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Last Posted February 22, 2017 at 5:18 PM
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#28 MAJOR CS:GO update for 5/26/15 (Op. Bloodhound) in CS2 General Discussion
joejoe347Am I the only one annoyed that they barely fixed any of the many bugs? Operations and new skins are great, but I feel like there's some problems that could have also been fixed.

i dont mind that, valve sees balance/bug fixes and operations as separate. which imo is a good thing, because it would just mean delaying one for the other so they can be released side by side.

what really fucking irritates me is that this operation is trash. a mission is worth like 1/10th of a rank so it takes years to get a drop and i feel like the missions are more brutal than in the past, playing casual on a broken map with 10+ awps isnt fun

posted about 9 years ago
#12 MAJOR CS:GO update for 5/26/15 (Op. Bloodhound) in CS2 General Discussion

the new knife sound is going to be reverted in 2 days

posted about 9 years ago
#17 TSM Katowice 2015 Holo Sticker giveaway in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#15 NBA Playoffs in Off Topic
kirbyRockets haven't won since '86.

94? 95?

and 86 was the greatest celtics team ever

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Crouch Key? in TF2 General Discussion

A, i use esdf instead of wasd

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Need for Speed 2015 in Other Games

midnight club was the better series tho

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Counter-Strike FragMovie Thread in CS2 General Discussion
STOGENot much of a fragmovie, but I managed to pull off this ridiculous ace one time while smurfing with friends.

Please excuse the aids spectator HUD


u would have died 4 times over if the players you were playing were decent or near your ability.............

posted about 9 years ago
#53 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion
FanglesTime to see how much we can shit talk ESEA so they for sure drop us next season woo

i dont think lpkane's going to get his feelings hurt that people are complaining about the always-on client, it would be incredibly naive of him to assume there would be no backlash

posted about 9 years ago
#31 pizza hut causing rainforest destruction in Off Topic
ZoltanIf you're going to try to write a rhetorical analysis, the most important thing to get correct is the author's intent, if you get this wrong, the whole of your writing is invalid or just irrelevant. You correctly noted the hyperbole; however, you then said that my argument only holds water if you buy into an all-or-nothing dichotomy. Of course that is true because I was using hyperbole to draw attention to a more subtle area of the spectrum of shit that no one is above. Is it nearly as significant as I stated it was? Absolutely not, but it is still a factor.

can you please expound on this? your statement makes no logical sense:
"of course [the idea that my argument only holds water if you buy into an all-or-nothing dichotomy] is true, because I was using hyperbole to draw attention to a more subtle area of the spectrum of shit that no one is above."
so you agree that your argument only possesses merit if you subscribe to the all-or-nothing dichotomy? and that i correctly ascertained your intent even though you started your post with some obnoxious statement about making sure you understand the author's intent?

"Is it nearly as significant as I stated it was? Absolutely not, but it is still a factor."
what is the "it"? are you kidding me? you can't just use an it like that for free... if the "it" is the effect of local pizza places degrading the environment than i addressed this, and the completely flawed all-or-nothing dichotomy. this entire post reads like youre agreeing your original post was pointless! or that you're defending the all-or-nothing dichotomy but only implicitly!

There is, of course, the secondary purpose of wanting to be even somewhat humorous on a competitive first person shooter forum, specifically a thread about pizza shops and their contribution to the destruction of the environment in countries that don't give a rats ass about their trees which you failed to identify at all. Overall, you would probably get an unsatisfactory score on this rhetorical analysis; however, at least you tried, so you you didn't get a zero.

and then this bullshit "indonesia doesnt care so why should you"

the exploitation of the environment is a topic which everyone should care about regardless of what nation the particular forest is in

posted about 9 years ago
#24 pizza hut causing rainforest destruction in Off Topic

so you admit he was employing a rhetorical device for some type of purpose.....a technique used to make a point......a point which he must believe or else he wouldnt have employed a rhetorical device to illustrate it........

that point?
well, his argument is a rebuttal to a post suggesting to eat local over papa johns so he must have disagreed in some manner with that point. as near as i can make of it, i would assume his argument is that the poster suggesting you eat locally is hypocritical because he suggests local eateries as a substitute for big corps when local eateries do "bad shit" too.


its possible hes scoffing at the posters presumed superiority and is attempting to bring him down a peg. the original poster was after all scoffing himself at the suggestion of going to papa johns as a substitute for pizza hut, and zoltan might be attempting to do a similar thing to him to illustrate that they are all on one similar spectrum of shit that no one is above.

but these arguments only hold water if you buy into the all-or-nothing dichotomy. its pretty much inarguable that eating locally is superior or contributes less to the degradation of the planet. the poster was completely correct in stating that papa john’s is a poor substitute for pizza hut if youre concerned about the rain forest/planet, and he was similarly correct in saying that eating locally is a good substitute. His only flaw was one of omission! in not stating the obvious fact that everyone contributes to the degradation of the planet big and small alike. zoltan's point was unnecessary, pedantic, and obnoxious not to mention wrong.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 pizza hut causing rainforest destruction in Off Topic
Zoltanrosiepokemonizepicjust another reason why papa johns is betterpapa johns does shit just as bad

eat local boys

Local companies in some way shape or form support a large corporation. You are in turn still supporting the large corporation. The only way to be sure you aren't feeding the pockets of the evil is to do everything yourself and never buy anything because capitalism is the real devil here.

"everything is bad therefore everything is equal therefore everything is equally bad"

whoa slow down there plato, relational arguments seem to have confounded you!

posted about 9 years ago
#46 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion
AnAkkkBitesAnAkkkYou should not use anything else than 66tick on TF2, there are many parts of the game engine where calculations are based on tick 66, so this’ll fuck up a lot of things (e.g. weapon recoil or doors). That’s why the tickrate is locked to 66 in TF2.
You can even ask the guy who made the plugin, he will tell you the same, it's even written in red on the download page.

On CS GO Valve fixed all these tickrate issues, so it can be modified without any issues.

If this is the case, then why can't we push Valve to implement similar fixes into TF2?

Perhaps we could see them with the up-and-coming matchmaking update that's been All The Excitement in the community lately. It's something I think this community should aim for - since 128 tick makes aiming better, after all

..get it??

Valve developers that work on TF2 and others OB games decided that tickrate should be locked on 66 and there is no point to make it higher - which may be true in some way. It may not really improve anything, it may just be a placebo effect, or even, the things you notice and think they are "better" could just be the result of different recoil/spread timing or other things which make it "easier" to hit the opponent (like you aren't even actually supposed to hit him in the first place with the real recoil/spread).

Dota, L4D and L4D2 run at tickrate 30, I don't think that really makes hit registration worse. Many other non-Valve games also run their server tickrate (or actually FPS as they call it) with such low values (e.g. Quake).

They took a totally different route on CS GO, which is quite stupid in my opinion. Either block it or allow it on all games.

BTW TFTrue had a tickrate 100 option for a moment, which was tested, but it turns out there were too many issues, so I had to remove it.

are you serious suggesting it might be PLACEBO??

this game comes apart at the seams during adadad scout duels BECAUSE of the gap that exists between the server and the player. that gap is determined by tickrate.

L4D is PVE, and Dota isnt an fps. those games really arent comparable. quake live allows 120, the earlier quakes were lower yes (q2 was even lower than 30 lol) but those were problems with the games. flaws, not features.

tickrate MATTERS the idea that it doesnt is pure myth. i would love to see 128 tick in tf2, i think it would do amazing things for the game and i honestly think that scouts at the top level would enjoy it even more than i would. that said i understand that tf2 was not designed with 128 tick in mind, and such a feat might be impossible

posted about 9 years ago
#12 tips: how to run your server at a higher tickrate in TF2 General Discussion

if its possible to play at 100 or 128 tick it should definitely be the norm

the argument that "dont use it, cause esea doesnt" is dumb. esea has 128 tick for cs, and if it was the norm for tf2 i imagine they would change.

the benefits are absurd, hitreg in scout vs. scout and sniper vs. sniper would be greatly improved

posted about 9 years ago
#48 Dad bods (Bodybuilding 2015) in Off Topic
Hallowya 30 min three times a week is bs. i guess your assuming maintenance, which obviously wouldnt work for someone whos already fat. often we're talking about a 500-700 kcal deficit for close to a year, sometimes well over that.

also i should perhaps clarify that by 'fit' i didnt mean ur average not fat person nor ur grandmother who plays badminton. i meant actually visibly fit, like built and toned and all those buzzwords

any bodytype takes time, even the 400 lbs dude whose body has molded to his desk chair only becomes that 400 lbs dude whose body has molded to his desk chair because of a daily routine compounded by time.

becoming fit is not a month thing, its not even a year thing if youre in a terrible spot and want a non-invasive routine., but neither is becoming morbidly obese.

also i should perhaps clarify that not only is your definition of fit nonsensical in the context of the thread (were talking about whether its acceptable to be fat and you said that fit people are boring. one would be justified in assuming you were using fit to describe any body type that was "not fat") but its also nonsensical in a general sense.

imagine the word fit in the most basic sense, like how a literal child would learn the term. a specific instance would be that classic childhood block game where you place objects within like holes. kids are taught that the triangle block doesn't "fit" in the square block. theyre taught that the triangle block is not suitable for the square block, it is unable to be placed there.

so how does this apply to body types? well, lets imagine a "fit" body type, a body type which is "suitable". to me that's someone who is capable of activities that could be considered within the normal realm of activity. hiking, kayaking, riding a roller coaster without special restraints, doing a somersault, swimming etc. these activities do not require a lot of physical ability, they just require you to be "fit" for basic activity.

you could say that by your defn of fit that the previous defn is untenable, because those people could be unfit for tasks of your determining like benching 300 or crushing a can of soda with their pecs. but those are highly specialized activities requiring dedicated practice, to be unfit for those is not to be generally unfit, but to simply be unfit in that specific instance.

and moving beyond that, to deride people who can bench 300+ or crush a can of soda with their pecs as "boring" is ridiculous (esp. coming from someone with 8000 hrs in tf2). your body (w/o roids) has an upper limit on the amount of exercise you can do and see benefit. basically, each additional set has a bit of diminishing returns. these guys arent spending all day in the gym, they carve out a comparatively larger portion of their week sure, but even then they can become physically herculean without abandoning pursuits or interests outside of the gym.

posted about 9 years ago
#45 Dad bods (Bodybuilding 2015) in Off Topic
PankeymanWould it be a good idea to get a kinda chubby gf and try and help her become a Fit Tit?

i think that choosing a gf with the goal of "improving" them is kind of fucked up. not that youre a bad person, but i just dont think the goal of a romantic relationship should ever be to fix someone.

DrPloxoYou COULD embrace it and enjoy the comfy life.
You COULD not care about it.
But instead, you really, really want them sexy, cut boys.
Heterosexuality in America, folks.

theres nothing comfy about being out of shape and overweight. i think that bodytype is pretty much defined by feeling ill at ease during summer when youre sweaty and gross and worried about people looking at you or being invited to swim

hell, ive never been fat but ive been out of shape and its just a terrible lifestyle choice. by not pushing yourself your body sets its upper limit as the average day, so anytime you have to walk up more stairs than usual youre awkwardly winded and because the sensation is so foreign youre even shitty at catching your breath once youve lost it.

i think most people who attempt to rationalize being fat do it because they view a disconnect between their body and mind, that their mind is their "true self", the being they choose to cater to and maximize the pleasure of. but you're more than a disembodied mind, the body you drag along is not some unfortunate carcass only persisting because we havent advanced far enough to replace it.

Hallowi dont get the frustration, dad bods are attractive to me as well, being fit just comes with a boring ass lifestyle

being fit is easy and non-invasive. 30 min a day, 3x a week is all thats required to not be fat. that and some modicum of control over your diet. if you really cant make sacrifices on the dietary side its still not a problem because you can simply choose to be more active instead. one of the reasons being unfit is so repulsive is what it betrays about the fundamental type of person they are in the worst way.

one of the keys of a successful life is an ability to recognize the self as not just your present self, but also the compilation of future and past selves. i dont think anyone honestly views being healthy and fit as less important than the time required in an absolute sense (this is why new years resolutions centering around fitness are so common) but today is never the day, right now never the time because theyre too busy or there are other things they would rather do (why resolutions fail at alarmingly high rates). its that systemized compromise (sacrificing future benefit for present gain even if the disconnect between the two is massive) that is really repulsive. its that attitude that leaves dirty dishes in the sink, a thin layer of dust over everything, and maybe most importantly: allowing a relationship to descend to shit because they can be HARD sometimes. because telling your partner that you disagree, or wish they would help out in some places, is HARD to do. but its also fucking NECESSARY, just like exercising is fucking NECESSARY if you want to be viewed as anything but a brute animal.

im out

posted about 9 years ago
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