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Signed Up July 2, 2014
Last Posted October 16, 2023 at 8:35 AM
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#108 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events
h0b5t3rWill ETF2L follow the lead of UEFA and IIHF?

"I think I don't need to explain that situation in Eastern Europe is currently very tense and we are all worried about the events in Ukraine and we hope all our players, their families and everyone else are safe and sound. We can only hope this conflict gets resolved soon and with as little impact to people possible.

In light of recent events the question has been raised whether we are going to disallow players from Russia and Belarus from participating in our competitions. Our current decision is that there will be no ban on players from the aforementioned countries. This decision is mainly motivated by the fact that ETF2L has been and always will be a place away from politics where players can just come and play TF2. We don't believe that a player should be banned from playing just because he was born in a certain country. Now let it be very clear that any hate bearing/offensive/provoking discussions or conversation (from both sides) will be strictly prohibited and punished as necessary, the whole staff will be extra vigilant in this matter. Understandably everyone has an opinion about the current situation and while we're all quite nervous about the situation it is important we remain respectful towards one another."
Staff posted this in the discord

posted about 3 years ago
#9 anyone in london on the 27th in World Events

my covid-19 infection suddenly lifted, I can come hang

posted about 3 years ago
#3 anyone in london on the 27th in World Events

Me, I got stranded in London for the holidays.
Come down if you want a taste of that sweet, sweet omicron. You won't be worrying about flick snaking you when the fever hits.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 ETF2L S40 GF: Witness Gaming EU vs. Ora Elektro in Matches

prem is dead

posted about 3 years ago
#13 Spylander in Projects

where did you find the inspiration for this

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Give Iusti a proper PC in TF2 General Discussion

I also play on a computer that gives me an average of 30 fps and I would also like your money, internet

posted about 3 years ago
#28 Reptile’s team in 2007 vs open team in TF2 General Discussion
CollaidewheatchampionIf you look at fragmovies from 2007, for example, you are shown shots that you can see the average pub player pull off these days. Can somebody link som frag movies from back then? It'd be interesting to watch

Editing-wise this old broder one slaps too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fCpAuxrQ_I

posted about 3 years ago
#27 Reptile’s team in 2007 vs open team in TF2 General Discussion
CollaidewheatchampionIf you look at fragmovies from 2007, for example, you are shown shots that you can see the average pub player pull off these days. Can somebody link som frag movies from back then? It'd be interesting to watch

This one is pretty cool still

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Reptile’s team in 2007 vs open team in TF2 General Discussion

The meta has evolved so much and DM has radically increased since those days, so I take it the open team would win granted they aren't complete newbies. If you look at fragmovies from 2007, for example, you are shown shots that you can see the average pub player pull off these days. People have gotten a lot better DMwise, which makes sense. That being said, it's a bit of a pointless comparison to make as it does not account for the inherent talent those players had. To be that good at the game that early in its development required a great amount of skill and you can't really factor that into comparisons like these because they work on the assumption Reptile and his teammates have been stuffed into a cryogenic freezer until now.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 1st date tips in TF2 General Discussion
PatrickBatemandepends on the type of elo
if chess, good
if videogames. bad

mf if you spend your first date bragging about chess (or anything at all), you've already taken an L

posted about 3 years ago
#14 twitch.tv hacked, change your passwords in Off Topic

The leak does not include money from donations, merch, youtube videos, sponorships etc. So in reality a lot of these streamers are even wealthier than the stats suggest.

posted about 3 years ago
#19 Good medic streamers in TF2 General Discussion
meyywheatchampionits a hud edit, [HUD]->resource->ui->targetID
look for TargetDataLabel and for most huds you can just change the font size. ur fonts to go from are in ClientScheme.res in resource folder. this also increases visibility on a medic you are being healed by uber% and building health for engie

and I recommend removing the "Ubercharge:" label by going into chat_english also in resource and changing most targetID values. these are mine

Thanks, meyy! I'll check it out and look forward to your streams in the future :)

posted about 3 years ago
#17 Good medic streamers in TF2 General Discussion

Also side note, watching dank's vod I noticed he had customised his HUD so the opposing medic's ubercharge/health is enlarged to make it easier to read with the Solemn Vow. Anyone know the command to make that happen?
(reference: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1143275431?t=0h19m51s)

posted about 3 years ago
#16 Good medic streamers in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks, people, I have sent them some follows. Good to see there are some out there! Mostly looking for those with VODs because as a dirty euro I can't watch US or Aussie streamers live.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Good medic streamers in TF2 General Discussion

Where they at? I feel like there is a distinct lack of medic gameplay being streamed and I find twitch streams a great way to better understand a class. Any recommendations welcome!

posted about 3 years ago
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