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Signed Up August 2, 2014
Last Posted August 4, 2019 at 2:38 PM
Posts 74 (0 per day)
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#5698 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Some stuff I've worked on over the last few months on and off.

1, 2

And a small follow up on the last thing I posted here.

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posted about 5 years ago
#14 HUD Creation Competition #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Was wondering when or if one of these would pop up again.

I've been working on a decent chunk of stuff, and was looking for a reason to actually release it, but the requirements for this competition have me a bit deflated. I think there are several higher priority things to include over the likes of relatively unplayed or niche gamemodes, and I figure that for a competition on the competitive TF2 forum, you'd rather just prioritize koth, 5cp, and stopwatch/payload.

Probably a bit of laziness on my part, but I think I'll sit this one out. Best of luck to anyone entering.

posted about 5 years ago
#5690 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization


posted about 5 years ago
#5685 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

finished some more stuff

posted about 5 years ago
#5681 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization



posted about 5 years ago
#14 keyboard thread in Hardware

Masterkey S (GMK WoB) (Cherry Reds)


Keycool 84 (KPrepublic funny weeb joke) (Gateron Reds)


thing (Cherry Clears)


posted about 6 years ago
#11 worst config thread in Customization
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posted about 6 years ago
#38 uwui in Customization

The customization folder holds a bunch of files with self-explanatory names that should shave down on editing time if you intend to change anything related to them. It also holds all of the default values, and is integral for HUD functionality.

The extra custom files just have a few preset styles (album) as well as some individual files. To use any of these, you'll want to rename the file to remove the parenthesis (and what's between them) and replace the default file in the default customization folder.

posted about 6 years ago
#34 uwui in Customization

The only way I know this problem arises is when you're missing the customization folder in the main HUD folder.

I've rechecked the github and I can't seem to find anything I'm missing otherwise.

posted about 6 years ago
#27 uwui in Customization

I redid those at some point. I wasn't really satisfied with how they looked compared to the rest of the HUD.

Other stuff: I've fixed the font loading issue (I think), redone payload, and also started work on MvM (it shouldn't be completely busted now).

Proper screenshots of payload race + new control points:

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posted about 6 years ago
#25 uwui in Customization

Just put up a fix for the jetpack, should work properly now as well as the Phlog.


Went ahead and deleted those, as I believe they weren't used.

posted about 6 years ago
#22 uwui in Customization

I accidentally pushed a version missing a file to github for a bit, should be fixed if you redownload.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 uwui in Customization

Try getting rid of mod_textures.txt in the scripts folder.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 uwui in Customization
claravery nice hud. only thing i didn't seem to find are custom crosshairs, does it have any and i'm just missing it? i've become way to used to M0rexhairCircle from m0rehud

I'll look into adding some and dropping a file for it into customization.

collydoes this hud work on 320x240 in dx 71

only dx75 sorry

TailorTFLast time I used it, there was no button for the in-game party chat. Am I just stupid?

I don't really pub, so I honestly just forgot about in-game party chat. I'll see about re-adding it and polishing the rest of the casual queue stuff, but it's a pretty low priority to me personally.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 uwui in Customization



more screenshots

The main goal of making this HUD was implementing the customization system I've put into the it, allowing for simple, but normally time-consuming edits to be done fairly quickly. I also sort of tried to make it look good and feel good to use.

Inside resource/customization is a set of files that can be changed and reloaded in-game (besides the colors).
I have some more in-depth explanations in the files themselves, but I made an album of screenshots to demonstrate the file spacer.res in particular.

Another benefit is that I'm extremely unlikely to change how these files work, so updating the HUD should be as simple as re-downloading and dropping your own customizations folder in to replace the defaults.
It should also make sharing edits really easy.


  • INSTALL THE FONTS IN resource/fonts PLEASE
  • specifically designed for 6s (compatible w/ hl + pubs)
  • HUD should be compatible with dxlevel 8 or 9 and I believe I've done enough to make it compatible with different aspect ratios
  • specifically meant to be used with English text, some things won't look right without it
  • some game modes haven't been properly retouched (I'll try to work on those soon)

Inspiration taken from various sources.
Huge shoutout to colly for the white killfeed icons and bouncing ideas back and forth with me.
Specific thanks to omni, Nokk, and wiet for various other forms of help.


posted about 6 years ago
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