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Last Posted February 22, 2017 at 5:18 PM
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#44 College Essays in Off Topic

in your first essay you spend ~200 words talking about the bubble you push back against and ~50 words talking about your sub-community of bubble people pushing back against the bubble. Those numbers should be reversed. You need to think about what "community you belong to" you want to be talking about in your essay, and I think it should absolutely be the community you're a part of which does community service, not the one about genetic intelligence.

you can also mention a lot of concepts that get admissions wet, such as being uncomfortable with comfort. you should talk about how you and these other people form a sub-community which pushes back against its privilege and advantage etc.

you also need to be 1000x more specific about the community service that you did. talk about a specific street in San Antonio, a specific home, a specific tenant whatever. Any individual memory which was indicative of the larger experience for you. Admissions people read about thousands of teenagers helping build homes, you need to be different.

speaking of different, your 2nd essay is the most stereotypical HS senior essay. you unironically use the fact that there's no I in team. i dont know how important these "stillness" moments before games/tests/recitals are to you, but you absolutely failed to convey it in your paper. it basically boils down to "i like to practice because i want to feel good about x event before x event" but there's no actual conflict here. the MUCH easier essay to write is about practice and how you push yourself in practice so hard. you talk about the nitty-gritty of practicing like getting sweat in your eyes and every muscle in your body screaming in agony, but you don't stop because you know you either suffer in practice or in game.

the issue with the way you wrote it is that you only talk about the easiness/contentedness of a good practice regimen, without talking about the work you do to achieve that easiness in game. our only sense of your practice regimen is you say you spend hours every week on it

posted about 8 years ago
#10 List of stuff to fix for valve? in TF2 General Discussion
SmytherReally guys? You wouldn't ask for some of the simpler, more obvious weapon rebalances first? Like "cosy camper now only adds 25 health"?

your one theoretical balance change is making a second (worse) Darwin's shield? wtf?

my biggest complaint is that tf2 is probably the worst game to alt tab in and out of since WC3. its a casual game that i cant play casually

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Valve to start shutting down gambling sites in TF2 General Discussion

rip skin prices

posted about 8 years ago
#99 Capcom Pro Tour in Esports

I dont know enough sfv to write as much as you, but my hope is that Poongko makes top 8

I think Daigo will (unfortunately) get eliminated right before top 8

I think the top 3 will be Momochi/Tokido/Infiltration, and I'm gonna be rooting for Momochi

posted about 8 years ago
#25 VALVE Sued Over Underage Gambling Accusations in TF2 General Discussion
How is op skins a gambling site? it's just a paypal marketplace.

without opskins you could credibly say that these skins are purely virtual, opskins provides an easy avenue for converting cash into skins and skins into cash. its not saying opskins is a gambling site, but that its one site in a network of sites that essentially allows cash gambling on csgo games.

posted about 8 years ago
#113 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

Emilio has a good point, in 2014 when the referendum was close the big issue was "we dont want England to profit on our oil"

now theres another issue of "England just voted to leave the EU and we wanted to stay" but the original issue no longer exists because oil in 2016 isnt what it was in 2014.

Basically you cant say "it was close in 2014 and now we have this new contentious issue so a new vote would almost certainly be in favor of separation" because what made it close in 2014 is no longer a factor

posted about 8 years ago
#44 So when do I cash in on pounds? in Off Topic
DarkNecridaroseI'm honestly still shocked, in my area it seemed like 80% of people were pro EU
seemed like a definite EU win, and I'm in a pretty rural area

doesn't matter if people are pro something if not everyone for that thing actually votes though, and the turn out was only 72%.

72% is not a low turnout in an election, the last US election to achieve 70% turnout was 1900 and it was above what the UK achieves for their general elections as well

this also isn't different than what the UK was polling before the election (slight lead for leave)

this isn't a turnout issue, this is a jingoistic nationalism issue

posted about 8 years ago
#71 QUAKE CHAMPIONS in Other Games

im sure this game is gonna be casual or dead on arrival, i honestly dont remember the last truly competitive multiplayer game that was popular

for it to be good, all the people flocking to overwatch right now would have to make complaints about how restrictive its skill ceiling is, can you honestly see that happening? a decade (+?) long erosion of skill in multiplayer video games reverses itself in a sequel/reboot?

posted about 8 years ago
#16 @twenty since other thread got locked in CS2 General Discussion
PhunkYo dog once again you're starting something up when you shouldn't have

Let it go

i didnt start shit, there or here, retrograde just comes out and attacks me for dodging when u can see my list of points which happens to mirror cozens... who i wasnt even arguing with, just trying to talk cs (deja vu last thread derail)

@enigma @mana lock this shit, i promise to never post again, im dooooooone

posted about 9 years ago
#13 @twenty since other thread got locked in CS2 General Discussion
retrogradedamn dude he rebuts everything u say and u just knock it off to "not what i was talking about" and then u say u were joking in the first place??? lmao man up and accept it

and yea scream's fee is insane

lmao was this necessary??

i addressed every point in his post and then added a couple comments on points i made he didnt address, no need to get so hostile

posted about 9 years ago
#9 @twenty since other thread got locked in CS2 General Discussion

nice post

i have a couple issues with it, ill try to keep it brief tho:

1. most of my posts were about how cs should be played, despite saying that most of my info was wrong you didn't mention a single thing i wrote that was wrong on HOW cs should be played. you took issue with three, essentially trivia, points. (dazed vs. happy, sgares watching demos, swag and being poor) its worth noting none of these points are really mine, but we'll get there.

2. first, its quick so: swag might not be poor. its just the reasoning i heard in a 10man from Warden (I think) for why he was picked up as an analyst. i dont think someones bedroom determines whether money is tight. i dont think he lives in poverty, i think his family could have used the cash from when cs went bigtime in 2013 tho. also worth mentioning that i never suggested he threw for his family, i was providing a reason for why its kind of fucked up that hes banned indefinitely.

3. sgares and demos. ya, youre right. sgares watched a shitload of demos leading into C9's 2nd place runs, and they were able to play out of their minds and punch above their weight because of it. But, since that renaissance teams adapted and its c9's turn to reinvent themselves and adapt. they were embarrassed at the major and then again in dubai, and its because other teams understand their mentality too well and are able to exploit it. c9 looks predictable, and its up to sgares to figure out how to fix it (by watching other teams that arent struggling)

4. Happy and Dazed: by far this is the majority of your post. Happy is scrimmy. Dazed is set play oriented. Well,,, youre right, its just not what i was talking about. I think happy and NV have become more scrimmy in response to how they work in the cs meta right now. that doesnt mean they have different philosophies of cs, and i maintain that i think ibp and ldlc were very similar in the way they approached entries (basically, a free entry should be a free round, and every kill should be traded). ibp "borrowed" a lot of ldlc's plays too (particularly inferno with how ldlc treats banana and b site.)

the BIG thing i saw both teams do earlier than other teams was "buying" aggressive peeks. if you double peek as a ct into a common lurking area you have the potential for a pick, youre guaranteed important info, and the biggest downside is you trade 1 for 1 (a terrorist getting both kills would require a misplay). i think thats great, and it makes ct sides much stronger if you can read your opponent and run "safe" aggression like that.

there are not a lot of teams with 5 players capable of pulling off such a freeflowing cs game. i dont think ibp was one of them, between swag (who is a great individual decision maker, but didnt always recognize his role in the team game) and skadoodle (who was much MUCH rawer (more raw?) on ibp) dazed had to play a more safe style because he had to be the decision maker for not only himself but other players on his team, but you can see ldlc's influence on how the team played.

just to finish, i'll say that i would have never noticed a similarity between ibp and ldlc if it wasnt for dazed's videos and stream. idk how to say it other than he clearly has a lot of respect for happy's igling, which might appear spontaneous but is actually tightly controlled. just off the top of my head some moments:
-he mentioned how ibp would always play well against ldlc because he (dazed) watched their demos the most in thinking up new ways to structure ibp
-when asked if it would make sense if ex6tence were to join NV as a coach he said something like "No, Happy has 4 players who are already playing the way he wants to play, ex6tence wouldnt help" (this isnt so much showing inspiration as it is showing that he thinks happy is the smarter igl)

edit: just thought of this, my original post was a little bit joking. im not trying to denigrate dazed at all, i think all the best igls steal, i think all the best sports coaches steal, i think all the best chess or poker players steal, best athletes etc. i was just trying to get some credit to my boy happy

posted about 9 years ago
#76 Scream to Titan in CS2 General Discussion
dummyhaha dude you didnt even deny the part about the autism

ya my post would have been really helped by responding to every bullshit insult u throw out

locked on the first funny post dummy wrote smh. and idc what people post, u dont need the faux apology, just not sure why you got so wound up over something that really never concerned you

posted about 9 years ago
#74 Scream to Titan in CS2 General Discussion
dummylol ive been playing with philippine internet since june (my only sub 10 rws months ever)

lets look at career

yours :

mine :

im kinda shit, but im still 11+ rws in the states, not that it matters.

BTW I think you have autism, i'd get that checked out. Condolences.

its gonna be tough to convey how little i care that youre actually an 11rws player instead of a 10rws player, thanks for clearing that up tho

posted about 9 years ago
#72 Scream to Titan in CS2 General Discussion
riot124twenty2020happy is the only igl that can carry a french squad, because he can teach players to play within his system (like how dazed was comfortable microing ska to the extreme)Heard of ex6tence? He's a pretty good IGL in the French scene, I heard he was in the one of the best teams in the world once (VeryGames), he was probably the best at knowing how to use individual players to their strengths. But that's probably less relevant to this discussion than your UGC profile.

i think ex6tence is really really good at designing executes and pick plays or counter stratting executes. the issue is, that happy constructs a cs system that his players operate in, and i think that leads to better cs. ex6tence will have you memorize more, happy will instead tell you your role, and then after the match is over look at the demo and say "ok so when x happened you should have done y instead". thats why happy gets a reputation for not microing his players, he doesn't make as many ingame decisions as ex6tence or sgares, but happy's players end up playing exactly how happy wants them to (after a period of adjustment and assuming they don't have an ego)

basically rules that modify your play so you can compete against the best vs. designed plays and positions that you memorize

and i think that historically, happy's meta rules the roost. ex6tence hasn't been relevant in a major since dhw2013. thats a LONG time

posted about 9 years ago
#68 Scream to Titan in CS2 General Discussion
Schweppesyo wtf people this was meant as a thread to gossip about pro cs transfers not Asperger generaltwenty2020anyway, if you dont want to read it: don't


posted about 9 years ago
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