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Signed Up July 2, 2014
Last Posted October 16, 2023 at 8:35 AM
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#9 who my duo (overwatch2) ((masters going for GM elo in Other Games

when u want to build a family together but all he wants to do is smokeing weed on cam in discord with his firends and sharing hoe stories :(

posted about a year ago
#23 thoughts on this dudes mechanics? in TF2 General Discussion

any thoughts on the Belgian healthcare system

posted about a year ago
#7 Who is the best medic? in TF2 General Discussion

probs LOLGUY

posted about 2 years ago
#50 Harassment in the community in TF2 General Discussion
nutbeansshit's fucking mental, i reckon they've never touched something green


posted about 2 years ago
#44 Harassment in the community in TF2 General Discussion
troyirelandwhy is jeven calling zoey a psycho lol, few years ago he told me that he feels tempted to go to his school bully's house and break in with a bat, beat up his entire family and burn the house down, was being totally genuine about it too also when hes not harassing zoey hes stalking and trying to befriend femboys because of their voice and then calls them princess and shit, but zoey is da psycho and da freak.

looks like someone was projecting this whole time
https://imgur.com/a/VqjU94E (jeven on my steam profile btw)

posted about 2 years ago
#11 Harassment in the community in TF2 General Discussion

jeven the type of loser to have so little going on in his life he spends his days interacting with people playing a game he's banned from

posted about 2 years ago
#123 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion
RahmedThis is a bit off topic but just my short experience with this loser
For some reason, he had developed a problem with me before i69 and at first I was a bit taken back. I didn't know what usual cringe shit I did pissed him off but I didn't care too much. Soon after at i69 I went over to his desk to try and make peace with him, try and turn over a new leaf but he responded with him being a troll and just returned back to his seat - one of the the only people that refused to sign my shirt.

I'm glad he didn't. That is all

I'm also glad the predator didn't sign your shirt, Rahmed. What a relief for the tf2 community.

posted about 2 years ago
#111 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion

for anyone in the UK (I think the Isle of Man falls under UK jurisdiction?) there is a lot of information to be found here on how to report: https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/How-can-CEOP-help-me-YP/.

While uberchain's experience sounds horrible and unfair, I think (hope!) the UK's judicial system does a better job at protecting whistleblowers. Either way have a read through it if you feel you could help.

posted about 2 years ago
#155 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion
where did you get that screenshot?
Loads of people have that screenshot man you need to tell your best friend Hzl to stop typing shit like this and prolly stop getting alfa to merc for your open highlander team cause that’s pretty weird too

where did you got it from?

are you broken?

posted about 2 years ago
#94 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion
eunoia_neTi'd like to point out that coyo was "mentoring" a lot of new (and more importantly young) players in the scene. building projects for them and demo reviewing them. i know it's just a video game, but he was definitely abusing a position of power to get close to children who were impressed with the fact that he was a "prem" player and were eager to learn from him and use him as a jumping pad to higher divisions. imagine if some championship footballer was being like this to 17 year old aspiring footballers keen to learn from him.

I think it's really important to stress here that he seemed to endear them to him especially by talking about their "potential" and selling them a dream (one that was believable given that he played in the higher divisions) which then made them dependent on him to achieve said dream. It's manipulation 101 and the fact that it can so easily happen because you can literally dm anyone and apart from those two people nobody will know is kind of frightening.

I also feel the scale of tf2 might make it easier for groomers to manipulate children (not sure if this is true) because unlike bigger games tf2 has a lot more spaces where high level/respected players interact with newer and often younger players. Maybe having some kind of vetting when it comes to mentors in newbie servers etc would be good but I have no idea how you would realistically implement that without going full-blown police state. It seems some people here had bad experiences with coyo, but I do not get the sense any of them would have known enough to warn against him being a mentor to so many newer players for example...

posted about 2 years ago
#5 It's not hard to be tf2easy in News
Manwithnolegsnasboii and nubbi are the biggest roadman on LAN

they took away the man's legs, but they could never take away his ability to make awful posts

posted about 2 years ago
#45 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion
jeven99wheatchampionJust because you are a member of the same community and you share a digital space does not give you license to voyeuristically theorise about someone else's mental state or whether their life is rewarding or not.wheatchampionI couldn't care less about your default L, stop playing double scrims 5 days a week and go touch some grasswheatchampionyes being good at videogame > being non-bigoted, great point and truly the philosophy of someone leading a fulfilling life

oh yeah I'm a massive hypocrite I realised that when typing it out, but at least I don't try to pscyhoanalyse your behaviour jeven I just think you're a racist cunt

posted about 2 years ago
#42 b4nny discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I think you are really breaching into armchair psychologist territory here. Having watched some of the VOD I agree his behaviour in pugs is problematic and, frankly, sad, but that's about the only conclusion you can reasonably draw from the footage. If that makes playing with him unenjoyable then you can either not play with him or try to reason with him, although the latter has proven to be nearly impossible. All of this makes sense and seems productive moving forward. Simply change or stop your interactions with him if you care.

What doesn't seem productive, however, are long discussions about the mental state/life of a person you do not know personally. That is not me defending b4nny's behaviour, but reading all these efforts to psychoanalyse b4nny is painful. At best, it feels like a misguided attempt to help and at worst it comes across as you building up your own life by judging someone else's. Just because you are a member of the same community and you share a digital space does not give you license to voyeuristically theorise about someone else's mental state or whether their life is rewarding or not. Please stick to talking about his behaviour in-game, anything else is unproductive and really won't make a difference it just makes you sound pretentious. (And yes I am aware that this post probably sounds fucking pretentious on my end as well dw)

posted about 2 years ago
#25 etf2l bs in TF2 General Discussion
scratchhwheatchampionmasterTF2wheatchampionmaster you're literally known for dropping hard r n-word bombs all over the place shut the fuck up
yeah cuz me saying n word in some scrims 1/2+ years ago has something to do with getting defaulted in my official
I'm just pointing out you're a hypocrite for saying "we got called the n-word for no reason" when you've done the same and even recently got banned for a season due to racist behaviour.
I couldn't care less about your default L, stop playing double scrims 5 days a week and go touch some grass
telling people to stop scrimming and go touch grass on the competitive tf2 gaming forum where everyone scrims 5 days a week

it's hard to hear I know x

posted about 2 years ago
#15 etf2l bs in TF2 General Discussion
masterTF2wheatchampionmaster you're literally known for dropping hard r n-word bombs all over the place shut the fuck up
yeah cuz me saying n word in some scrims 1/2+ years ago has something to do with getting defaulted in my official

I'm just pointing out you're a hypocrite for saying "we got called the n-word for no reason" when you've done the same and even recently got banned for a season due to racist behaviour.
I couldn't care less about your default L, stop playing double scrims 5 days a week and go touch some grass

posted about 2 years ago
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