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Last Posted October 16, 2023 at 8:35 AM
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#27 McDonald's in Off Topic

Guess I can't grasp all this enthusiasm cuz I'm European

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Hip-Hop History Orchestrated in Music, Movies, TV

I enjoyed it! Title's a bit fucked tho, don't really consider Anaconda part of hip hop history, let alone fucking Harlem Shake haha

posted about 9 years ago
#86 holy city shooting in Off Topic
hooliAt first glance it makes sense, less guns means less murders right? People will point to the UK and say the US 11 times the amount of homicides. That's true but if you take population into consideration the UK is way more violent than the US. If you look at FBI crime stats for 1992-2011 you can see that in 2011 the US had a violent crime rate of 386.3 and a murder rate of 4.7 per 100k inhabitants. Now let's take a look at crime stats England and Wales alone. On page 11, you can see that England/Wales has had 762,515 violent crimes in 2011. Their population is 56mil so they have a violent crime rate (per 100k) of 1361, that's 3.5 times the US rate in 2011.

What’s interesting about the US, is that gun ownership is highest where violence is the lowest; whites own more guns than blacks, older>young, rich>poor, rural>urban. If you believe less gun control leads to more violence you'd expect the exact opposite. Turns out people are less likely to go shooting people when they know there's a chance people will shoot back. Do you think this Dylan Roof guy could've gotten the chance to kill 9 people if there were people in the vicinity that were able to shoot back? No way.

No matter how you look at it I think we can agree that people with ill-intent will always be able to acquire guns and gun control laws only harm the law abiding citizen. Yes, some innocent people will die due to lax gun laws but in the grand scheme of things they protect more lives than they take away in the context of pedestrian life.

Also if you look at the stats I linked earlier you can see that in 1992 violent crime rate were 757.7 (per 100k inhabitants) and the murder rate 9.3. Fast forward to 2011, we have a crime rate of 386.3 and a murder rate of 4.7. That's a solid 50% reduction in both violent crime and murder. Homicide in the US has been on a steady decline since the 80s and is at an all-time low.

can't be bothered (don't think anyone on here can) to go through all those pages of statistics, but something seems off about the way you compared the data of England and Wales to the US. Wouldn't it be more productive to compare the murder rate per 100k citizens (cuz it's more about murder in this case than it is about crime in general really) in a major English city like London and the murder rate per 100k citizens in New York or another major city in the USA? This is just a hunch (I won't deny I don't know much about statistics so reject everything I said if you please), but isn't the fact that the US is a relatively less urbanised country than England something that should be taken into account when comparing stats?

posted about 9 years ago
#71 holy city shooting in Off Topic
AoshimawheatchampionThing is a dick is used for other purposes than harming people. A gun is solely designed for murdering. So yes, your analogy is wrong
I disagree. I think having a gun for competition, hunting, or even just because you like target shooting or collecting is a valid reason to have one.

I just also think that there are people who shouldn't have access to guns (one of which includes me), and the fact that in a lot of American states anyone can get a gun without any background checks or whatever just baffles me.

Still though, what defines a gun is that it renders a person the ability to shoot (and destroy) things. A gun that doesn't shoot bullets isn't a gun. A gun is a weapon, regardless of the way you choose to use it. When you hunt for sport, you kill animals. When you shoot targets, you destroy targets. When you collect guns, you collect them because their ability to destroy, the power that resonates from the weapon is something that attracts you. That's my point of view on it anyways. (even if you use your gun in a "peaceful" way, i.e. trying to scare a criminal away, the reason why you're effective is still because you're suggesting violence and the possibility to murder, which in my books is equally bad)

posted about 9 years ago
#66 holy city shooting in Off Topic
GetawhaleBumFreezeDicks don't do anything on their own either so your analogy was still entirely wrong.
My analogy wasn't wrong. Someone said "let's get rid of guns". I likened that to saying "let's get rid of dicks".

Thing is a dick is used for other purposes than harming people. A gun is solely designed for murdering. So yes, your analogy is wrong

posted about 9 years ago
#62 holy city shooting in Off Topic
dollarlayerTino_Also i really have to ask if you feel so unsafe around where you live that you HAVE to have equipment thats is specifically made to "protect" (kill) people why the fuck do you live there?
In 2006, Canada had a crime rate of 7,518 incidents per 100,000 people. Which would mean that you personally have a decent chance of running into a criminal. Although most crimes in the US and Canada are property related crimes, and much fewer are homicidal, I personally still like knowing that I can protect myself, my family and my property if needed. Do I ever want to have to use a firearm to protect myself? Hell no. But just having it would scare the shit out of any unarmed criminal.

What would you do if someone breaks into your house at night, or tries to steal your car or some other personal property? Chase them away with a garden hose?

I would say that yes, even in Canada that the crime rate is significant enough to concern yourself with your own protection and protection of your property. Lets say 7.5K of 100K, is roughly 8%. Lets assume that half of these cases result in some kind of confrontation with the criminal. So that would put the % at roughly 4% chance per year, or on average you will face a criminal once per ~25 years.

Oh and yes, overall crime rate is higher at around 11K per 100K in the US. Could part of that be perhaps because of the number of illegal immigrants in this country? I don't think Canada has near the border issues that we have.
Tino_if i was living in a place that i was so afraid of everyone around me i wouldn't stay there and try to justify it id fuckign leave.
I'm not afraid at all where I live. I live in a great neighborhood and sleep peacefully and never really fear crime. However the brainless mentality of not being prepared and thinking "that will never happen to me" is why many people will become victims when they could have otherwise prevented the incident in many cases. If you can't have a firearm for goodness sake at least have some kind of self defense at your home, weather that be your gradfathers golf club, a big bright heavy flashlight (like a maglite), some pepper spray (if legal in your area) etc.
Getawhalewheatchampionmaybe, just maybe, you shouldn't allow people to buy guns, America?
Rape is a big issue so let's cut off every man's dick

That's what you're saying

The problem is not the tool, it is the person. This applies to guns and dicks.
CHERRYCan't madman get a gun everywhere if he wants, especially if he has nothing to lose?
I know where to get a gun in Poland and we are ranked 141th in the number of guns per capita.

Yea there are always blackmarket sources in any country. You might have to pay 10x as much, but just about anyone with motive could figure out how to obtain one. A friend of mine that lived in the Philippians was telling me about how after living there for 2 years he knew how to illegally obtain a firearm and ammo. Was quite expensive but for a crazy person with a motive, it wouldn't stop them.

It's not about whether you're able to obtain a murdering machine or not, it's about how easy it is to obtain. Sure you can go about driving around in a massive truck and trying to run over people, but that's far more difficult than just mowing people down with a rifle. It's evident that there's a pretty big cultural difference between myself and the people arguing against me and it's nearly impossible to change someones beliefs, which besides I'm not trying to do at all. The point I was trying to make is that by making guns easier to obtain for a teenager, you allow things like this to happen on a more regular basis. I'm not saying that it would prevent crime or school shootings, but it would make potential murders think twice about their actions, as it would be way harder to obtain the required means for their crimes. You would create a very large hurdle for these people to get over first, as I belief getting in touch with an arms dealer (if, of course the ban on the possession of arms would be imposed properly - and that's a big if, I'm aware of that, but you invest so much money in your intelligence service etc I don't think it should be that big of an issue, I might be wrong though) isn't that simple, especially, whether you're a sociopath or not.

Apart from that, and I'm aware of the irony in this statement and the amount of shit I might take for it, your notion of freedom (i.e. the possibility to defend yourself with a gun if needed) differs from mine. Is it still freedom if it represses other people? Sure, you're free to own a gun, but because you have a gun, you put a limit on the freedom of other people, in a sense. Because anyone can get a gun, I'd better by a gun myself etc etc. You create a society riddled with paranoia, where literally everyone (I know this isn't 100 procent accurate, but I use this phrasing for the sake of the argument) has the possibility to murder someone in seconds.This to me, doesn't seem like a society where freedom reigns.

I know I'm exaggerating and I probably don't grasp what the loss of the ability to own guns would mean to an American citizen, because I'm not American myself and I have been raised in a country where guns aren't a part of everyday life. The point I was trying to make is that it's not about whether guns are to blame for the shootings, they aren't, a gun is an object, it's a human being that pulls the trigger, but that the availability of guns creates a society in which these things happen way easier.

posted about 9 years ago
#47 holy city shooting in Off Topic

why though, I mean I know it's in the constitution and it has a lot to do with the fact that your country was founded by the use of arms (settlers having to defend themselves against native Americans etc), but it's hard not to notice a correlation between the amount of school shootings etc and the fact that a large amount of your population is in the possession of something that is essentially a machine designed for murder.

posted about 9 years ago
#45 holy city shooting in Off Topic

maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't allow people to buy guns, America?

posted about 9 years ago
#90 Half of reason kicked in TF2 General Discussion
HergancirloJust Mike joined [R]... obviously he's gonna replace skeej, then!
That would be quite interesting to be honest

no it wouldn't

posted about 9 years ago
#65 yulin dog eating festival in Off Topic
hooliwait so its ok to eat cows, chicken, elk, bison, horses and ducks but not ok to eat dogs? why is that?
also there's no way the chinese are going to stop doing something they've done for hundreds of years just because a bunch of westerners don't think its ok.

what do you study? I'm curious as I study history myself and I tend to agree with most of the things you post.

posted about 9 years ago
#45 scary tf2 stories in Off Topic
Show Content
To prove I'm not playing around. This is my waifu folder, organized and such and such. Later this week I'm going to add another folder for my gifs to add to my total. But right now it approximates 770 image files.

did anyone ask for this

posted about 9 years ago
#4 ETF2L Premiership Week 3: 4-25 vs. Fenneks eSports in Events

Molesto is probably one of the greatest names ever

posted about 9 years ago
#64 i55 Fundraiser: Ascent + Froyotech! in News

come to think of it, if you swap a few players around on the tony's tigers roster you can easily get a European super team, although it sort off already is anyways.

Knoxxx on med, tek on pocket, zebbo and "tony the tiger" on scout, mike on roamer and numlocked or ryb on demo.

but hey, who am I

posted about 9 years ago
#5 SURF in Off Topic
FiZZiL#2 this worked for me

much love to you, kind sir

posted about 9 years ago
#2 SURF in Off Topic

"The item you've requested is not currently available in the Belgian Store, but it is available in the U.S. Store. Click Change Store to view this item."

fucking broke my spirits this morning.

any alternative site I can cop it?

posted about 9 years ago
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