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Signed Up July 24, 2014
Last Posted February 22, 2017 at 5:18 PM
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#87 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV
unftwenty2020i dont understand why people take got seriously

its a soap opera with gratuitous sex and violence that somehow tricked itself (and its audience) into thinking its good

or maybe people just like watching the tv show? imagine that.

your thought doesnt follow or relate to mine BTW

i dont know why you quoted me

posted about 9 years ago
#85 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV

i dont understand why people take got seriously

its a soap opera with gratuitous sex and violence that somehow tricked itself (and its audience) into thinking its good

posted about 9 years ago
#73 Fallout? in Other Games
Screwballtwenty2020botmodethe main quest line for nv felt incomplete imoIt was, the Caesar side was supposed to be way larger and more fleshed out. The game ends up being one note because the NCR is pretty much the only significant factionEverything about Caesar's Legion is retarded. Nothing about it's existence makes any sense even using fallout logic. I don't even see them being necessary as a plot devise. Honestly the NCR's imperialist takeover of Nevada should have enough conflict to make horribly cliche villains like the legion unnecessary. Hell they could have done something involving a Anarcho-Communist faction rising out of a labor movement caused by the re-industrialization of the wasteland.There is even some cool royalty free theme fitting music to go with it.

They could have had bums riding the reactivated railway looking for work. They could have had rebuilt infrastructure and activated factories. They could have had farms everywhere. They could have had new construction. They could have had worker riots at the NCR controlled mines and quarry.

When i think what could have been done with the Fallout IP and what they shat out i cringe. The worst part about all of this is that despite all these flaws the writing still makes more sense than FO3.

Ehh I think your vitriol is misplaced. There will always be things and plots that could have been done, but I don't think an homage to mad max and an interesting take on historical repetition is NECESSARILY inferior to any other conceivable plot.

The legion is an interesting faction in theory, hell it plays a lot on traditional Romantic (1800's not roman) utopian thought. It just wasn't well thought out, and in the rush to completion the legion got snipped and flattened into an unfortunate caricature. The issue, however, was never the concept, but the execution of the concept.

posted about 9 years ago
#69 Fallout? in Other Games
botmodethe main quest line for nv felt incomplete imo

It was, the Caesar side was supposed to be way larger and more fleshed out. The game ends up being one note because the NCR is pretty much the only significant faction

posted about 9 years ago
#7 ESEA trial in CS2 General Discussion
quintoshtwenty2020pm this post to tarik on the esea site and he'll probably hook you up

most streamers/invite players give them away if you ask
i asked n0thing and he just said "follow me on twitter"

i told u to message tarik, not n0thing tho

i would avoid asking n0thing for anything ever

posted about 9 years ago
#3 ESEA trial in CS2 General Discussion

pm this post to tarik on the esea site and he'll probably hook you up

most streamers/invite players give them away if you ask

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Evil Shapeshifters in The Dumpster
niveriNavajo lore claims that those who receive spiritual perfection but go on to commit a heinous act such as murdering a family member, incest, necrophilia, etc. become a purely evil yet incredibly powerful shapeshifting creature who preys on the weak. Is there any possibility that the more notorious members of the tf2 community (dingo, bullet, toilethumour, etc.) could be one of these creatures? If so, how should I defend myself from their manipulative ways?

wouldnt committing a heinous act like that be a sign that they hadn't actually achieved spiritual perfection?

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Silk Road founder sentenced to life in Off Topic
mustardoverlordtwenty2020mustard my man ur not seriously suggesting goldman sachs is to blame for the financial crash right?
not any more than any other giant investment bank or financial services firm (albeit the most visible one) did

can you be clearer about this? what did they do that would be illegal even in a ridiculously deregulated market?

posted about 9 years ago
#25 Silk Road founder sentenced to life in Off Topic

mustard my man ur not seriously suggesting goldman sachs is to blame for the financial crash right?

posted about 9 years ago
#13 A way-too-detailed networking config in Customization
wareyaCS, the arguments only ended once leagues fully restricted all net settings.

im curious

why not similarly restrict net settings in tf2? or why was it a bad decision in cs? or are those two things not mutually exclusive

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Any LEM-Supremes wanna play in CS2 General Discussion
2c5:35 PM - 2c:
5:35 PM - 2c: i got matchamked against this

idk maybe im overthinking it, but i dont think hes hacking in cs

i think hes probably a hilarious motherfucker on an alt who made a point of:
1. not setting his profile up
2. buying games just to get vacced in them

anytime someone goes to check out his profile theyll see 19 vac bans and a profile thats not set up, you have to admit thats kind of genius

and it would probably be a little too expensive of a joke if they had to redo it everytime they got vacced in cs

posted about 9 years ago
#50 MAJOR CS:GO update for 5/26/15 (Op. Bloodhound) in CS2 General Discussion
CHERRYturtsmcgurtsnobody mentioning the biggest part of the new update?

Added trace-based visibility checks to prevent networking invisible enemy players.

brb setting mm_dedicated_search_maxping 40
But if they are not being networked when we don't see them how will we hear em?

the server provides their locations if they make noise that would be audible to you

just as the server provides their locations if they are positioned visible to you

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Vanilla WoW server in Off Topic
smoboHidiI forget people still play this game, legitimately or not.only seven million people are subscribed, it's basically a ghost town

ya people say this all the time "more people are subbed than in vanilla"

but anyone who played in vanilla understands that:
1. not all hours are created equal
1.1 not all subs are equal

people used to play WOW as a fulltime job, now its become a glorified farmville (imo)

which is good because it used to be a dressy skinner box for masochists, but i still think its impossible to say that the game hasnt lost a lot of cultural capital (i dont think capital is the word i want but i cant think of a substitute)

posted about 9 years ago
#43 MAJOR CS:GO update for 5/26/15 (Op. Bloodhound) in CS2 General Discussion
Allealzoo for maximum animal facts

zoo is fucking amazing, it has the most absurd angle too although ive wasted the start of like 10 rounds sitting in it and never seeing anyone,D3hv5kj

i wish the map was better, bsite is the worst 2story clusterfuck and a site has 30 possible peeking angles. the callouts on zoo would be 10x better than any other map "hes lion going sea lion"

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Summer Reading? in Off Topic

if u want to get into philosophy i highly recommend Russell's History of Western Philosophy. it's 850 pages, but i think its the best work at really explaining philosophy's history and it brings u up to speed so you can go from it to pretty much anything you want (schopie, ludie, nietzsche, kierkegaard, foucalt, or older too). i read it to start this summer and thought it was amazing, what he does really well is place thinkers in a context to previous and future thinkers and also historical events and their personal context. its never boring, because to be honest its basically 10 or so pages per thinker (sometimes less) and these were the people that were on the cutting edge of thought for their times.

if u want something shorter i think that Hume's Enquiry is probably the most significant philosophical work ever made and its short and written for a layperson

posted about 9 years ago
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