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Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted July 27, 2014 at 2:19 AM
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#702 yahud in Customization
ExMachinaA minor thing, but the respawn timer and "___ team wins!" overlap.

Thanks, I lowered it for now :)

yttriumIn the loadout menu, while you can left click and drag the player model to rotate, you can also right click and drag to zoom in/out and middle click and drag to reposition. Something tells me that isn't intended.

It's mostly for the free view, not sure if there's a way to restrict the zooming and dragging, but I don't really see a point in limiting it, might as well give the full freedom to the user :) The free view itself was requested a couple of times.

Namelesss YES! thank you whayay! the fonts work perfectly. at least for me anyway :) thank you again

Glad to hear!

I did some more work on the core of the HUD:

- Moved damage number and added outline to floating damage numbers
- Adjusted font sizes of main numbers
- Tweaked killfeed (tentative)

posted about 10 years ago
#696 yahud in Customization

All noted :) I changed the KOTH timers now, they clipped with the circles at the top, now they will go behind the circles.
Could you explain the bug? I can't find any issues when I equip my sapper.

And another small update:

- Changed KOTH timer
- Tweaked all other timers and score counters
- Updated CTF pointer materials
- Changed vaccinator HUD (removes the option for shadows but looks clean now)
- New respawn timer with custom font


posted about 10 years ago
#694 yahud in Customization

I added Mac OS font files now, let me know if they work :)

posted about 10 years ago
#693 yahud in Customization

* no2: Do you mean the class selection menu? Or the actual loadout menu where you swap out your presets?

* no3: I like your suggestions, but I think the spy menu is fine to be honest. I don't find the numbers to be particularly small.

* no4: I've been thinking about doing icons, especially for the class selection and I made some in FontForge (which is a pain).


I will definitely consider adding in icons if you make some, but they would probably have to be in font form, so that I can also use the for the class selection. I am still undecided on this whole thing.

* no5: I had to move the KOTH timers, since they were clipping with the new winpanel. I'm not sure what you mean with the standard round timer, could you clarify?

posted about 10 years ago
#689 yahud in Customization
Chrom3w0lfAnyone have a copy of 5MD they can upload for me?

The beauty of git, you can always go back!

jakeowatyAny chance on updating 5MD with as few changes? I've been using yahud for a year now and I'm dead used to the old style of it. :P

I'm working on 5MD and CMYK right now.

posted about 10 years ago
#683 yahud in Customization
LangeThat has to be done in the actual C++ code for AdvSpec. I'll ping Blue to let him know that you want that to get publicly released.blueeboom

As a small note to other HUD makers that want a custom style, this was done as a one-off for TotH; the lack of updates from me has been because I'm trying to find a way to avoid adding more crap to this file.

Thanks guys :)

I'll keep this thread up to date with fixes/updates for a while.

I finally got to do the Pip-Boy (thanks to boots for lending me his Pip-Boy)


(I also pushed a quick fix for a bug on the item pickup screen.)

posted about 10 years ago
#681 yahud in Customization

Sorry for the delay, it kept messing up the upload.
fl version is now live

tophunice tournament menu. glad to see the circles back, i missed them :> gave the hud a uniqueness which made me swap over in the first place.

one tiny thing that's been bothering for a while though is that ctf intel arrow. are those supposed to be off-white?

CTF still needs work and I will also update those pointers. They sadly don't work with sv_pure anyways.

shiznoi just want the original version of yaHUD

Which original one? The very first one was a very messy mix. If you mean the later white versions... then there might be some hope :S

takramOh my, praise him! I didn't see 3d player models included in screenshots -- is this still an option? Also, I think I saw medi-gun labels/percentages (advspec plugin with outlines/advantages/medicinfo) during toth and it was themed with the yAhud being used -- is there any chance that can be included? I make use of that plugin all the time and have no idea where to start editing files to match that.

I've been away from yAhud the past few months, but I'll be using it once again because your hud's always been a favorite. Flawless scoreboard and you always include extras like the bonus health cross (tf2 style, not transparent) that I love.

Thank you for your hard work, whayay

3D models are still there
I don't have any of the files, but I can ask Lange if he can give them to me.
Keep in mind that this release has very few options as of now, I plan on adding them after the next couple of new versions.

reddwhayayUpdate time!awesome!
any possibility on a lower version of fl hud?
could we also have an orange TOTH colorscheme?

Won't happen, sorry. The color for TotH was RGB (243, 116, 36), so if you want you can insert that into the clientscheme.res file in /resource/ under "FlavorBG".

posted about 10 years ago
#675 yahud in Customization

Update time!

This is another (I think it's the 4th time now) complete overhaul of the HUD. The successors to 5MD and CMYK are still in the works.

This is the initial commit and equivalent to a beta release, there might be some bugs. Please submit bug reports and any issues you see on GitHub. I will also read this thread and listen to feedback, especially regarding the game menus.

The font switch is for avoiding cut-offs at certain resolutions and might enable Mac support at a later point.

I took in most of the changes that I made to the flv version for Tip of the Hats and created a new spectator interface based on that.

I also went back to the old circle style for score counters and the team menu, I guess everything comes full circle again at some point (hehe, sorry).
I'm personally really happy with the new tournament ready up that came as a result of this.


Besides that I've changed some commonly requested stuff, such as adding the killstreak display on the winpanel, centering the freezecam and adding other sensible defaults.

Screenshots of the fl version: http://imgur.com/a/OBoDr

Download: https://github.com/whayay/yahud


Full update log

Updated fl (previously flv)

- added "teamless", gray version

- Circles are back
- New team menu and tweaked other menus
- New scoreboards & winpanels
- New tournament setup
- Arena and CTF interface changed accordingly

- New spectator HUD
- Adopted spectator interface changes from TotH version (thanks to Lange for feedback)
- Large charge indicator for medics, increased font size
- Other tweaks (spacing, colors & transparency)

- New, centered freezecam

- New game menus with updated backpack and loadout pages

- Changed font to Futura (might enable mac support in the future, thanks go out to OMP)
- Repositioned/re-done everything
- Created new number-only fonts for timer
- Updated scoreboard, now showing a regular legend again
- Removed loads of all caps
(let me know if you find any alignment issues)

- MvM fixes
- New MvM scoreboard
- Tweaked MvM ready up
- Changed MvM counters (money now on the top left)

- Minor changes
- New item quickswitch
- Changed KOTH & Stopwatch timers
- You can now click anywhere to continue on the map intro screens (fullscreen button)
- Cleaned up main menu (removed welcome & version number / changed various buttons)
- Removed old team indicator in 2D mode (conflicted with killstreak count)

- Even smaller changes
- Tweaked loading screen and intro menu layout & fixed loading screen issues
- Tweaked counters (Chargin' Targe, Frontier Justice etc)
posted about 10 years ago
#1947 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
TreshIt looks really nice, but I don't think you can make the labels look like they are on an angle.

It is theoretically possible with custom materials or font tinkering but it's REALLY unpractical.

posted about 10 years ago
#673 yahud in Customization

The HUD is still functional for everything besides MvM atm.
You can always check the GitHub commits for updates.

I might have an update for next week, which will include some of the changes I've made for the TotH HUD.

posted about 10 years ago
#53 Tips for airshotting in TF2 General Discussion

mid air mod. tryhardbrigade still has an EU server.

posted about 10 years ago
#655 yahud in Customization

The HUD is updated for killstreak stuff. The winpanel does not show the killstreaks atm, this might change in the future.
trog sent me files for it 2 months ago. All I did was push the changes, since I didn't even have a setup to test with :/

I'm also pretty sure that MvM is broken, but I have no idea if I'll get to changing that.

rQwireFinally moving on to the newer version of yahud and having a weird problem with the FLV crosshair. I moved the white part out of the way to show this small black outlines around the center: http://i.imgur.com/5hN9gq3.jpg
How do I remove it?

I have no idea what's causing that... Did you do a complete HUD reinstall or did you migrate between the two HUDs?

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Editing ya hud freeze cam stuff in Customization

A centered freeze cam is already part of the alt files.

posted about 11 years ago
#640 yahud in Customization
T0mHow would I go about removing the triangle what tells you what team you're on in the bottom right corner of the screen?

It's in HudPlayerClass.res.

posted about 11 years ago
#500 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
tophufollow-up to my last post, just wanted to show off control points :x


i liked the borderless ones from before better since they themed well with yahud, but alas they were broken on most a/d cp maps (like steel or gpit)

Nice! I might add this as an option, if you're ok with that.

posted about 11 years ago
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