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Signed Up July 2, 2014
Last Posted October 16, 2023 at 8:35 AM
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#13 ETF2L Premiership Week 2: Fenneks eSports vs. Tony's Tigers in Events
kKaltUuwheatchampiondrinking game: take a sip every time kr4tos says "like"you want people to go into coma?

I work for a hospital and this is how I get paid

posted about 9 years ago
#11 ETF2L Premiership Week 2: Fenneks eSports vs. Tony's Tigers in Events

drinking game: take a sip every time kr4tos says "like"

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Summer Reading? in Off Topic

I had this big post written down when my internet crashed, so I'll sum it up real quick here:

Anything by Borges, To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf (though I lost that book at a party because I forgot I was carrying it around with me in my coat so I haven't finished it), Beckett's trilogy (Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable) etc.

As for philosophy: Sein und Zeit by Heidegger, L'Etranger by Camus (though this is really more of a novel) as well as the stuff Foucault wrote on language and sexuality.

Translations are always going to be an issue when it comes to philosophy or anything really (see poststructuralism and shit), so unless you know French or German you'll have to compromise with most of these books.

Hope this was helpful, it seems like you already have some good books lined up for this summer.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Danger Dogs team logo competition in TF2 General Discussion

This was 100% created by my own artistic genius, so you don't have to worry about copyright. Considering most of these logos lacked a sense of sophistication, I went ahead and used zen-buddhist ink for this one. Hope you enjoy it.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 b4nny possessed on stream in The Dumpster

this is kinda sad in a way

posted about 9 years ago
#5 PC keeps freezing in Hardware

or you could just turn up the heating in your room

posted about 9 years ago
#51 MLG @ X-GAMES in CS2 General Discussion

haaaaa cloud 9

posted about 9 years ago
#5 TeaTime Team Frag Video in Videos

I know that from an aesthetic point of view damage numbers are a no-go, but I really love that you added them here. I feel damage numbers really help showcasing the skill on display. Great video, enjoyed it!

posted about 9 years ago
#6 How to dodge LAN: By ex-IBP in CS2 General Discussion

MLG... X-Games? Don't think e-sports qualify as an action sport.
Is this a publicity thing? I'm curious about how this came to be

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Weav.TV in Esports

Glad to see someone finally dedicating their time to give weaves the attention they deserve!


posted about 9 years ago
#53 New Years Resolutions in Off Topic
Foxlast year my resolution was to beat 20 games i haven't beaten before which i just barely accomplished

this year my resolution is to go running/walking at least 3 times a week for the whole year

gonna be fun!!!

There were times last year you didn't walk three times a week?

posted about 9 years ago
#69 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion

Considering I just realised this (and I know this probably has been said a hundred times but I tend to avoid posts like this because they usually lead to nowhere) let me spell out WHY expecting valve's support for the current 6v6 format is utopian.

If Valve would support competitive tf2 in it's current state that would eventually mean drawing more attention to it, right? More attention means reaching a broader audience, consisting of people new to the game etc etc.

These new players, who probably haven't spent any money on tf2, watch a stream and immediately (or eventually) notice that stock weapons are used almost exclusively. Considering it's natural for a new player to look up to a better player and try to imitate his or her playstyle in hopes of becoming a better player himself, this player will, hypothetically of course, try to play exclusively with the stock weapons as well. I reckon this is a process we've all been through before we entered competitive tf2. (correct me if I'm wrong)

So I reckon that in Valve's philosophy promoting 6v6 tf2 automatically leads to promoting not spending any money on the game (which is now free to play and relies on, amongst other things like hats, people buying weapons they think will give them an edge over other players). This of course, from a business point of view is pretty suicidal. Now, I know I might have drawn this to an extreme, but that's only to emphasise the point.

I'm not formulating my own opinion, I'm just trying to analyse WHY Valve wouldn't ever support 6v6 tf2 in its current state. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, nor that it's a good thing, just putting it out there.

(Excuse me if my English was a bit poor at times, I'm not a native-speaker)

posted about 9 years ago
#9 YOU'RE DEAD in Off Topic

got it on vinyl yesterday, it's amazing

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Fun things to do while under the influence? in The Dumpster

interact with people

posted about 10 years ago
#33 Because of you by Tooni in Videos
Tooniwheatchampionam I the only one who really disliked the music? Such a shame as well, because the frags and the editing are great.

But that song... It's so generic it hurts

the lyrics are really generic (i don't think anyone listens to c2c for the lyrics), but the rest of the song is very well done and quite original imo

Fair enough! It all comes down to taste, I suppose. Good luck in the contest, your video was great regardless!

posted about 10 years ago
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