We (TFTV mods) were ignorant of what the actual context was until it came out and we apologize for pre-emptive nuking. Now that we have not only confirmed Samski is physically okay and not at risk of self-harm, as well as confirmed the context of what was actually going on, we are not defending Samski for his words against Puoskari, given the context of Puoskari's history and the insensitivity of Samski's words
It is on Samski to decide how he wants to go from here, whether he still chooses to distance from the community, or publicly / privately will apologize to Puoskari, as well as if Puoskari does demand an apology, and however leagues would like to react
Additionally, we will make sure to review content more as we do have a nuke offensive content rule and Samski's comments fall under the No Personal Attacks rule. But because Cat/Krafty were not Samski, we will refocus that rule to direct postings from OP in terms of context
Please do attempt to stay civil in this conversation.