Shut The Fuck Up. Shut Up.
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SteamID64 | 76561198256944043 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:296678315] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:148339157 |
Country | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Signed Up | December 26, 2015 |
Last Posted | December 10, 2024 at 3:39 AM |
Posts | 302 (0.1 per day) |
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im not EU so i wont experience any of these changes but im really happy with the gunboats always apply and projectiles ignore teammates plugins. hoping removing scout speed buff is a good idea and that rgl follows suit
1st med i played with, certified balla
had limited interactions with him but he taught me and my roamer at the time a bit about the game when we were new. seemed like a nice enough guy who liked teaching others
SpyromancerHe was dodging a rocket that wasn't even in his field of view the millisecond I fired it. At the very least he's got fov outside sv_pure settings.
You really want to tell me dodge hacks aren't something that could happen, considering all the bots current hacking people in the same pub server?
Spyromanceryou're a complete ass but the b4nny dictatorship needs competition
I'm conflicted
nice person, t6 jumper, & willing to commit. invest in him u wont regret it
Gritomasince half of the active players are explosive projectile based you might as well take every corner close so that you can kill them with self-damage
you've got a 50/50 on making a soldier kill himself from 60
if ur only playing the corner ur movements limited and it doesnt take much to take a 100 dmg direct or splash. i also feel like ur setting urself up for disaster if u have the mentality of trading rather than making advantages. thats why i dont like it when people only think of mirroring when strafe aiming, if ur rly better than what ur up against u should try to make it difficult for everyone to widen that disparity, mirroring does the opposite
very underrated player who's hated on for no good reason. could easily be mid main cuz of how dedicated he is.