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Signed Up July 2, 2014
Last Posted October 16, 2023 at 8:35 AM
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#9 etf2l bs in TF2 General Discussion

master you're literally known for dropping hard r n-word bombs all over the place shut the fuck up

posted about 2 years ago
#64 Time to vote on the 8th in World Events
jeven99Rebite:)u sound mad

you can't even vote on etf2l's map polls

posted about 2 years ago
#127 TF2 player vocabulary in TF2 General Discussion
jeven99wheatchampionjeven991984This user is permanently banned from ETF2L.
This user has been banned from the forum and comments. This ban will not expire.
u still on my dick???

u still here?

posted about 2 years ago
#120 TF2 player vocabulary in TF2 General Discussion

This user is permanently banned from ETF2L.
This user has been banned from the forum and comments. This ban will not expire.

posted about 2 years ago
#1238 Vent your anger in Off Topic

sorry we can hug it out if you want

posted about 2 years ago
#22 match povs w/ comms in Videos
jeven99You already know I stream every match.

please stream your etf2l officials in 2037 jeven, the fans are waiting

posted about 2 years ago
#124 FROYO medic in TF2 General Discussion

I find it hard to find any apology made under public pressure sincere. If you had truly changed, you would have apologised before you showing remorse became dependent on you furthering your tf2 "career." But I guess any attempt to change and be better, even if for the wrong reasons, is better than none. If anything, the way b4nny has handled it is the most depressing, surely he has a pick of equally capable medics who are not bigoted?

posted about 2 years ago
#68 FROYO medic in TF2 General Discussion
unknownplayerI like how people trash talking ex cheaters/racists for being bad player but in reality the people who did this are the real shitters of the game and cheaters/racists becomes better players than them

yes being good at videogame > being non-bigoted, great point and truly the philosophy of someone leading a fulfilling life

posted about 2 years ago
#5 "didn't i ban you" - a moratorium in Off Topic

b4nny doesn't deserve you

posted about 2 years ago
#33 What looks more impressive in TF2 General Discussion
jeven99wheatchampion10 years of open

remember when I roasted you for being banned and still wasting your time on here and you responded by writing the n-word on my steam profile? yeah that was cool

posted about 2 years ago
#26 What looks more impressive in TF2 General Discussion
scrabNo arguments? Not surprised

And remember quad was doing this before 120+ hz LCD monitors went mainstream, and before modern ultra-light and ultra-accurate mice

He was basically sitting in a cave playing TF2 with sticks and rocks. And he was doing things kids these days still can't do, even with their $200 finalmouse and 1000 hours in kovaaks aim trainer

You're free to disagree, but I'm right.

On a serious note, I don't even know why you're turning this into an argument/getting defensive? The thread literally asks what looks more impressive. It's an inherently subjective question and you're nerding out about a player you (rightfully!) admire.

Also if we are talking media and our enjoyment of media, historical context is, in my opinion, irrelevant. Yes, I can watch a Reptile fragmovie from way back and that is technically impressive given the context in which he was playing, but I wouldn't say I enjoy watching him hit single airshots on players that did not know how to strafe yet. I would rather watch Soapymeister consistently hit nutty airshots on the best players in the world right now because that speaks to my imagination. That is the current peak of tf2 and that is what I find impressive currently. The bar will keep shifting, shots we found impressive ages ago look bland now etc. Nobody here is arguing quad's tracking isn't impressive especially given the time, but that doesn't mean I find it as impressive or enjoyable to watch as toemas's granary expert video.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 What looks more impressive in TF2 General Discussion
scrabSurnyidk I was only ever really impressed by quad pistol scout when I was like 16 and first found out you can track things with your mouse

This vid is like 10 years old and I've still never seen anything as impressive in TF2 as his tracking on the scout and medic at 1:36

Literally anyone can hit a lucky airshot or series of meatshots by randomly flailing their mouse around. How many players could track like quad could?

ok boomer

posted about 2 years ago
#6 i69 camerawork in LAN Discussion
BlackOutJonWe do not have a cheat feed running at i69 as we're using a 0 second SourceTV delay.
The reason for this is to be able to get live reactions from players where possible and for the crowd to have the best live experience.
Additionally during the grand final which will be on tomorrow on the esports stage, we definitely cannot have a sourcetv delay during that period due to the flow of the show so that also factors into not using one during the rest of the event.

This makes sense, although I have yet to see any live reactions, but I am guessing that will come once we get on the stage? Either way, thank you for the detailed answer and keep up the good work!

posted about 2 years ago
#1 i69 camerawork in LAN Discussion

Before casting any stones, I want to compliment i69's production team for setting up what has (apart from some hick-ups at the start) been a fairly smooth and well-organised LAN. The casting has been good, the analysis has been great, and all in all I have had a pleasant experience watching.

At the same time, however, I find myself feeling a bit underwhelmed with the matches and I'm not sure whether others share this sentiment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not owed anything as a viewer and I am just happy to be spectating the first international tf2 LAN in years, but it still got me wondering why I feel less engaged watching these games than watching the latest RGL LAN. After doing some thinking, I came to the conclusion it probably came down to the camerawork.

So I had some questions!
1. Is a cheat feed being used at i69 the same way it was at RGL? I get the sense we often miss key plays during games, sometimes even watching another player watch their teammate hit an incredible shot, a perspective that can be quite frustrating as a viewer.
2. If not, is there a possibility of using a cheat feed?

If this is impossible for technical reasons, it literally cannot be helped and we just have to make peace with that. It would be impossible for anyone to expect an observer to catch every key moment/play/airshot. There is only so much you can do when there are 12 gamers on a server all shooting each other. I just feel like there are some tools available to add some additional hype to an event that is a very special one (sex number) and it appears they are either not being used at all or not to their greatest potential.

Apologies if this sounds ungrateful (promise I am not!), I am just curious about the ins and out of production and what could be done differently on the camera front.

Thank you and keep up the good work, it is much appreciated.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 eu top 100 in TF2 General Discussion

brexit ruined it

posted about 2 years ago
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