlier. chick fil a has tons of competitors. if the price of a chick fil a sandwich increased by a dollar customers would desert, getting their fried chicken fix elsewhere or not at all. the fact that chick fil a was barely impacted by its CEO's bigoted donations is not an example of how strong its market hold is; it's a sign of how weak a market signal bigoted donations are.

then you say that all bigoted practices create drag for a company in the form of worse employees or fewer customers since they are alienating a subset of the population by excluding certain races/genders/sexualities. But imagine if you're opening a pool in Alabama in 1950. You can choose to include or exclude blacks. Is it more profitable to include them because your consumer base is larger as a result? well, is your consumer base larger? remember, in this hypothetical "no-holds-barred" private enterprise arena you're competing with segregated pools, and there are two customer populations at stake: racist whites who don't want to mix with blacks and blacks who don't have the choice. Which side its profitable to appeal to depends on which side is spending more money, and this applies to restaurants, clubs, movie theatres, etc.

This applies to hiring as well. If you hire whites and blacks, you gain access to black workers, but lose the ability to hire and retain racist whites. if you hire exclusively whites you aren't able to hire blacks, but you can hire and retain racist whites. so which is more profitable or successful is determined by which population is more desirable.

And think about selling a house, a totally private enterprise, but one in which "profit" or utility is fuzzy. What if you set up a neighborhood which doesn't sell to blacks? sure, fewer buyers means theoretically lower house prices, but what of the racist whites willing to pay a premium for an exclusive neighborhood.

its important to understand that private desegregation is important precisely because racism CAN be profitable, and a society which allows segregated and de-segregated businesses creates two mutually exclusive factions in the racist privileged class and the discriminated-upon class. when you give racists the ability to economically signal their racism, you give racism economic power; desegregation is a way of removing that ability.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Most U.S. Religious Groups Support Gay Marriage in World Events

The free market had 100 years to "solve" racial segregation in the south and failed. The idea markets punish bigotry is clearly wrong.

Reading this thread would lead you to believe it was the markets and not legislation that ended segregation on the basis of skin color.

So I think people should take a step back and address whether they think the civil rights laws passed in the 60's were a mistake. Similarly, to what degree is there a difference between segregation based on sexual orientation versus skin color.

posted about 7 years ago
#38 B4nny's thoughts on Whitelists in general in TF2 General Discussion
MenachemYeah no that's fair, I haven't spent much time playing any moba. I've only really spent time watching them be played and listening to my friends talk about them. Tried to play Dota but immediately decided I didn't want to spend the time reading what all the heroes do. Also not a fan of the WoW combat system, or MMO system, or whatever it's called. I tried to appeal more to OW since I've actually put time into that one.

Still though, I'm not sure that irl sports is totally incompatible the type of choice I'm talking about. That clothing analogy was heat of the moment, but I think I can come up with some better ones. Like what if basketball teams, rather than choosing to make a 2 pointer or go for 3 on the spot, were forced to choose whether they'd only be allowed to make 3's or regular goals before each possession? Or if football teams had to choose whether they'd only make field goals or touchdowns at the start of each quarter?

youve misunderstood me. your central argument is that hero drafting has no analogous concept in real sports, and any imagined analogous concept is clearly awful. im saying this is an awful metric by which to judge game concepts.

just to reiterate because your post reads like you didn't see my last paragraph: uber advantage has no traditional sport analogy either. this does not make uber advantage a bad concept in tf2. do you disagree?

i also dont understand the point of these analogies, if you think dota drafting is analogous to a binary choice at the beginning of a sports game, again you just dont understand dota. someone could mock chess for having a lot of similar looking "book" openings, but at every level opening play matters a lot and has a significant amount of strategic depth.

I guess those are still kinda shitty, but I think they get the point across. Having a system where the items picked and heroes played cancel out the choices of the other team distorts whether the skill of the teams really determines the outcome.

youre implying that the purpose of a sport is to highlight "skill". but what if i think that playcalling in NFL distorts the skill on display? the best runners, catchers, and throwers aren't winning games, the teams with the best playcalling are. during a period of time in the 90's there were rules against zone defenses in the NBA, essentially you could isolate your best player on one side of the court where he gets to show off his skill in a 1-1. This rule was later changed, but are the more dynamic offenses and defenses strengthening or weakening basketball skill?

"skill" is only meaningful as a word in the sense that you can apply it to someone's ability to win at a game. clearly even with shifting rules there is a persistent "skill" to drafting, itemizing, and playing dota since the top players and teams remain constant.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 B4nny's thoughts on Whitelists in general in TF2 General Discussion
MenachemSure, games like Dota require a kind of skill, but it's not exactly an interesting one to watch in action. "Oh, they picked the right heroes to directly counter our team? Welp, guess we're fucked!"

youve played dota for less than 10 minutes and it shows

also its completely disingenuous to suggest that the reason sports don't have complicated itemization/hero choices is because they've chosen to skip them for the sake of competitive purity. like Naismith had the option of introducing "gauntlets of dribbling" and skipped it because he was worried about distracting players...

im not saying that tons of choices or no choices is better, only that appealing to soccer and basketball as your argument is completely missing the point. no sport has the concept of an uber advantage either; it sounds like a feature that belongs in a Nickelodeon slime challenge more so than a sport. does that make uber adv bad for tf2? ofc not. it differs from real sports and is the better for it; soccer isn't some holy grail of competition that all other competitions suffer by their degree of separation

posted about 7 years ago
#9 english essay in Music, Movies, TV
yawnyes our given task is to write through a feminist pov, but find something specific to focus on

That's a pretty awful prompt, condolences.

A fairly easy essay would be about the unfair dichotomous role women play, Ophelia/Daisy in particular. Essentially, the unrealistic male fantasies their expected to fulfill whether from their family or former partner and how that fantasy comes into conflict with their reality as a flesh n blood being

posted about 8 years ago
#5 english essay in Music, Movies, TV

You choose text examples based on the thesis you want to argue. You haven't given one, unless your essay is going to be literally "a feminist theorist would find this passage provocative because..." I can't even imagine a college course built around those texts much less forcing the students to address them thru feminism

So I'm just going to assume you're another internet user who wants to have the umpteenth conversation on feminism and academia

posted about 8 years ago
#32 ice cream in Off Topic

a nice banana ice cream

if im feeling 8) i will purchase moose tracks!

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Dude wipes in Off Topic

thx for ruining the oceans with ur non-disintegrating "flushable-in-name-only" wipes...

wdoes anyone here wet their toilet paper using the sink before wiping. i feel like im the only who does this and im insecure about it


sounds like a recipe for the tp to start disintegrating and beading

posted about 8 years ago
#43 ps2 classics in Other Games

Midnight Club 2
Ace Combat 04
Vice City (theres no mouselook while driving in pre-SA GTA's so the experience is just much worse than it shouldve been on PC)

posted about 8 years ago
#722 Donald Trump in World Events

huh elliot is wrong as usual, what a surprise

in that wiki page there is this quote:

your wiki link In 2005, 42% of US households (76% among the top quintile) had two or more income earners; as a result, 18% of households but only 5% of individuals had six figure incomes.[14] To illustrate, two nurses each making $55,000 per year can out-earn, in a household sense, a single attorney who makes a median of $95,000 annually

you'll note he said HOUSEHOLD in his post, and as the original post was about parent's earnings, individual income seems irrelevant (the whole upper class people have upper class kids even if they flip burgers)

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Question for people who quit TF2 in Off Topic

And, of course, why do you browse a forum for a game you no longer play?
Internet communities basically go to shit when they reach a certain size. If my internet use were dictated by a single rule it would essentially be this: "flight from size"

posted about 8 years ago
#6 top ten commandments? in The Dumpster

5. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

by far the best commandment tbh

posted about 8 years ago
#45 College Essays in Off Topic
lootDoesn't asking for help like this defeat the purpose of a college admission essay?

I would say easily 50%+ (probably much higher) receive help on their college essay

I would estimate probably around 10% don't write theirs at all (or have it rewritten to such a degree that they essentially didn't write it)

Whether that's appropriate... probably not, but anyone applying for colleges not taking full advantage of help is only hurting themselves

posted about 8 years ago
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